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    Port Hueneme Histoical Society Museum Presents Wayne Dey

    The current featured exhibit at the Museum is the 1948 Incorporation of Port Hueneme coinciding with the 70th Birthday of the City.

    Other Museum sponsored events include the monthly Historic Port Tour on the third Friday of each month.  Also offered on a quarterly basis (Next is April 20, 2019), the Museum and Port provide transportation to the Lighthouse for visitors who cannot make the approximately one-mile round trip walk to Lighthouse.  

    In addition, the Museum and the Friends of the Bard offer tours of the Berylwood Mansion in conjunction with the quarterly dinners of the Friends of the Bard.

    The Port Hueneme Historical Society Museum Distinguished Speaker Series

    Wayne Dey

    will be speaking on the topic

    “The Day the Vikings Arrived in America”

    on April 27, 2010 @11:00AM

    at Museum (corner of Port Hueneme Rd and Market St.)


    Wayne Dey, who grew up in a small town in Minnesota, learned firsthand about two pieces of evidence that seem to support the theory that Vikings sailed to North America during the 14th Century. 

    The first piece of evidence is the Kensington Runestone, a 202-pound slab of greywacke covered in runes or carved words on its face and side.  The rune inscription purports to be a record left behind by Scandinavian explorers that has been internally dated to the year 1362.  Olof Ohman, a Swedish immigrant, said that he found the stone late in 1898 while he was clearing land recently acquired of the largely rural township of Solem, Minnesota.  He decided to name the runestone after Kensington, the nearest big settlement in Minnesota.  A long, drawn-out debate on the runestone’s authenticity is still going on. 

    The second piece of evidence is the 76-foot-long exact replica of a Viking dragon ship built by Robert Asp, a junior high school guidance counselor, who just couldn’t let go of the idea that Norsemen set foot in North America long before any Europeans.  He planned to prove it by sailing such a ship from Duluth to Norway.  In order to realize his goal, he studied both Viking history and ship design before hand-building the “Hjemkomst” in a potato warehouse. The seaworthy replica was modeled after a 9th Century burial ship pulled from a funerary mound in Norway.

    Asp managed to sail his completed dragon ship on Lake Superior, but he died of leukemia in 1980 before completing his bucket list dream. Two years later, family members and friends proved the ship could go the distance by sailing the “Hjemkomst” from Duluth to Bergen, Norway in 72 days.  The ship now resides at the Heritage-Hjemkomst Interpretive Center in Moorhead, Minnesota.

    Port Hueneme Histoical Society Museum

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    Save the Date: Alive from New York on May 4th!




    By Jim Daly, President of Focus On The Family

    Planning is well underway for ALIVE FROM NEW YORK, our historic Times Square event scheduled for Saturday, May 4th.

    Featuring a live 4D ultrasound of a baby in the third trimester of pregnancy and broadcast on the jumbotrons in the middle of Manhattan, this celebration of life will also include live music along with an inspiring cast of speakers and well-known personalities.

    The goal of this unprecedented New York City event is straightforward but also profound.

    Our country is at a crossroads when it comes to the issue of abortion and life. That’s why we’re taking a stand at the crossroads of culture and media.

    “Alive from New York” will be a celebration of life, but more importantly, it will serve as a platform to show the world (through 4D ultrasound) that a third trimester baby is indeed just that: a baby. A life worthy of protection and deserving of respect.

    For over a century, Times Square has been the site of massive celebrations. There is the annual New Year’s Eve event, of course. But it’s also been a traditional gathering place for revelry of great national interest. Who can forgot the iconic images of deliriously happy Americans pouring into the area for both V-E Day and V-J Day at the conclusion of World War II, a devastating conflict that claimed between 70 and 85 million lives around the world, including over 407,000 Americans.

    In many ways, those World War II gatherings were also a celebration of life.  After four years of bloodshed and the loss of so many hopes and dreams, Americans had grown weary and warmly welcomed the prospect of peace.

    Likewise, many of us have grown weary of the unfettered killing of American innocence. Nearly 60 million babies have been aborted since 1973. In fact, just three miles from where we’ll be gathering on May 4th, sits Planned Parenthood’s largest clinic. Over 11,000 babies are aborted there each year, an unfathomable fact for anyone who loves and cherishes life.

    So, our goal is to fill Times Square with joy-filled people who are committed to protecting pre-born life.

    So how do you get involved? How can you help?

    First, I encourage you to visit our website and sign the “Declaration for Life.” Your voice has power, and it needs to be heard. The Declaration will be delivered to the White House and Congress.

    This shouldn’t be a partisan issue, and I hope that protecting the lives of the pre-born is something that individuals of all backgrounds can unite on.

    Finally, I would urge you to share the details of the May 4th event – “Alive from New York” – with your friends and ask them to sign the “Declaration for Life.”

    I hope you will join us. This is a pivotal time in America and we, as Christ followers, must not remain silent!


    *Editors Note, this is the first of five republished articles in Observance of 40 Days for Life

    This article is available for republishing from the source:

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    Santa Paula: Homeless and Laws

    By Sheryl Hamlin

    Santa Paula Police Chief Steve McClean presented an overview of how the SPPD is responding to the homeless situation. He said that five years ago it was gangs; now the department is inundated with calls relating to the homeless. Read a previous report where a group of merchants spoke at council about concerns for safety at their place of business.

    Chief McClean

    On March 6, 2019, the Chief said there were 135,000 homeless in CA with 100 counted recently in Santa Paula, up from 44 last year potentially because of a longer count period. Ten of the Santa Paula homeless are serious threats to the community, he said.

    Not discussed was the total Ventura County homeless count which was 1299 in 2018 with 36.8% sheltered. Read county report here.

    History and Timeline of Deinstitutionalization of Mental Patients

    Chief McClean mentioned the closing of the mental hospitals in the 1980’s without expanding on the legal environment which caused these events.

    There were the several cases in the 1970’s brought forth by the ACLU community to reduce the number of patients designated involuntarily to mental facilities. The unintended consequences of deinstitutionalization was to reduce the population of the mental hospitals, thus driving up the cost per person. After years of declining population, Sacramento realized there were too many released. See exerpt from New York Times article.

    NY Times, 10/30/1984

    Because of the deinstitutionalization of the mentally ill, it is now estimated that millions do not receive needed psychiatric care and many of those are homeless. Read timeline of legislation affecting deinstitutionalization here.

    Ventuira County Services

    Chief McClean said that there are only two facilities in Ventura with less than 100 beds. Note that Oxnard has recently opened this facility.

    California Laws

    The Chief said that the three laws Propositions 57 and 47 along with AB 109 dumped criminals of the streets. Now, he said, there are no consequences. No one does jail time, he said. What used to be a felony is now a “ticket”. Read about California’s dangerous trifecta of laws that put criminals on the streets.

    Whole Person Care

    The Chief said we need to address the “whole person care – mind, body, soul”. He said he realized that the location of Santa Paula’s Warming Center is not optimal; he is hopeful that a new location will be in the future. To this, City Manager Rock said that there may be a chance for the shelter to move to Harvard Boulevard. He did not mention the kitchen and the food distribution, but presumably those would transfer too.

    City Manager Rock also said that the state has budgeted $300 million for homeless at the state level. To put this in perspective, the county and the state just paid $60 million for a 64 bed hospital at Todd Road Jail, which is about $1 million per bed.


    The Chief will be recommending a Homeless Task Force as part of the SPPD along with a dedicated team of Foot/Bike Patrol, a service that was formerly staffed with overtime and became very expensive. He also shared with council a form that merchants could sign to allow SPPD onto their property in cases of problematic trespassing. Council Member Juarez, a former SPPD officer, said the form was good for sleeping in doorways.

    9th Circuit Martin v. City of Boise

    Mr. Cotti, the city attorney was asked to describe this case. Cotti said the city “cannot criminalize homeless unless there are enough beds”.

    The decision known as “Martin” was much more nuanced. Read this article with the excerpt below:

    Exerpt from Martin v. Boise

    Boise has appealed the 9th Circuit decision. Read that appeal here.

    In another important case, a federal judge has said that Oakland can close a homeless camp. Read here.

    In the council discussion, Council Member Crosswhite suggested City Manager Rock follow up with the county’s offer of a case worker.

    To watch the video, click here.


    For more information on author click sherylhamlin dot com

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    VIDEO | Interview with Port Hueneme City Manager Rod Butler

    Interview with City Manager Rod Butler discussion citizens concerns and the latest update on current city issues.



    “In the next couple of months I will be doing video interviews with Congresswoman Jullia Brownley, State Senator Hannah Beth-Jackson, State Assembly Member Jacqui Irwin and Ventura County Supervisor Kelly Long. The purpose of the videos are to let our representatives know what the residents of Port Hueneme consider to be the most important issues they would like to see addressed. Also, the representatives will let our residents know what issues they are working on that will affect Port Hueneme.

    I would appreciate PH residents email me <[email protected]> with the top three issues you would like your representatives to focus on. This is a great opportunity to be able to communicate directly with your elected officials what is important to you and your family. I will inform all of you when the videos will be posted.

    The more you are involved in our city the better our city will be.

    Thanks, Tom Dunn – Publisher Port Hueneme News”

    Tom Dunn is a Port Hueneme resident who is publisher of Port Hueneme News, a digital newspaper (facebook @huenemenews)  and host of  “Hello Port Hueneme” a video interview show about people, places and things in Port Hueneme.

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    The Wonder of Being Happy



    By Sigrid Weidenweber

    I was twenty-five-years old when I came to the United States of America. In the process of getting the provisional green card—a step in the five-year waiting period before applying for citizenship—I began learning the rules and laws of my new country, among them the Declaration of Independence. I assume that you remember the famous text well, however, to refresh our collective memories, here are the most remarkable words once more.

         We hold these truths to be sacred & undeniable; that all men are created equal & independent, that from that equal creation they derive rights inherent & inalienable, among which are the preservation of life, & liberty, & the pursuit of happiness.

    These most enlightened lines, drafted by Thomas Jefferson, imprinted my mind with an indelible mark, for it ended with a statement never heard before or after in the proclamations of any other government.

                     The Pursuit of Happiness!

    I had never before heard such a statement from a government! Living under Communism, I had been admonished to love my country, East Germany, the SED, the Communist party, to work diligently for its causes and distinguish myself in this worthy pursuit—but to find personal happiness or even pursue such a personal thing, that was the farthest thought from anyone’s mind, nay, it was absolutely absurd, ridiculous even, that a small peon in the socialist fields should have, or find, personal happiness. For that, you had to belong to the Communist oligarchy.

    Wow! Even the French in the great slogan of their revolution: Fraternite`, Egalite`, Liberte`, made no mention of Happiness. And yet, what a wonderful concept it is that the citizens of our country are to be happy.

    However, the idea of an inner state of happiness, contentment and quiet bliss, is not new. It is a state of mind described by Aristotle, the Greek philosopher, in the 4th century BC. In his treaties, he discussed that lives well lived engender a state of mind that benefits family, society and government. He advised humanity to seek out the quiet pleasures that make one happy and abstain from the pursuit of power and material goods. He arrived at such conclusions, as he watched the people of the Macedonian court, to which he was an advisor cum philosopher. Watching Philip II, Alexander the Great’s father, he observed a ruthless potentate involved in malevolent machinations against friend, foe and family, resulting in terrible costs to all members of the court. Examining this rich and powerful elite, he noted their personal misery, anger, hatred and depression.

    Observing their traumatic circumstances, Aristotle considered the aspects of true happiness, and found that the hunt for material possessions and sensory gratification does not lead to happiness. To become a truly happy person, he thought that the individual must believe in the power of changing one’s self. This is also a concept embraced by many modern psychologists, who understand that to improve our condition in life only one way is open—we must improve ourselves, for we cannot improve others if they resist our help. His was a motto, embraced by other philosophers of his and our time:

    Know they self!

    Knowing one’s self makes us secure, independent of other’s judgements, makes us happy and powerful. Our happy attitude and the kind tolerance of other’s foibles attracts people willing to listen to us and, perhaps, change.

    However, more than a personal improvement of one’s mind and spirit, Aristotle postulated that a happy, enlightened citizenship benefits their country through cooperation, civilized discourse, and a willingness to see other’s viewpoints.

    In our time, we have Dennis Praeger a religious ethicist, who views unhappy people as the main cause of constant uproar in the population over any perceived inequality, miniscule slights and a hundred nuisance- causes in their attempt to gain attention and prominence.

    Unhappy people brood over thousands of small matters that give them lease to stir up disagreements.

    Having discussed America’s happiness-design, it behooves me to talk about the only other country that recently showed a desire to have happy citizens. You have heard about Bhutan’s endeavor to have a country steeped in Gross National Happiness. Their young King renounced his crown, declaring that with a new kind of democracy, Bhutan was to achieve overall Gross National Happiness. The grand design was introduced in 1998 when Bhutan’s Prime Minister introduced the happiness paradigm as an alternative to the free market corporate world. So, twenty years later we should look at the comparison of how happy the country really is. In surveys taken in Europe and Asia, Norway’s citizens declared themselves most happy. The United States came in 14th in the happiness measure and Bhutan ranked 97th.

    I close with the happy certainty that anyone who wishes to be happy can surely find happiness in America. We should love her and protect her, for there is no other like her.

    Freedom, Enjoyment. Silhouette Of Happy Free Young Woman

     Sigrid Weidenweber grew up in communist East Berlin, escaping it using a French passport. Ms. Weidenweber holds a degree in medical technology as well as psychology and has course work in Anthropology.  She is co-founder of Aid for Afghans.  Weidenweber has traveled the world and lived with Pakistani Muslims, learning about the culture and religion. She is a published author and lecturer. You can find her books on

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    ‘The Straw Police’: Nunes Associates California’s Straw Ban To Socialism


    Photo of Chris White By CHRIS WHITE, Energy Reporter

    Rep. Devin Nunes of California appeared to associate his state’s ban on plastic straws with socialism in a tweet Saturday after visiting a nearby restaurant.

    “At restaurant tonight waitress asks if we want straws,” the Republican told his Twitter followers. “Says she has to ask now in fear of ‘THE STRAW POLICE.’ Welcome to Socialism in California!”

    California passed a law in 2018 making the state the country’s first to ban full-service restaurants from handing out plastic straws unless a customer asks for one.

    Restaurants that don’t comply can be fined up to $300 per year. Fast food establishments are exempt from the mandate. Conservatives argue such laws reek of government overreach, while Democrats consider plastic straw bans a move in the right direction. (RELATED: ‘Choking Our Planet’: California Bans Restaurants From Automatically Handing Out Plastic Straws)

    Several cities have already banned the products. San Francisco, for instance, voted unanimously in July 2018 to nix all plastic straws. The city ordinance includes fines for violators ranging from $100 to $500. San Francisco follows Seattle in becoming the latest major U.S. city to ban plastic straws and utensils.

    Major U.S. companies also joined the movement to stop handing out straws. Starbucks announced in 2018 that it is phasing out plastic straws from its coffee chains within the next two years. The Walt Disney Company has also revealed plans to eradicate straws from its property by mid-2019.


    Follow Chris White on Facebook and Twitter


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    The Sun dominates climate change


    By Dr. Tim Ball and Tom Harris

    Why are the public generally unaware of the important research that connects variations in the output of the Sun with climate change? They should know about it, since the sun is responsible for far more climate change than anything we cause.

    The reason for this ignorance is that the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the source of most people’s understanding about the field, was deliberately directed to study only the human causes of climate change. They did this because it narrowed their focus to just a few variables, particularly carbon dioxide (CO2). It came from industrialized nations and the objective was to shut them down. Show this by-product of industry was causing Earth-destroying global warming and you could justify shutting them down. The problem is you cannot identify the human-caused portion if you don’t understand natural climate change – and we don’t.

    We have no control of the Sun, of course, so the IPCC pays no attention to sunspots, an important gauge of solar activity. In fact, the IPCC indicate they would not consider sunspots even if they did look at all causes.

    Scientists have known about the apparent relationship between sunspot numbers and global temperatures for centuries. In Europe, it began in 1613 when Galileo, using the newly invented telescope, started recording these darker regions on the Sun. It caused a religious and social uproar because everything in the universe beyond the moon was supposed to be pristine and unblemished.

    The first, most significant change to our understanding of sunspot patterns came in 1848 when, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Swiss astronomer and mathematician Johann Wolf:

    “…devised a daily method of estimating solar activity by counting the number of individual spots and groups of spots on the face of the sun. Wolf chose to compute his sunspot number by adding 10 times the number of groups to the total count of individual spots, because neither quantity alone completely captured the level of activity. Today, Wolf sunspot counts continue, since no other index of the sun’s activity reaches into the past as far and as continuously.” 

    The basic observation was that a high number of spots related to a warm Earth and fewer spots with cold. Until the 1990s, no plausible explanation for this relationship existed, so the IPCC was then justified to exclude the sunspot factor. However, in 1991, Friis-Christensen and Lassen published a fledgling theory, “Length of the Solar Cycle: An Indicator of Solar Activity Closely Associated with Climate.” It was not the answer but framed the question. By 1996, Friis-Christensen and Svensmark published, “Variation of Cosmic Ray Flux and Global Cloud coverage – A Missing Link in Solar-Climate Relationships.”

    Again, the IPCC was wise not to accept the untested new theory. However, by 2000 the theory was evaluated empirically despite attempts to delay the evidence. What is now known as the Svensmark or Cosmic Theory has been thoroughly tested and confirmed and thus is no longer just a theory.

    Here is how it works. Originating from outside the Solar System, galactic cosmic rays, high speed atomic nuclei or other particles traveling through space, continuously bombard the Earth. To reach us they must pass through, and are deflected by, the Sun’s magnetic field. That field varies in strength, as evidenced by the changing sunspot numbers, and so the amount of cosmic radiation reaching the Earth also varies accordingly.

    As the rays penetrate the Earth’s atmosphere, they form particles in the lower atmosphere called condensation nuclei, which are particles around which water can form to create water droplets. These are the microscopic form of liquid water that is visible as clouds. It takes about a million of these particles to form a moderate-sized raindrop, so you get an idea of the density. That density reduces the amount of sunlight that can penetrate the cloud to heat the Earth’s surface. The cloud is like a screen in a greenhouse controlling the temperature, so the variations in activity on the Sun visible as sunspots is cause and effect related to global temperature.

    Tests were necessary to prove that the Cosmic Radiation did, in fact, generate condensation nuclei. Science writer Nigel Calder reported that the experimental proof for Svensmark’s theory was delayed at the CERN facility in Switzerland where the experiments were conducted:

    The Director General of CERN stirred controversy last month, by saying that the CLOUD team’s report should be politically correct about climate change. The implication was that they should on no account endorse the Danish heresy – Henrik Svensmark’s hypothesis that most of the global warming of the 20th Century can be explained by the reduction in cosmic rays due to livelier solar activity, resulting in less low cloud cover and warmer surface temperatures.

    I (Dr. Ball) published a paper relating the cloud cover theory to historical events using Little Ice Age art. The importance of this study is that we are currently approaching sunspot numbers associated with those in the Little Ice Age, which is why many of us are warning of global cooling. This contradicts the government and main stream media-created fake news of human-caused global warming, so naturally, these discoveries are hidden from public view to the extent possible. Through the Internet, however, the real story is slowly becoming more broadly known. It is about time.

    Dr. Tim Ball is an environmental consultant and former climatology professor at the University of Winnipeg in Manitoba. Tom Harris is executive director of the Ottawa, Canada-based International Climate Science Coalition.

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    Ventura College Welcomes Community for Week of Arts

    Ventura College will be hosting two exhibitions and a performing arts production during the week of March 11-15. Exhibitions will be opening on both the main Ventura College campus (4667 Telegraph Road, Ventura, CA) and at the Ventura College East Campus (957 Faulkner Road, Santa Paula, CA). Please join Ventura College as we celebrate women in the arts during Women’s History Month. For a full listing of events please read below:


    Presented by the International Women Artist Group Rootless, the exhibit I AM WHAT I AM will be on exhibit at Ventura College East Campus March 12 through March 21. In honor of Women’s History Month, Ventura College East Campus celebrates women in the arts with a special exhibition and reception featuring Rootless, a network of international women artists, who explore the diversity of life through art. The exhibition, I Am What I Am, is named after Eleanor Roosevelt’s words, “I am what I am today because of the choices I made yesterday.”

    The community is invited to attend the meet the artist reception, Tuesday, March 12, 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Classical guitar will be played by Ventura College students and appetizers will be served. The gallery will be open throughout the week 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. For more information call (805) 525-7136 or visit

    Featured artist include: Anne Bendig (Germany), Belinda di Keck (Germany), Phyllis Doyon (USA), Ursula Gallenkamp (Germany), Dorothea Heger (Germany), Ulli Langenscheidt (Germany), Mariana Peirano (Argentina), Anu Subramanian (India), Nahzy Tabrizi (Iran), Renate Wetzstein (Germany). 

    Hold Me: An Entertainment

    Directed by Nathan Cole, the Ventura College Theater Department will be opening Hold Me: An Entertainment with a free public preview on Wednesday, March 13. This charming comic revue explores the all-too-human characters made famous by legendary cartoonist, novelist, and playwright, Jules Feiffer.

    Through a blend of monologues, sketches, and short vignettes, Feiffer highlights the plight of urbanites through their hang-ups, identity crises, and assorted mishaps which beset those trapped in a fast-paced world. With each performer assuming a variety of roles, the play abounds in affectionate and comic situations that allow us to laugh at the anxiety life brings, yet value the commonalities we share in everyday reality.

    On Wednesday, March 13 there will be a Free Public Preview at 7:30 p.m. The show opens Thursday, March 14 through Saturday, March 16 showing at 7:30 p.m. at the Ventura College Performing Arts Center (4700 Loma Vista Rd, Ventura, CA 93003) and Sunday, March 17 at 2:30 p.m. General admission is $15 and $5 for students and seniors.  Tickets can be purchased one hour before at the door or online at Parking is $2. 

    *This production is not suitable for children under the age of twelve due to some adult content. 

    Empoderamienta: The Art of Latina Artists

    On display at the Ventura College New Media Gallery will be Empoderamienta: The Art of Latina Artists curated by Ann H. Bittl. This exhibition explores the art of Latin American women artists with an emphasis on the art object as a form of cultural, artistic, and social expression. The exhibition also explores the historic and artistic constructs of women artists in Latin America, who re-created themselves as beguiling personalities, posed uneasily between the worlds of artifice (art) and nature, or the instinctual life.

    The exhibit will run March 14 through April 18. The community is invited to the reception on March 14, 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. at Ventura College Studio Arts BuildingNew Media Gallery. Parking is $2. Gallery hours are Monday through Thursday 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. For more information call 805-289-6074.


    Ventura College, an accredited two-year institution of higher education, has been a part of the beautiful seaside community of Ventura, California, since 1925. It is conveniently located approximately 60 miles north of Los Angeles and 30 miles south of Santa Barbara. The 112-acre campus, set in the rolling hills of Ventura, has an enrollment of 14,500 students. Ventura College offers Associate of Arts and Associate of Sciences Degrees in 33 majors, and Certificates of Completion and Proficiency Awards in 61 areas of study. Ventura College also has Transfer Guarantee Agreements with CSUCI, CSUN, UC Davis, UC Santa Barbara, and UC Santa Cruz. Class schedules are posted at For more information, contact the Ventura College Welcome Center at 805.289.6420.

    Ventura College

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    Ventura County Garden Club | April Meeting at Channel Islands National Park Visitor Center

    The Ventura County Garden Club will meet on Wednesday, April 3rd (2019) at Channel Islands National Park Visitor Center, 1901 Spinnaker Drive, in Ventura Harbor Village, for a walking tour of their Native Garden.   The 45-minute guided walk will begin at 11:00 a.m., led by Master Gardener, Kelly Green.  Participants are to gather in front of the visitor center, at least five minutes earlier.  For those with a walker or in a wheelchair, the path is on flat, decomposed granite and easily accessed from the beach-side parking lot.  There is no charge for the tour, but donations are appreciated.

    The Garden is composed entirely of native plants from the Anacapa Islands.   You will see Goldenbush, Needlegrass, Coreopsis, Buckwheat, Yarrow, California Barley, Giant Ryegrass, and Gum Plant; plus many more.  Spring blossoms will be at their peak of season.  Plants will not be for sale; but there is a wide variety of books, toys, and educational materials available in the visitor center gift shop.  For those who wish to come early and browse the Visitor Center Museum, it opens at 8:30 a.m.  There are several interesting displays, including artifacts and fossils found on the Islands.

    Close-by parking is limited; therefore, carpooling is advised or plan for a short walk from the beach parking lot.  After the native garden tour, members will meet for lunch at Le Petit Café Bakery & Restaurant, nearby at 1591 Spinnaker Drive, #112 also in Ventura Harbor Village.  It is a short drive or a 10-minute walk from the Visitor Center.

    Members and guests are always welcome.  If you are planning to attend, please RSVP by March 27th.  For further information or to RSVP call Jacqualin at (805) 816-6019 or email  [email protected]

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    Since The US Is Springing Forward, Here’s The History Behind Daylight Saving Time


    Evie Fordham | Politics and Health Care Reporter


    Americans in most states are getting ready to “spring forward” and set their clocks an hour ahead Sunday, but how did daylight saving time start?

    Many people think that daylight saving time, abbreviated DST, can trace its roots back to founding father Benjamin Franklin. But that’s a misinterpretation of a satirical essay Franklin wrote while living in Paris in 1784, according to Franklin advised that Parisians wake up with the sun because of “the economy of using sunshine instead of candles,” not that clocks be set forward or backward.