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    Report: Power lines sparked massive Southern California fire (Thomas Fire)


    By CHRISTOPHER WEBER | Associated Press

    One of the largest fires in California history was sparked by Southern California Edison power lines that came into contact during high winds, investigators said Wednesday.

    The resulting arc ignited dry brush on Dec. 4, 2017, starting the blaze in Ventura and Santa Barbara counties that resulted in two deaths and blackened more than 440 square miles (1,139 square kilometers), according to the investigation headed by the Ventura County Fire Department.

    The arc “deposited hot, burning or molten material onto the ground, in a receptive fuel bed, causing the fire,” said a statement accompanying the investigative report.

    Southern California Edison didn’t immediately return a call seeking comment.

    The fire destroyed more than 1,000 structures before it was contained 40 days after it began near the city of Santa Paula. A firefighter and a civilian were killed.

    Read the rest of the story on Fox News

    Thomas Fire, Photograph by David Pu’u

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    Trump Dings Newsom For Disregarding California Voters When It Comes To The Death Penalty


    Evie Fordham | Politics and Health Care Reporter


    President Donald Trump tweeted Wednesday to weigh in on Democratic California Gov. Gavin Newsom’s Tuesday announcement that he would place a moratorium on all executions in his state.

    “Defying voters, the Governor of California will halt all death penalty executions of 737 stone cold killers,” Trump wrote on Twitter. “Friends and families of the always forgotten VICTIMS are not thrilled, and neither am I!” (RELATED: Trump Explains What He ‘Greatly’ Appreciates About Nancy Pelosi’s Statement)

    Newsom’s decision comes after California voters have rejected ballot measures to abolish capital punishment twice since 2014. Voters shot down a proposed end to the death penalty by 4 points in 2014 and 6.4 points in 2016, reported Politico. California voters even voted to fast-track death sentence appeals.

    Newsom cited discrimination against minorities and the poor and his Catholic background as the reasons why he “will not oversee the execution of any individual.”

    “Here is the bottom line: Our death penalty system has been — by any measure — a failure,” Newsom said in a statement, according to Politico. “It has discriminated against defendants who are mentally ill, black and brown, or can’t afford expensive legal representation. It has provided no public safety benefit or value as a deterrent. It has wasted billions of taxpayer dollars.”

    “But most of all, the death penalty is absolute, irreversible and irreparable in the event of human error,” he continued.

    California has the most death row inmates in the U.S., according to Politico.

    Newsom brought the death penalty to the forefront of public debate even though California has not executed a prisoner since 2006 after a federal judge ruled that the state’s three-drug lethal injection cocktail was unconstitutional, according to Politico. The state came up with a new lethal injection protocol in 2018 but has still been hamstrung by court challenges from the American Civil Liberties Union.

    Neighboring state Nevada faces a similar dilemma after lawsuits from pharmaceutical companies over use of their products in the lethal injection process pushed back an inmate’s execution date twice. Twice-convicted murderer Scott Raymond Dozier said he wanted to die and hanged himself in his cell in January before authorities were able to execute him.

    Newsom’s office made clear that the moratorium will not release any inmates or shorten their sentences, reported Politico. His office said the death penalty cost California more than $5 billion to administer since 1978 but did not result in better public safety or homicide rates.

    This is not the first time Trump has dinged Newsom on Twitter. The president demanded in February that California pay back the federal government for its abandoned high-speed rail project Newsom once touted.


    Follow Evie on Twitter @eviefordham.

    Send tips to [email protected].

















    KASSAM: The UK’s ‘No Deal’ Parliament Has Betrayed Britain

    Raheem Kassam | Contributor


    The news that Britain’s parliament rejected a “no deal” Brexit means the elected representatives of the people have officially snubbed the will of the people, arguably rendering them treasonous.

    Constitutionally, the public are sovereign through parliament and the monarch, but both halves of that whole have proven themselves unable or unwilling to see through the public’s will: Brexit. So we find ourselves in constitutional crisis.

    Does parliament have to be dissolved? Should someone let Her Majesty The Queen know she needs to use what little of her powers she has left? Will there be riots?

    Ideally, all the above. But likely? Not so much.

    Let it be a lesson to American readers that without recourse, the establishment can and will run roughshod over the people. That’s why your Second Amendment is so important. Not that I need to tell you that.

    But for Brexit, almost all is lost. And that’s what the Prime Minister Theresa May wanted all along anyway.

    She campaigned for the “remain” side during the referendum, and she’s still a Remainer. So are all of her staff. So are all of our bureaucrats and civil servants. Effectively, we’ve witnessed the greatest betrayal of people in Britain in the nation’s long and rich history. That is saying something.

    So what happens next, realistically?

    A delay to the Article 50 negotiating process — the mechanism by which Britain is leaving the European Union — is likely, though not definite.

    The government will be hoping for it, but the EU relies on unanimity amongst member states for that to happen. Hopefully the Hungarians, Italians, and the Poles will reject such a thing, meaning that on Mar. 29, Britain leaves the European Union by default, regardless of parliament’s expression of treason.

    Yes, it is complicated, but the another option perhaps adds simplicity: a general election.

    Following her inability to see through this process, Prime Minister May could feel (and should feel) unable to govern. Calling a general election would allow for the British public to vote for a party they feel could manage Brexit successfully, neuter it, or cancel it.

    I would of course prefer the first option, but another public say on the matter should be heeded. I happen to believe they’d prefer a harder Brexit, and that any party running on that platform would succeed.

    Finally, there’s always the option for another referendum. It would be a farce in a lot of ways (how many do we have?, but “leave” would win again, perhaps even by a bigger margin. And that would put the matter to rest forever.

    In the meantime, Americans should also be concerned about the whole process. The potential U.S.-UK trade deal that would emerge as a result of a real Brexit would be a major boost to both economies, as well as reorienting global power from an Anglospheric perspective.

    Unfortunately, just like in 1776, the British government is more concerned with exercising pointless control rather than furthering the efficacy of Western civilization.

    I apologize for and on behalf of my countrymen.

    Raheem Kassam (@RaheemKassam) is the global editor in chief of Human Events and a fellow at the Claremont Institute and the Middle East Forum. He is the author of two bestselling books: “No Go Zones” and “Enoch Was Right.”

    The views and opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not reflect the official position of The Daily Caller.

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    Dick’s Sporting Goods Going After Guns Again


    Scott Morefield | Reporter


    Dick’s Sporting Goods announced its decision Tuesday to stop selling guns at 125 of its over 700 stores.

    The retail outlet, which tested the idea of removing guns entirely from its stock in 10 of its stores in 2018, will expand that concept and use the space in those stores to sell what it considers faster-selling, higher-margin items like outdoor recreation equipment and licensed sports gear, the The Wall Street Journal reported.

    Indianapolis – Circa June 2016: Dick’s Sporting Goods Retail Location. Dick’s is an Authentic Full-Line Sporting Goods Retailer I


    Sales have declined steadily of late — down 3.1 percent for fiscal year end Feb. 2 — since CEO Ed Stack’s decision to implement anti-gun measures such as the exclusion of under-21 buyers and the elimination of so-called “assault-style” weapons and high-capacity magazines, and Stack has acknowledged those decisions as a key factor.

    However, although the company experienced a 2.2 percent decline in quarterly same store sales, the last quarter actually saw an increase in the 10 test stores, Stack told The Wall Street Journal. The selected gun-free stores will be in carefully selected markets where hunting isn’t as popular. (RELATED: Palmetto State Armory Gives Dick’s Sporting Goods A Swirly In The Locker Room)

    The move seems to be the retailer’s latest attempt to display its progressive stance on guns, and follows decisions such as that made by some stores to destroy their entire stock of AR-15s instead of returning them to their manufacturers.

    Follow Scott on Twitter

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    America Needs President Trump’s Climate Science Committee



    By John Droz

    Independent scientists must review alarmist “science” that is driving anti-fossil fuel policies

    America is in the midst of a cataclysmic battle – and yet you’ve likely heard very little about it.

    Right now, the 30-year US global warming fight is coming to a pivotal juncture – within the next few days. It is vital that we take immediate action to support President Trump on an important initiative.

    William Harper | Cato Institute

    Dr. William Happer (an eminently qualified scientist in the White House) has proposed the Presidential Committee on Climate Science [or Presidential Commission on Climate Security] (PCCS).

    The PCCS will bring together multiple qualified scientists who will review su

    ch significant issues as global warming’s alleged impact on national security, agriculture, sea levels and extreme weather. Their assignment will be to separate real, evidence-based science from agenda-driven  political science.

    Those who want a genuine scientific assessment of global warming / climate change claims fully support the PCCS. 

    They know claims that American and the world face imminent disaster from soaring planetary temperatures, rising seas, more frequent and extreme storms and droughts, species extinctions and other human-caused climate calamities have never been subjected to full-throttled scientific review in a public forum. That’s because every attempt to have such a review has been opposed and silenced.

    Those who oppose a real scientific assessment of climate chaos claims are against the PCCS. Not surprisingly, so far the most vocal and dominant voices oppose any scientific review of their claims.  (See herehere and here.)

    They know their “science” is based on computer models and is contradicted by real-world evidence.

    We need to make it clear to the President that citizens are following the PCCS matter, and that citizens fully support this excellent idea. There are two ways to send the President a message on this vital topic:

    Phone the White House comment line: 1-202-456-1111

    Email the White House explaining your support using this link.

    Doing both would be even better!

    The President’s decision is expected within the week, so please do this quickly.

    To give you some perspective on the PCCS matter, I wrote two new documents:

    1) Answers to some of the PCCS critics’ objections, and

    2) Background on the 30-some year history of US climate alarmism (and how the PCCS fits in).

    I hope there will be a segment about the PCCS on Fox News, an article or editorial in the Wall Street Journal, and more sensible articles on other media outlets (like thisthisthis, and this).

    These faulty to even fraudulent global warming and climate change claims are the driving force behind the Green New Deal’s plans to terminate fossil fuel use, ban cattle raising, and eliminate cars and airplanes; force us to rely on wind and solar power that would blanket millions of acres with turbines and panels; and replace our free enterprise system with socialist policies that would take money from you – and give it to someone else. 

    Get involved. Write to President Trump – and ask him to appoint his PCCS immediately.


    John Droz, Jr. is a physicist and director of the Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions (AWED), which promotes energy policies and programs that are technically, economically and environmentally sound.

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    Oxnard Food Trucks — Are Here!

    Food trucks are returning to Oxnard starting this Thursday, March 14, and continuing the first Thursdays at #Oxnard Plaza Park from 5:30pm-9:30pm


    Come and enjoy!

    City of Oxnard

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    Applications Available for Ventura County Junior Lifeguard Program

    Enrollment applications are now available to youth interested in participating in the Ventura County 2019 Junior Lifeguard Program.

    The Junior Lifeguard Program, sponsored by the Ventura County Harbor Department, offers youth 8 to 15 years of age the opportunity to receive instruction in lifeguard rescue techniques, emergency medical first-aid, ocean sports activity, physical conditioning, marine ecology, and public service. Participants must be 8 years of age by June 17 – the first day of instruction. Enrollment for the program is first come, first served. Due to the popularity of the program, enrollment is expected to fill to capacity quickly.

    There will be two sessions (each limited to 120 participants) to the program. Session One is scheduled from June 17 to July 12 and Session Two is scheduled from July 15 to August 9. Each session will be held from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday – Friday at Silver Strand Beach. Applications can be picked up at the Ventura County Harbor Department at 3900 Pelican Way Oxnard, CA 93035 or online at

    New Participants 

    First time participants are required to tryout and qualify before being accepted in the program. In order to qualify, new participants must be able to swim 150 yards within four minutes, float or tread water for two minutes, and be able to dive underwater to a depth of 7 feet. No exceptions.

    Tryouts are being held from 10 a.m. to noon on May 18, June 8, June 29 at the Hueneme High School, located at 500 Bard Road, Oxnard, CA 93033. A parent/guardian must be present during the tryout.

    There is a fee to enroll in the program. For more information, please call the Ventura County Harbor Patrol at (805) 973-5959

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    Advisory | On the Proposed Capital Improvement Project for Ventura Water Supply


    By Daniel Cormode 

    Mayor and Members of the City Council,

    1. Discussion of the City of San Buenaventura Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) is scheduled for the City Council Meeting on Monday, March 18, 2019.  Included in the proposed CIP are capital improvement projects related to the water supply.
    2. To date, the Water Commission has not demonstrated proactive leadership in identifying the magnitude of sustainable water supply under the current hydrogeological, climatic, environmental and political conditions facing Ventura Water nor identified a plan of actions and milestones to achieve a sustainable water supply.
    3. Project costs identified in the 2018-2024 CIP do not include the estimated 41% additional finance costs based on financing 50% of the project cost for 30 years at a 4.5% rate of interest.
    4. Project schedules only reflect the CIP planning horizon of 6 years and do not necessarily indicate the project completion or operational date.
    5. Net Zero Fees appear to not be based on the costs for projecst listed in the 2018-2024 Capital Improvement Plan.  A comparison the proposed Net Zero Water Project Costs
    6. Evaluation of CIP Project and Net Zero Proposal data reveals serious discrepancies in the costs of potential water supply sources which cause one to question the integrity of the Proposed Net Zero Policy Ordinance.
    7. True Net Zero Unit Cost is estimated to be $78,060 per AF instead of $26,457 per AF as presented in the Staff Presentation.
    8. The true cost of the proposed Net Zero Policy Project is estimated to be $538M instead of the stated $248M.
    9. Use of a discount rate for estimating CIP costs is inappropriate since Net Zero fees are not collect up front and will not be interest bearing.
    10. CIP Costs appear to represent unknown CIP Costs discounted at rate of 2% for 30 years and not the actual 2016-2022 CIP Cost.
    11. Net Zero Finance costs are erroneously based on 50% of the Discounted  Capital costs and not 50% of the Total CIP Project cost.
    12. A chart depicting Milestones of City of San Buenaventura Water Related Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) , Figure 1, was developed from current Ventura Water documents to illustrate planned completion dates individual projects on one chart. The milestone chart revealed several inconsistencies in scheduled completion dates for some projects and completion of some projects far beyond the date when the new water supply is needed to meet the loss of a critical water supply.
    13. Milestones shown on the Milestones of Projects Related to Sources of Water were developed from 2018-2024 CIP project descriptions and may not indicate when the project will actually completed and become operational, i.e. the Advanced Water Purification Facility is not expected to become operational before 2025.
    14. Loss of water from Lake Casitas becoming dry occurs 2020 while water supply from direct potable reuse becomes available in 2030.
    15. The projected additional 2,500 acre-feet of water identified in the 2018 Comprehensive Water Resources Report resulting from the Foster Park Wellfield Restoration (CIP No. 97921) is identified as being available by 2025, however, other detailed construction schedules denote the necessary project components may not be completed by 2030.
    16. With exception of the direct potable reuse advanced water treatment plant and the Mound wells, none of the proposed water supply projects result in new sources of water.
    17. Total future not identified funding for the listed CIP projects less finance costs is $199,425,000.
    18. The following is a summary of the Detailed Comments to the Water Supply Related CIP Projects.
    19. The additional 2,500 acre-foot yield for the Foster Park Wellfield Production Restoration was based on the 1993 Montgomery Watson Evaluation of Potential Long Term Water Supplies Report which depended on increased surface diversion capability which was subsequently destroyed in 2005.
    20. Restoration of the Foster Park Intake Structure is not considered feasible due to the shift in course of the Venture River and other regulatory and environmental concerns.
    21. Additional new water from the Ventura River and Foster Park Wellfield may not be feasible to current litigation, environmental and sustainability regulations.
    22. Sustainable yields from the new Nye Wells have not been identified or quantified.
    23. For additional information, please feel free to contact Daniel Cormode by telephone at 805-647-4063 or by email at [email protected].

    Daniel Cormode is a Ventura resident and the Chairman of the Planning & Development Committee for The East Ventura Community Council. He  has dedicated his life to researching Ventura water issues.

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    City of Ventura 2018 Part I Crime Statistics (January 1- December 31, 2018)

    In 2018, Part I Crimes in the City of Ventura totaled 3,959, representing an overall decrease of 155 Part I Crimes or 3.77 percent from 2017. The Per Capita Crime Index decreased slightly to 35.6 crimes per thousand residents, compared to 37.7 in 2017, 38.04 in 2016, and 39.2 in 2015.

    Ventura’s Violent Crime decreased by 3.26 percent with 15 fewer crimes reported than the previous year. Aggravated Assaults represented the most notable reduction in violent crime in 2018, with 12 fewer reported cases, and rapes decreased by nine from 63 to 54. Robberies represented the lone increase in Violent Crime increasing from 111 in 2017, to 117 in 2018. There were two homicides in 2018, equal to the previous year.

    In comparison to 2017, reported Part I Property Crimes in 2018 for the City of Ventura decreased by 140 crimes or 3.8 percent. Residential burglaries accounted for the most significant reduction, a decrease of

    25.95 percent or 75 total cases, while non-residential burglaries dropped by 29 reported cases from 296 to

    1. Auto thefts remained relatively steady with 334 reported in 2018. Arsons doubled from 16 in 2017, to 32 in 2018. Although there was an overall reduction in Part 1 Property Crimes, Ventura experienced a 21.7 percent increase in thefts from vehicles which jumped from 1013 in 2017 to 1233 in 2018. Many of these were crimes of opportunity, the result of property left in plain view or vehicles left unlocked. The property loss value from Part I Property Crimes totaled $6.2 million.

    Ventura Police Officers arrested 6554 persons in 2018 and the Ventura Police Department handled approximately 98,652 calls for service compared to 93,242 calls from the previous year. The most common arrests were Narcotics related offenses, followed by Misdemeanor Bench Warrants, Drunk in Public, Probation Violations, and Drunk Driving.

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    Focus On The Family: A Declaration for Life

    As our nation nears the terrible milestone of 50 years of legalized abortion—an era that has robbed an estimated 60 million Americans of their very right to life—we lament the extermination of an entire generation of talent, productivity, and potential. Now we face aggressive efforts to even expand this tragic practice. This is not progressive or compassionate; it is madness. Therefore …

    WE PROCLAIM that abortion at any stage of development represents the taking of a human life. Science, reason, and common sense attest to this. Because this is true, the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness must extend to babies in the womb just as much as to every other citizen.

    WE EMBRACE the indisputable scientific reality that life in the womb is worthy of protection from the moment of conception. The same DNA and genetic markers that testify to our uniqueness at birth are also present when we are conceived. Life in the womb is “fearfully and wonderfully made.” Sacred scripture and prenatal science both proclaim this.

    WE DECLARE that legalized abortion is wholly incompatible with the virtues of compassion, freedom, and equality that characterize a healthy and just society. As state legislatures expand abortion up to the moment of birth and some leaders advocate outright infanticide, our culture’s decades-long embrace of legalized abortion has reached a tragic new low point.

    THEREFORE, as concerned citizens, we are reinforcing our commitment to speak up on behalf of the most vulnerable among us. It is imperative that churches, individuals, and communities—people of faith and all people of goodwill—work together to end this tragedy.

    WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, do hereby affirm our commitment to: 1) advocate for pro-life legislation at the state level, including a ban on late-term abortions and those targeting babies on the basis of disability, sex or race; 2) promote the end of government funding of the abortion industry; 3) vote for candidates who respect the sanctity of life; 4) urge the appointment of constitutionalist judges who will protect the fundamental right to life; 5) support both women in unplanned pregnancies and their babies through the good work of Pregnancy Resource Centers; 6) encourage and promote the beauty of adoption; and 7) pray fervently for a nationwide reawakening to the value and sanctity of every human life.

    Until that day comes, we will continue to push back against the culture of death. This is the moment we unite with one voice and proclaim, “No more.”

    We are pro-life.

    Thank you for signing the declaration and standing with us for LIFE!

    Your voice matters in the fight to reveal and protect life inside the womb.

    With the growing number of states allowing abortion any time . . . even up to the moment before birth, we need to take a stand. You can help by giving so that mothers considering abortion can SEE LIFE CLEARLY … And thanks to a match, your gift today will be DOUBLED up to $1.7 million!

    With late-term abortion legal in EIGHT states and climbing, abortion-vulnerable moms and babies need your help more than everJust $60 will be doubled today to two babies through the Option Ultrasound™ program.

    Your support will help us equip more pregnancy medical clinics across the country with ultrasound machines, targeting high-risk regions with 3D/4D machines to help mothers considering abortion see the child in their womb even more clearly!

    Over 54 percent of abortion-minded women who have an ultrasound and counseling choose life.

    Your gift today will be DOUBLED to give TWICE AS MANY moms a clearer view of their preborn babies so they can CHOOSE LIFE!

    (Editor’s Note:  Focus on the Family giving categories:  $60, $120, $240, $500, and $1,000).

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