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    Mueller Report: Secrecy Shouldn’t be an Option



    By Thomas L. Knapp

    As February draws to an end, rumors abound that we’re about to see Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report on alleged Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election. Or at least that someone — namely, newly confirmed US Attorney General William Barr — is about to see that report.  The rest of us, maybe not so much.

    “I don’t know at the end of the day what will be releasable,” Barr told the US Senate during his January confirmation hearing.  “I am going to make as much information available as I can consistent with the rules and regulations.”

    That’s not good enough.

    Robert Mueller has spent nearly two years and more than $25 million supposedly getting to the bottom of the “Russian meddling” claims — claims that have, both before and throughout his tenure, roiled the news cycle and called the integrity of American elections into question.

    Mueller may answer to Barr, but both he and Barr claim to work for the public. And that money didn’t come out of Mueller’s pockets or Barr’s. It came out of your pocket and was supposedly spent on your behalf.

    That report is, by any reasonable standard, your property.

    Not Mueller’s. Not Barr’s. Not President Trump’s. Not Congress’s. Yours.

    You should be able to read every last word of it. If you want to, anyway.

    Congressional Democrats are all over this, and we know why — they expect the report to condemn President Trump to one degree or another. While it may stop short of the most overheated claims (like the idea cultivated by former acting FBI director Andrew McCabe  and others that Trump could be an actual Russian agent), they hope it will at least reveal damning evidence of collusion between Trump’s presidential campaign and Vladimir Putin’s regime, finally getting 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton off the hook for her poorly run campaign and embarrassing loss.

    US Representative Adam Schiff (D-CA), chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, is already threatening to subpoena Mueller and sue for release of the report, with any redactions made by Congress rather than by the Department of Justice. That’s a start, but it’s not good enough either. No redactions are permissible. We shouldn’t just see the parts of the report that Schiff wants us to see because they support Schiff’s preferred conclusions.

    If these two years of “Russiagate” theatrics have really been about getting at the truth and not just about embarrassing Donald Trump or even removing him from office while redeeming Clinton’s reputation, well, let’s have a look at the report sans edits by Barr OR Schiff and see whether or not WE think it does those things.

    The era of public permissiveness regarding government secrecy is — or at least should be — over.

    Thomas L. Knapp (Twitter: @thomaslknapp) is director and senior news analyst at the William Lloyd Garrison Center for Libertarian Advocacy Journalism (thegarrisoncenter.org). He lives and works in north central Florida.


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    California State Senator Mike Morrell: “Our pastors are Missing In Action”


    By Michael Hernandez 

    NEWBURY PARK—“Our pastors are Missing In Action (MIA),” said California State Senator Mike Morrell (23-Rep., Rancho Cucamonga) at the Sunday service at Godspeak Calvary Chapel, but “I am confident that God has placed us all, in California, to do His work.   Are we being silent, because we fear man, more than God?   We can no longer be silent, because it gives evil, a green light.”

    Senator Morrell was introduced by Mayor Rob McCoy as one of his two mentors, the other being California State Senator Shannon Grove (16-Rep., Bakersfield).  Morrell, 66, was elected to the California State Assembly in 2010 and won a special election to the State Senate in March 2014.  Prior to serving in the state legislature, he was a real estate broker and has been a small business owner for over 25 years.

     “I wanted to have a big purpose in my life.  We read in Proverbs 13:22: ‘A good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children.’  We have a responsibility to the next generation to leave them the same opportunities that were given (us).

    “Today, we do not talk about religion and politics (in the church, but these are the) two most important things to talk about.  Daniel and Esther served a nation; Nehemiah built a nation; Jeremiah warned a nation.  Hosea said that a people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.

    “Aristotle said that politics was placed above us, to tell us how to live.  In California, we have 40 state senators,” said Senator Morrell who claimed that we can find answers to today’s issues by searching the Bible—whether it be on immigration (God gave 17-20 conditions for immigration) or wealth.   We are told to fear God and obey His commandments.

    Senator Morrell cited the farewell speech of President George Washing who claimed that “morality and religion are indispensable supports.”  The Book of Deuteronomy directs us to “be careful to follow moral laws and decrees and commands to ‘get life’—otherwise our path will lead to death.”

    Senator Morrell quoted from Abraham Lincoln’s “A House Divided” speech given on June 16, 1858 after he had accepted the Illinois Republican Party’s nomination as U.S. Senator.  Lincoln was quoting words of Christ from the Book of Matthew.   The California State Senator also quoted from Lincoln’s initial inaugural speech upon being elected president when he chose “not to blame slave holders for slavery but the people of faith who were silent on the issue.”

    “Both parties read from the same Bible, pray to the same God,” but received God’s judgment against America as the Civil War broke out; and 650,000 Americans died.  I am concerned about God’s possible judgment for the 50-60 million” aborted in California.  “This can effect us and the next generation,” said Senator Morrell.

    Senator Morrell voiced his concerns about the new sex curriculum being adopted by California schools.   “It’s depravity.  God’s judgment can’t sleep forever.  If the church repents, then we can get revival.”

    According to Senator Morrell, In “Democracy in America” (1835), the French historian and political scientist Alexis de Tocqueville gave an account on how America was blessed by “two oceans separating us from our natural enemies and by churches and pulpits that are aflame with righteousness.” Today, we have “user friendly, seeker sensitive pastors that are Missing In Action.  Our pastors are gatekeepers of our souls—27 of our 56 founders studied for the ministry.

    “We are the first nation to have freedom.  We are the first to be governed by consent.   When President Washington was asked about America, he said:  “We have the best of Jerusalem; and the best of Athens (faith intersecting with wisdom).

    President Lincoln said the “constitution limits government’s powers.   The Declaration of Independence (introduced) Christian (thought).  When Justice Clarence Thomas was going through the confirmation process for an appointment to the U.S. Supreme Court, he was asked by U.S. Senator Joe Biden how he was going to make his decisions:  ‘According to the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God’ (first paragraph of the Declaration of Independence) and yet like Senator Biden, we don’t know what this means.

    “The Jews were slaves in Egypt for 431 years and they began to ‘prefer slavery to being free.’   Today, we want government handouts—this is called socialism—despotism by force.    This never worked in 6,000 years of history—look only at Venezuela, at North Korea, at Cuba.   The top charities (churches and nonprofit) will give 80 cents of the dollar to those who need help; when government tries it is between 30-50 cents out of the dollar.  Today, even Christian colleges want to take government funding.  We have about six Christian colleges in California that need government money, more (than staying true) to mission.

    “God established the executive branch, the judicial branch and the legislative branch.  But the Jews wanted a king—more government.   Today, we can be a bureaucratic state—not a free state and if we continue to go this way—the way of socialism—the government will take and take.  

    “California is the battleground for the soul of the nation.  I am convinced that as California goes, so goes the nation.”

    California State Senator Mike Morrell, Photo Credit Michael Hernandez

    Michael Hernandez, Co-Founder of the Citizens Journal—Ventura County’s online news service, founder of History Makers International—a community nonprofit serving youth and families in Ventura County, is a former Southern California daily newspaper journalist and religion and news editor.  He has worked 24 years as a middle school teacher.   Mr. Hernandez can be contacted by email at [email protected].

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    ‘Barely Worth Comment’: Covington Student’s Lawyer Blasts WaPo Editor’s Note As Too Little Too Late


    Virginia Kruta, Associated Editor 


    Nick Sandmann’s attorney fired back at the Washington Post Friday, saying that the outlet’s attempt at correction via an editor’s note was “barely worth comment.”

    When video of a confrontation between Native American elder Nathan Phillips and Covington Catholic High School junior Nick Sandmann went viral, many outlets — including WaPo — jumped on the narrative without waiting for the full story. (RELATED: The Real Story Behind The Catholic School Boys And Their Dust Up With A Native American Elder)

    Sandmann was quickly painted as a racist bully — but video that surfaced just hours later showed that he had simply stood his ground while being berated by a nearby group of Black Hebrew Israelites and then approached by Phillips, who beat his drum in Sandmann’s face.

    The Post offered up an editor’s note Friday, explaining that new information had come to light since the initial article was posted.

    What the editor’s note did not include was the fact that the bulk of that “new information” was available within 48 hours of their initial story — but it was not until some 40 days had passed and a massive lawsuit was filed that any attempt to issue a correction was made.

    Todd McMurtry, one of Sandmann’s attorneys, told Reason that the editor’s note was certainly not enough to change anything.

    What The Washington Post put out is barely worth comment. WaPo committed gross journalistic malpractice and cannot undo its deeds with an editor’s note that purports to correct the record over a month after it led a frenzied mob in trashing a minor’s reputation. The Sandmanns would never accept half of a half-measure from an organization that still refuses to own up to its error.

    Fellow attorney Lin Wood offered a similar take on the situation, promising a full response to a letter from the Jeff Bezos-owned outlet on Monday.



    Wood’s tweet indicated that the $250 million lawsuit was still going ahead as planned, saying, “Media bully learns no lesson until it pays for damage, unequivocally admits wrongdoing & pledges to never again bully & falsely attack child without proper investigation.”


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    More Rain on the Way – Continuing to Add to above seasonal averages


    With seasonal totals five to six inches above average across the county more rain is accepted to hit the area Tuesday evening. 

    “The rainfall around Point Conception can become heavy, especially in Los Angeles, Ventura and Santa Barbara counties and up through Kern County on Tuesday night and Wednesday,” according to AccuWeather Meteorologist Maggie Samuhel. 

    The danger of mudslides will increase. “In addition to flooding, mudslides are a concern. Residents in areas prone to both of these hazards and near burn-scar areas should remain extremely vigilant and heed all evacuation orders by local officials. Some road closures are also possible.” Accuweather

    Ventura County rain totals from Ventura County Watershed:

    Map of current year date rain totals: Ventura County Watershed:

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    Ocasio-Cortez Tries To Shame New York Post — Gets Fact-Checked By The Same Article

    Virginia Kruta, Associated Editor 


    Democratic New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez attacked the New York Post Sunday over a cover story labeling her a hypocrite with regard to green energy.

    “ECO-TRIP,” the headline blared in all capital letters, and the sub-headline was equally damning. “Gas-guzzling car rides expose AOC’s green hypocrisy,” it read. (RELATED: Ocasio-Cortez Tries To Raid Pentagon’s ‘Undocumented’ Funds To Cover Medicare For All)

    Ocasio-Cortez fired back on Twitter, saying, “The Post put the fact that I get into cars (while proposing a plan to invest in better car technology) on their front page. Pack it up folks, the Pulitzer’s been decided. No one can rival this kind of hard-hitting journalism.”


    But for those who looked past the headline and read the article, it was clear that the Post was not simply attacking the freshman congresswoman for using fossil fuels. Rather, the article was making the point that she was eschewing greener options to do so.

    From the Post’s report:

    Since declaring her candidacy in May 2017, Ocasio-Cortez’s campaign heavily relied on those combustible-engine cars — even though a subway station was just 138 feet from her Elmhurst campaign office.

    She listed 1,049 transactions for Uber, Lyft, Juno and other car services, federal filings show. The campaign had 505 Uber expenses alone.

    In all, Ocasio-Cortez spent $29,365.70 on those emissions-spewing vehicles, along with car and van rentals — even though her Queens HQ was a one-minute walk to the 7 train.

    Ocasio-Cortez attempted to justify her less-than-green existence by claiming that she was just “living in the world as it is,” and that was not “an argument against working toward a better future.” (RELATED: Pelosi, Ocasio-Cortez Join Forces To Threaten Dems Tempted To Vote With GOP)

    However, if the Green New Deal is adopted entirely as it was originally introduced, that “better future” would include a Hawaii with virtually no access to the mainland United States, much less the rest of the world. And that’s just the beginning.


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    Turning Point USA’s Anna Paulina Explains Why She Thinks Latino Support For Trump Will Continue To Grow

    Stephanie Hamill | Video Columnist



    Turning Point USA Director of Spanish Engagement Anna Paulina says she expects Latino support for President Donald Trump and Republicans to continue growing going into 2020.

    Paulina told The Daily Caller during an interview at CPAC that recent polling is looking good for President Trump when it comes to support for him among Latinos.

    A survey conducted by NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist in January showed showed Latino support for Trump at 50 percent, which was almost a 20-point increase from the last poll that was conducted a month prior. (RELATED: Trump: Hispanic Support for Me Is Growing Because They Want Border Security.)  

    She also discussed the recent Hispanic summit hosted by Turning Point in Phoenix, Arizona where hundreds of conservative Latinos attended.

    “The Young Latino Leadership Summit was to date one of the largest gatherings of conservative Hispanics since George H.W. Bush. It not only sent shock waves of excitement and passion for this country and for the conservative movement but it is serving as a small glimpse as to what this year and next year will entail within this community,” said Paulina.


    The views and opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not reflect the official position of The Daily Caller.

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    Port Hueneme | March Conversation with Police Chief Andrew Salinas & Business Advocate

    Tom Dunn is a Port Hueneme resident who is publisher of Port Hueneme News, a digital newspaper (facebook @huenemenews)  and host of  “Hello Port Hueneme” a video interview show about people, places and things in Port Hueneme.

    Tom Figg  is the owner of the Urban Planning Firm – Thomas E. Figg Consulting Services & City Council Member City of Port Hueneme Elected November 4, 2014.  He is not seeking re-election in November

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    Young Conservatives Speak About Politics in the Age of Memes


    By Debra Tash

    Mayor Will Berg

    The Channel Islands Republican Women Federated, CIRWF, hosted a panel of young adults from 18-24, also known as Generation Z. They are local Ventura County residents who hold views that may be seen by some as atypical of their peers. Asked by the moderator, Port Hueneme’s Mayor Will Berg, what conservative values they support, each person in turn added to a solid list of bedrock standards. That list includes individualism, lower taxes, honesty, free market capitalism, limited government, a strong work ethic, and that family is the building block of society up to and most importantly including, “The right to life because without that there are no other rights,” said Noee Ortiz, a young man working towards a career in law enforcement.

    When asked how Social Media helps shape their generation’s views and how it could be used, Taylor Chen, a senior at Westlake High School, said it’s a “…platform to convey opinions and could be used to further the truth.” He also noted the opposite is possible and that everyone should consider the source and not believe everything he or she reads or sees as the truth.

    Hope Cottam, a student at Channel Islands (CSUCI) and president of the campus Turning Point USA chapter, said Twitter and Instagram, with its story feature, were the best platforms. She also was unapologetic about her pro-life stance believing it to be an essential part of Republicanism.

    Matt Fennell, president of Dolphin Republicans at CSUCI and coordinator for Prager U, said Facebook is for the Boomer generation. Noee Ortiz noted their peers, the young people, are “headline readers”. They tend not to look at all sides and do not think beyond headlines and sound bites.

    Zack Robinson is a student at Embry Riddle Aeronautical University in Prescott Arizona. He stressed that Social Media’s censorship guidelines affect the Conservative message disproportionately, so the full story is not being told. He also emphasized the need to restore moral standards embodied in our founding documents regardless of one’s religious affiliation or not.

    Mayor Berg asked the younger set to assess the strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities of the Republican Party.

    Jack Breuker, a graduate of California State University Chico, bonded earlier in the day with Mayor Berg who also graduated from Chico and who in 2011 was inducted into Chico’s Athletic Hall of Fame for football. Jack worked at the National Republican Congressional Committee after college and before moving to the central coast to work in public relations for the oil and gas industry. He talked about his work and how the notion that Republicans are anti-environment is categorically untrue. If anything, they are better for the environment noting it was Republican President Richard Nixon who formed the Environmental Protection Agency, the EPA, in December 1970 by signing an Executive Order.  

    Hannah Nandor, a biology major at California Lutheran University who is working to become a OB/GYN Physician’s Assistant, said the perception of the Party is that Republicans lack compassion. “We need to communicate better because my generation is prone to emotional tactics.”  The Gen Z’s react to emotion more than to facts.

    Taylor Chen, the high school senior, believes Republicans must do more community outreach. They must reach parents and students because the “Left is in the schools”. He knows public education is a problem because of his first-hand experience of censorship on his campus.

    Matt Fennell made the point that, “Republicans have an identity crisis.” He believes the root of the crisis is too many Republicans have forgotten that our Nation’s Founders held Judeo-Christian values; that they practiced those values in their everyday lives; and that it is those values, embodied in our Declaration of Independence and our Constitution, that has given the world the greatest country in history.

    In sum, the Channel Islands Republican Women Federated February program was an excellent afternoon spent with seven conservative, young Americans who love this country and want it and themselves to realize their full potential.


    Panel Zachary Robinson, Noee Ortiz, Hannah Nandor, Matt Fennel, Hope Cottam, Taylor Chen, Jack Breuker

    Photos Credits, Debra Tash

    Debra Tash is Editor-in-Chief of Citizensjournal.us, past president for Citizens Alliance for Property Rights, business executive and award-winning author, residing in Somis.

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    Green land grabs on steroids


    Editor’s Note: This relevant when one considers the overreaching proposed Wildlife Ordinance the Board of Supervisors is poised to pass at its March 12th Meeting.  Here is the current draft of the proposal, better but still intrusive in many ways: https://vcrma.org/habitat-connectivity-and-wildlife-movement-corridors


    By Paul Driessen

    Special interest environmental groups got stung recently by an 8-0 U.S. Supreme Court opinion that held private landowners cannot be compelled to forego future economic uses of their property and at their own expense convert their land into suitable habitat for an endangered frog. Now radical greens are eyeing even bigger land grabs.

    The Natural Resources Defense Council has sued the Department of the Interior for failing to designate “critical habitat” for the “endangered” rusty patched bumblebee. It’s the latest of many Endangered Species Act (ESA) lawsuits, abusive sue-and-settle litigation, and other actions involving insects, and it led to an eleventh-hour Obama Administration endangered designation for the rusty patched bee.

    Interior points out that extremely limited knowledge about RPBs makes critical habitat determinations impossible. The NRDC counters that Interior must designate habitats based on “best available evidence.” The problem is, available information is so inadequate, conjectural, false or falsified that it must absolutely not be used to justify the astounding potential impacts of RPB habitat designations. 

    Groups that have bee-friended them claim RPBs were “once common” in many Northeastern and Midwestern states. However, back then bees and other insects were studied for taxonomic purposes – not to assess species’ diversity and populations. So no one knows how many there used to be, or where.

    The activists also claim RPB populations declined rapidly beginning in the mid-1990s, because of habitat loss, disease, climate change and especially the use of crop-protection pesticides. That’s not what they were saying a few years ago, before wild bees replaced honey bees in anti-pesticide campaigns.

    Back in 2013, when it petitioned the FWS for RPB endangered status, even the Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation said the bee’s apparent decline was due to habitat loss and multiple diseases that spread from domesticated honeybees to wild bees.

    “The exact cause for the loss of the rusty patched is unclear,” says University of Virginia biology professor T’ai Roulston. “But it’s almost certainly related to disease,” especially a fungal gut parasite that “can shorten the lives of worker bees and disrupt mating success and survival of queens and males.”

    Habitat loss is clearly another factor. Over the past half-century, cities and suburbs expanded, and farmers increasingly emphasized large-scale monoculture crops like corn and canola for food and biofuels. That reduced underground RPB nesting sites and the varieties of flowers that wild bees prefer.

    The Obama FWS ignored these facts, arbitrarily downplayed its earlier disease and habitat loss explanations, and began blaming pesticides, especially advanced-technology neonicotinoid pesticides, which became a scapegoat for wild bee health problems after it became obvious to everyone that fears of a honeybee apocalypse were unfounded. A busy, understaffed Department of the Interior let the last-minute Obama era RPB endangered species designation take effect in early 2017.

    Little evidence supports the pesticide claims, and much refutes them.

    For example, a wide-ranging international study of wild bees, published in Nature Communications, found that only 2% of wild bee species are responsible for 80% of all crop visits. Most wild bees never even come into contact with crops or the pesticides that supposedly harm them.

    Even more compelling, the Nature study determined that the 2% of wild bees that do visit crops – and so would be most exposed to pesticides – are among the healthiest bee species on Earth. 

    Other studies found that neonic residues are well below levels that can adversely affect bee development or reproduction. That’s because most neonics are used as seed coatings that are absorbed into plant tissue as crops grow. They protect plants against insect damage – targeting only pests that actually feed on the crops – but are largely gone by the time mature plants flower. Neonics are barely detectable in pollen.

    None of these facts will matter, however, once the FWS starts designating RPB critical habitats. The agency and environmentalists will be able to delay, block or bankrupt any proposed or ongoing project or activity within a habitat if they can make any plausible claim that it might potentially harm the bee. Building new homes or hospitals, laying new pipelines, improving roads and bridges – a farmer’s decisions about plowing fields, planting crops or using pesticides – could all be subjected to litigation.

    The potential geographic reach of these critical habitat designations is enormous.

    RPBs are likely to be found “in scattered locations that cover only 0.1% of the species’ historical range,” the FWS has said. That doesn’t sound like much. However, 0.1% of the bee’s presumed or asserted historical range is nearly four million acres – equivalent to Connecticut plus Rhode Island.

    Even worse, that acreage is widely dispersed in itty-bitty parcels across 13 states where amateur entomologists have supposedly spotted rusty patched bumblebees since 2000. That’s some 380 million acres: 15 times the size of Virginia! That is green land grabs on steroids, and it’s just the beginning.

    No one knows just where those parcels might be. So environmental groups could pressure and sue government agencies to halt projects – or agencies could do it at their own volition, to delay or block gas pipelines, for example – while large areas are carefully examined for signs of rusty patched bumblebees.

    New York regulators might be especially prone to doing that, considering the governor and legislature’s unbending opposition to “climate destabilizing” natural gas, even as gas and electricity prices climb ever higher in the Empire State.

    More ominously, anti-pesticide and other environmental groups want yellow-banded, western and Franklin’s bumblebees designated as endangered. These species were supposedly once found in tiny areas scattered over a billion acres in 40 US states! Other anti-pesticide, anti-fossil fuel, pro-Green New Deal activists also want beetles and other bugs designated as endangered. It’s all about control.

    The ultimate effect – if not their intent – would be to let radical groups use “threatened or endangered” insects to delay or veto countless projects and activities across nearly the entire United States.

    Probably most Americans would say delaying or even scuttling certain projects and activities might be warranted when the threatened or endangered species holds a position of significance in the animal kingdom, and really is down to the last of its kind.

    But bees, beetles and other bugs? Especially when we don’t know how many there ever were, or where? Or what might actually be threatening their continued existence, if it really is threatened? Highly unlikely.

    Just as relevant, why aren’t the same eco-activist groups expressing the same concern – or any concern, really – about bald and golden eagles, other raptor and bird species, or multiple rare bat species that are being decimated by wind turbines? Whooping cranes are teetering on the brink of extinction, and yet their Canada to Texas flyway is now home to hundreds of bird-butchering turbine rotors.

    The resulting carnage is ignored by greens and regulators alike, and Big Wind operators prohibit independent biologists from entering the killing grounds to get accurate counts of bird and bat carcasses.

    Many of those wondrous and vitally important species would likely be wiped out entirely if anything like the Green New Deal sprouts hundreds of thousands of 400-foot-tall onshore turbines across the USA.

    The Interior Department’s Fish & Wildlife Service needs to bring further balance and sanity to the ESA, to ensure that conflicting and competing needs are examined and balanced – fully, carefully and honestly.

    All this underscores why the Endangered Species Act must be revised. It also explains why radical environmentalists and their allies will fight any changes tooth and nail, along with any nominee who might try to make any changes in any Trump land use, environmental or agricultural agency or policy.

    These are complex but vital policy issues, requiring rational, responsible discussions and decisions.

    Paul Driessen is senior policy advisor for the Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT) and author of books and articles on energy, climate, environmental and human rights issues.

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    ‘Absolute miracle:’ Rescuers find missing California sisters

    By AMANDA LEE MYERS | Associated Press

    Armed with some outdoor survival training, granola bars and pink rubber boots, 5- and 8-year-old sisters survived 44 hours in rugged Northern California wilderness before they were found dehydrated and cold but in good spirits on Sunday, authorities said.

    A fire chief and firefighter from a local volunteer department found Leia and Caroline Carrico in a wooded area about 1½ miles (2.3 kilometers) from their home in the small community of Benbow, where they had last been seen Friday afternoon, Humboldt County Sheriff William Honsal said.


    The girls were “safe and sound” and uninjured, thanks in part to survival training they got with their local 4-H club, Honsal said.

    Read the rest of the story on Fox News

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