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    Republic of Thirst, Part 3: ‘Creating’ New Water for California Through Innovation


    By Joel Pollak

    “Republic of Thirst” is a three-part series made possible by a generous fellowship from the Robert Novak Foundation. Part 1 of this series explored current debates about the allocation of California’s scarce water resources. Part 2 explored whether the water supply could be expanded by building new reservoirs. Part 3 explores whether California might alleviate its chronic water shortages — which could become even worse in the future — by “creating” new water resources, using desalination and recycling. (Further acknowledgments appear below.)

    The cold, wet, snowy winter of 2018-2019 turned out to be an inauspicious time to write about California’s chronic water shortages.

    Relentless storms across the state in January 2019 brought the Sierra Nevada snowpack to 119 percent of the April 1 average, and the rain and snow only continued: some areas reported their snowiest February ever.

    Still, scarcity is never more than one dry winter away in California, even if it is out of the public mind for the moment.

    While the winter rains drenched Northern California, and snows fell heavily on ski resorts in the Sierra Nevada, water authorities, both urban and rural, sued the California State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) over its Bay-Delta plan (described in Part 1 of this series).

    The SWRCB’s order under the plan would force users of water from the San Joaquin River valley to reduce their consumption so that the river and its tributaries could achieve 40% of “unimpeded flow” during the spring months, ostensibly to save fish populations.

    Rather than adopt a voluntary approach, favored by local water authorities as well as incoming Governor Gavin Newsom, SWRCB chair Felicia Marcus — a former attorney for the National Resources Defense Council, a leading environmentalist group — imposed the plan, along with a majority of the board. (Newsom replaced her last month with “moderate” Joaquin Estevel, who also voted with Marcus and the majority.)

    Read the rest of the story on Breitbart News

    California aqueducts

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    How Does a No-Trumper” Become a Voting Member of the California Republican Party



    By Stephen Frank,  California Political News and Views

    Assemblyman Chad Mayes appointed Mike Madrid to be a voting delegate to the California Republican Party—though his district is in Palm Springs and Madrid lives near Sacramento.  From Capitol Public Radio, October, 2016, “Mayes has not endorsed Trump and says that although he will not vote for Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, he has not yet decided whether he’ll vote for Trump.

    “I’ve had some people say, you know, are you going to disassociate yourself with him?“ Mayes says. “And I’ve said, well, I haven’t associated myself with him.“

    At least Mayes was honest enough to openly admit he opposed Donald Trump.

    Then you have Mike Madrid, the strategist for the No Trumpers in California and key voter of Jessica Patterson.

    In Raw Story, December, 2018, , Madrid said this, Mike Madrid, a California GOP consultant, agreed in a similar post-midterm eulogy in Politico quoted in the report.

    “The party has to die before it can be rebuilt,” Madrid said “And by die, I mean, completely decimated.”

    The midterms, he noted, were a “big step” towards that necessary death.”

    In Lost Coast Out Post, 2/22/19, Madrid said this, ““This is not rocket science,” said GOP consultant Mike Madrid. “Anyone who thinks that supporting Donald Trump or Donald Trump’s policies is a path to victory in California is delusional. Like, clinically.””

    Though advising Republicans, he had been helping Villaraigosa for two years prior to the June, 2018 Primary,  From the Sacramento Bee, June 1, 2018, “Mike Madrid, a Republican political consultant and senior adviser to Villaraigosa, said courting the Latino vote has been the campaign’s underlying strategy all along (of the Democrats campaign).

    “The critical vote is the going to be the Latino vote. This is what we’ve been planning for two years and have been executing on,” Madrid said, explaining their focus on Los Angeles. “It’s the same reason Newsom’s there. He’s trying to make sure that the Democratic base is split so Antonio doesn’t go through.”

    I wonder if the GOP’ers he was advising knew of his help to elect a Democrat as Governor?

    This will give you an idea about one delegate to the CRP convention—a very important one.  Yes, Madrid is a Republican.  Yes, he was appointed by his fellow No-Trumper Chad Mayes.  Please note I am not making any value judgments—just stating facts and giving quotes.  Thought you should know about the No Trumper leadership inside the California Republican Party.

    Chad Mayes

    Stephen Frank: Is the the publisher and editor of the California Political News and Views.  Mr. Frank speaks all over California and appears as a guest on several radio shows each week. He has also served as a guest host on radio talk shows and is a full time political consultant. http://capoliticalnews.com/

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    Trump’s ‘Remain In Mexico’ Policy Is Changing How Immigrants Try To Enter The US

    Jason Hopkins | Energy Investigator

    The Trump administration’s asylum policy is prompting more migrants to try their luck at crossing illegally rather than seeking out legal ports of entry, Customs and Border Protection data suggest.

    The proportion of foreign nationals attempting to cross the border illegally rather than reporting to legal ports of entry has risen in the past year, according to the data. Those crossing illegally made up 73 percent of all border crossings from October 2017 to January 2018 and then rose to 83 percent for the same period of time ending on Jan. 31, 2019, NBC News reported Friday.

    At the same time, the percentage of foreign nationals intentionally reaching out to border enforcement establishments dropped from 27 percent to 17 percent.

    The new numbers come in the wake of President Donald Trump’s “Remain in Mexico” policy. The policy enacted in December 2018 dictates that foreign nationals who seek asylum at the southern border cannot enter the U.S. and must remain in Mexico while their case makes it through the immigration courts — a process that could take months to years.

    The directive does not apply to children or Mexican asylum seekers. It largely targets the dramatic influx of Central American migrants who have tried to enter into the country through the U.S.-Mexico border. Immigrant rights advocates are attempting to fight the policy in court.

    The Department of Homeland Security argues that migrants who are abandoning asylum claims likely don’t have a strong case anyway.

    “The fact that illegitimate asylum seekers may be abandoning efforts at our [ports of entry] means that legitimate asylum seekers at the [ports of entry] can receive protections far more quickly — which has been our goal from the start,” a DHS official said to NBC News.

    It has been largely noted by immigration hawks that migrants abuse asylum procedures. Many of them, after claiming asylum and entering the U.S., never show up to their court dates and simply disappear within the country’s borders.

    “Remember, the problem right now isn’t people crossing the border illegally. It’s people presenting themselves to border patrol agents – people who want to get apprehended – so they can lodge a frivolous asylum claim,” RJ Hauman, a spokesman for Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), said to The Daily Caller News Foundation in February. “They know we don’t have the detention space so we just release them into the interior of the country.”

    Democrats and immigration rights groups have hammered Trump for declaring a crisis on the border. However, Border Patrol Chief Carla Provost testified to Congress that the inpouring of Central American families and unaccompanied children has stretched her agency to the breaking point. Unlike Mexican or Canadian nationals, who can be quickly deported, foreigners from other countries cannot be removed as easily. (RELATED: Sanctuary Laws Allowed Illegal Immigrant Who Tried To Kill A Cop Remain In The US, ICE Claims)

    “Each day, nearly 25 percent of my agents are diverted away from our border security mission to care for, transport and process family members and unaccompanied children,” Provost told a House committee Tuesday. “We know that when agents are occupied, narcotics smugglers, criminal aliens, gang members and others use the opportunity to violate our borders and our laws.”

    Follow Jason on Twitter

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    VC Public Works Agency’s Improves Box Canyon Road | To Bring lasting results for Residents

    The Box Canyon Road Project is to enhance the road with resurfacing and other site improvements while minimizing inconvenience to the traveling public

    (VENTURA COUNTY, Calif.) – Beginning in March 2019, the Ventura County Public Works Agency (VCPWA) will conduct a project to repair and resurface Box Canyon Road that will span from the Santa Susana Pass Road intersection to the Ventura/Los Angeles County line. In addition, VCPWA included in the project improvements to drainage and erosion control along the 2-mile length of road.

    Due to the winding, narrow nature of Box Canyon Road, during the work, the road will be subject to closure. There will be partial single lane closures for site specific construction for approximately two months, as well as full closure throughout two weekends for the resurfacing of the entire width of the road. A brief full closure will also be required at the end of the project for striping.

    During the full closures, residents will have access to and from their home every 3 hours, for 20 minutes. These access time periods will take place at 2 a.m., 5 a.m., 8 a.m., 11 a.m., 2 p.m., 5 p.m., 8 p.m. and 11 p.m. Flagmen will be located at each end of the road closure to limit traffic to local land-locked residents during these access times.

    Improvements to Box Canyon Road will include new drainage inlet construction, swale improvements, 6’’base repair, roadway cold milling and new AC berms. After completion, the full width of the road will be resurfaced, which will include a layer of 2’’ asphalt rubber hot mix (ARHM) on top of a layer of rubberized chip seal.  When all of this is complete, the new surface will be striped.

    “Our goal is to improve the quality of travel, comfort and safety along this winding, narrow road while minimizing impacts to the local residents of Box Canyon during the project,” said Dave Fleisch, VCPWA Transportation Department Director. “The geometry of the roadway and local topography, condition of the existing pavement and the high volume of traffic drove these improvements, which are intended to last at least 20 years.”

    Portable Changeable Message Signs (CMS) will be placed at both ends of the closure starting two weeks prior to construction and will be continuingly updated as the project is carried out.

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    Things I don’t understand



    By Richard Eber

    There are many areas of knowledge that baffles me. It is difficult in my world to distinguish between fake news and “Reality” TV shows. I have always wondered why the public is so enamored following the Kardashians.  How come ice cream never has bones except when conspiracy theorists are involved?

    In politics I suffer from a similar learning disorder. Very little makes sense to me. For instance:

    Why Gavin Newsom is withdrawing the use of National Guard troops at the border of Mexico saying no problem exists?  Is the man crazy or delusional after being elected Governor last November thinking no crisis exists at the border? Does he believe less contraband will cross the border if ICE is abolished and criminals will be welcomed into the Golden State. Is the Opioid Crisis the President talks about a myth?  If so why is it necessary for San Francisco to give out free needles to junkies for public safety purposes?

    I can’t believe any affordable housing can be built when it takes almost half a million dollars in permits, studies, waiting, and every delay imaginable before the first shovel can be lifted.  Why would anyone think government subsidies would lower opportunity costs for construction?  Are present CEQA regulations and similar requirements from other state agencies making California a more affordable place to live?

    How can naming a street for Oscar Grant be anything but a sham? This just happened in Oakland.  The guy was on parole for a firearms beef and was arrested just prior to his death. Grant was likely going back to jail for a long stint on serious felony charges. While it is unfortunate that Grant died in a tragic accident when fighting with a police officer on BART. However, making this man a hero is ridiculous.

    Why are efforts being made to put PG&E out of business as if they were some kind of criminal enterprise?  In general most people think they are doing a good job.  Even in cases where alternative power sources are selling gas and electric to PG&E, they still depend on the company to solve problems when there is a power outage.  Does anyone believe Government takeover of private enterprise providing power will ever be cheaper or more efficient than the present system?

    How can we keep pretending that illegal aliens living in California are producing enough tax income with their jobs to offset the billions of dollars in government assistance given them?  Does anyone really believe such a notion is anything but fantasy?  Despite this reality Democratic politicians in California pretend that sales tax is creating revenue neutral situation for undocumented residents.  Are you trying to tell me expenses associated with operating emergency rooms, public schools, welfare, and law enforcement are  a wash?  If this revenue neutral scenario were really true, why would the state always be so broke and demanding new taxes be enacted?

    Why is Gavin Newsom mad at Donald Trump for asking for the Federal Government’s 3.5 billion dollar investment in the bullet train back?  The Governor is saying that operating the train between Madera and Bakersfield fulfills the terms of receiving Federal funding.  If President Trump thinks Uncle Sam has been defrauded by the Bullet Train, just think how bad the taxpayers in California feel about what has transpired?

    I can’t believe how school boards in Los Angeles, Oakland, and throughout the state can demand new contracts to teachers knowing full well that a major portion of their victories at the bargaining tables are unfunded.  In addition, as educators are fully aware, their pension fund ratio falls deeper in the red each year.  Of course this shortfall is of little consequence because the politically powerful California Teachers Union (CTA) is depending on Governor Newsom to bail them out this year, as has happened under Governor Brown. Is this what Progressives call transparency?

    At the same time it’s hard to understand how Charter Schools are being blamed for the failing performance of California’s public school system.  The idea that they are private and are taking good students and families away from underperforming schools is ridiculous propaganda.  Why can’t the CTA just say there are too many educators working at Charters who don’t belong to their union?  Along with this they do not ever want to take accountability for failing schools.  The bottom line is  Bill Clinton’s observation “it’s the money stupid”, still holds true.  This is why there is a movement originating from the CTA and the Legislature to outlaw new Charters and reduce school choice.

    It is difficult to understand why Gavin Newsom is bragging about so called California values.  We might we ask what are these attributes?  Could it be highest tax rates in the country?  Maybe these “values” include lowering the crime rate by not prosecuting those who fall under the Sanctuary City umbrella?  Perhaps restrictive building codes and high permit costs should be emulated by the rest of country; or maybe its job killing Cap and Trade laws?  Might our public education K1-12 model which ranks 46th out of 50 States be xeroxed?  The list goes on with the underachievements of Progressive fools who run our state.

    It astounds me how anyone could be naïve enough to support the Presidential campaign of Kamala Harris. Her platform of taxing the rich, imposing PC values on her constituents and formulating economic policies makes the Marxists down in Venezuela envious.  The Junior Senator from California is a prime example of an “empty dress”.

    I can’t believe why more people are not leaving California.  Large numbers of middle class and upper income residents are immigrating in droves.  More would follow except for wanting to live near to grown children. An example of this is during the present housing shortage, a sinking market for values of single family home sales exists from San Diego to the Bay Area.  Such a reality is countered by the Sacramento liberals who insist there are more jobs being created in the state than ever before.

    Unfortunately most of new employment is in the minimum wage fast food sector. This is being countered by higher paying manufacturing and white collar employment fleeing elsewhere.  Indicative of this alarming trend, State Government is projecting lower tax revenues for 2019 compared to last year

    It is astounding how the Republican Party is so weak in California when their competition wants to turn the state into another version of the old Soviet Union.  Can anyone reminisce to be about the good old days of socialism when the damn system actually worked?  Was it in Russia, China, East Germany, or some other place?

    I thought affirmative action was outlawed a long time ago by the Supreme Court.  Why has it returned under the banner of diversity to discriminate against those who want to be evaluated by what they have achieved?  Hell, just last week the Women’s March in Eureka had to be canceled because there were too many Caucasian females participating in this event.  What is our country coming to?

    Richard Eber studied journalism at the University of Oregon. He writes about politics, culture, education restaurants, and was former city and sports editor of UCSB Daily. Richard is president of Amerasa Rapid Transit, a specialized freight forwarder.

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    Ventura Police Department Joins ‘Neighbors’ by Ring to Provide Users with Real-Time, Local Crime and Safety Information

    The Ventura Police Department today announced that it is joining the Neighbors app by Ring (available via iOS/Android here: https://download.ring.com/venturapd to provide the Ventura community with real-time, local crime and safety information. The Neighbors network already has millions of users and has been instrumental in catching package thieves, stopping burglaries, and keeping neighborhoods safe.

    Residents can download the free Neighbors app, join their neighborhood, and use the app to: monitor neighborhood activity; share crime and safety-related videos, photos and text-based posts; and receive real-time safety alerts from their neighbors, local law enforcement and the Ring team.

    “The free Neighbors app by Ring will be a valuable tool in our efforts to fight crime in our city.  We appreciate the opportunity to partner with Ring and our community through this technology,” said Police Chief Ken Corney.

    Jamie Siminoff, Chief Inventor and Founder of Ring said: “We’re excited to have the Ventura Police Department join Neighbors to keep their community up-to-date on local crime and safety information. Over the past few years we have learned that, when neighbors, the Ring team and law enforcement all work together, we can create safer communities. Neighbors is meant to facilitate real-time communication between these groups, while maintaining neighbor privacy first and foremost. By bringing security to every neighbor with the free Neighbors app, the Ventura community can stay on top of crime and safety alerts as they happen.”

    How It Works

    • Download the Neighbors app on iOS and Android here: https://download.ring.com/venturapd or by texting venturapd to 555888 from your smartphone.
    • Opt-in to join your neighborhood.
    • Customize the geographic area you want to receive notifications for (users must verify where they are located and cannot participate in other neighborhoods).
    • Receive real-time alerts from your neighbors, local law enforcement and the Ring team that inform of crime and safety alerts as they happen.
    • View local crime and safety posts via a live feed or interactive map.
    • Share text updates, photos and videos taken on any device, including Ring’s home security devices.
    • Work with your community to make neighborhoods safer.

    About Neighbors

    Neighbors is a neighborhood watch app that provides real-time, local crime and safety information. Download the free Neighbors app (iOS/Android), join your neighborhood, and use the app to: monitor neighborhood activity; share crime and safety-related videos, photos and text-based posts; and receive real-time safety alerts from your neighbors, local law enforcement and the Ring team. Download Neighbors (iOS/Android) today to join your digital neighborhood watch. For more information visit www.ring.com/neighbors.

    About Ring

    Ring’s mission is to reduce crime in neighborhoods by creating a Ring of Security around homes and communities. Ring is an Amazon company. The Ring product line, along with Neighbors by Ring, enable Ring to offer affordable, whole-home and neighborhood security devices and services. In fact, one Los Angeles neighborhood saw a 55 percent decrease in home break-ins after Ring Doorbells were installed on just ten percent of homes. For more information, visit www.ring.com. With Ring, you’re always home.

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    Universaist Unitarian Church of Santa Paula – Documentary, Made in L.A.

    The Social Concerns Action Committee of the Universalist Unitarian Church will present a free screening of  the documentary, Made in L.A. It’s the story of three Latina immigrants who join a union while working in Los Angeles sweatshops. We see them embark on a three-year odyssey to win basic labor protections from trendy clothing retailer Forever 21. In intimate verité style, Made in L.A. reveals the impact of the struggle on each woman’s life as they are gradually transformed by the experience.

    Compelling, humorous, deeply human, Made in L.A. is a story about immigration, the power of unity, and the courage it takes to find your voice. Screening begins at 6:30, Tuesday, March 26, at 740 E. Main St., Santa Paula.Free, but donations accepted. Discussion follows.

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    Simi Valley Youth Summit Deadline Approaching


    The Simi Valley Youth Council encourages all high school students in Simi Valley to attend the 18th Annual Youth Summit, scheduled on Friday, March 22, 2019, from 8:00 a.m. to 2:45 p.m. Sponsored by the City of Simi Valley’s Youth Council, the American Jewish University Brandeis-Bardin Campus, the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Institute, and the Simi Valley Unified School District, this free event is designed to inspire youth to set goals, enhance leadership abilities, and become involved in their community. 

    The Youth Summit will be held at the American Jewish University Brandeis-Bardin Campus, nestled in the foothills south of Royal Avenue at Tapo Canyon Road. The event includes: an inspirational speaker; interactive workshops; and small group discussions regarding community-wide issues impacting teens. During the catered lunch, attendees will meet local elected leaders, including the Mayor and City Council Members, Simi Valley Unified School District and Rancho Simi Recreation and Park District Board Members, and many other influential community leaders. 

    Attendance at the event is recognized by the Simi Valley Unified School District as an educational activity and is an excused absence designated as school business. High school students outside the Simi Valley Unified School District are also welcome to attend. 

    Students interested in attending the Youth Summit are required to submit an application and guardian permission forms in advance. Applications may be submitted online by visiting the City’s website at www.simivalley.org/YouthSummit and selecting Youth Summit Application on or before 5:00 p.m., on Monday, March 4, 2019. Space is limited. 

    The Simi Valley Youth Council is an advisory board to the City Council on issues that affect the Youth in the community. Community members and youth are encouraged to follow the Youth Council on Instagram @simivalleyyouthcouncil. 

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    Oxnard Man Arrested | Allegedly Meth and Cocaine found in Storage Locker

    Ventura County Sheriff Department – Incident Press Release

    Jose Delgado

    On February 22, 2019, Detectives from the Ventura County Sheriff’s West County Narcotic Street Team, assisted by the Sheriff’s Special Investigations Unit, concluded a several month long investigation into the narcotic trafficking activities of Oxnard resident Jose Delgado by executing search warrants on his person, vehicles, storage locker, and residence.

    On February 22, 2019, detectives executed a search warrant at Delgado’s storage locker facility in the city of Oxnard. During the search, detectives located approximately 2.5 pounds of methamphetamine, 2 ounces of cocaine, digital scales, packaging material, and cutting agents. At approximately 4:20 pm, Delgado was detained and arrested during a traffic stop near his home. After a search of his vehicle and person, detectives then executed a search warrant at Delgado’s residence located in the 600 block of West 6th Street in the city of Oxnard. There, detectives seized approximately 3 ounces of methamphetamine from his vehicles and a large sum of cash which was determined to be proceeds of narcotic sales.

    Delgado was arrested and booked at the Ventura County Main Jail for possession of methamphetamine and cocaine for the purposes of sales. Delgado’s bail was set at $250,000. Delgado remains in-custody and is scheduled to appear in Ventura County Superior Court on March 7, 2019 at 1:15 pm in Court Room 12.

    The West County Street Team is comprised of Narcotic Detectives from the Ventura County Sheriff’s Office, the Oxnard Police Department, and the Port Hueneme Police Department.

    Photo: Ventura County Sheriff


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    Naval Base Ventura County holds town halls to hear Sailor concerns

    Ventura County, Calif.,– Naval Base Ventura County (NBVC) commanding officer, Captain Jeff Chism, is hosting town halls to hear the housing concerns of Sailors and their families.

    On Feb. 23, Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) John Richardson and Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy (MCPON) Russell Smith directed naval installation commanders to make 100% contact with Sailors living in government and Public Private Venture (PPV) housing to ask if their housing is satisfactory. The action was directed upon being alerted that some Sailors may have been negatively affected by the condition of their government and PPV family housing.

    The base is committed to listening and responding to issues raised by Sailors and residents. Just one month prior to the February directive and following tenant commands request to provide Sailors an avenue to voice concerns, NBVC hosted four town halls, two each at NBVC Port Hueneme and NBVC Point Mugu. Jan. 23 & 30 panel discussions led by Capt. Chism first answered questions submitted online then followed with 30 minutes of Q&A with attendees.

    Some 45 questions were answered by the panel covering primarily housing issues, but also informing attendees about base growth, facility maintenance, community programs, and recreation and dining options on base.

    Between town hall sessions base organizations including the Navy Exchange, PPV housing, Defense Commissary, Environmental, Tri-care, Naval Branch Health Clinic, and more, held an information fair to allow one-on-one engagement.

    In response to the Feb. 23 Navy announcement requiring housing specific engagement, Capt. Chism sent letters to all commands and Sailors attached to NBVC stating his commitment to advocating for the health and safety of Sailors assigned to the base. The letter detailed the process to resolve housing issues and invited all housing residents and base personnel to participate in two additional town halls scheduled specifically to address Sailor concerns about housing.

    “I am here to listen and to hear your concerns,” said Chism at the first housing town hall held yesterday evening at Duke’s Place in Port Hueneme. “I want to ensure every resident understands the process to address issues and I am committed to transparent and open conversation.”

    On Mar. 4, NBVC will host another housing town hall at the Mugu Theater on Point Mugu at 7 p.m.

    “I want to help resolve your issues,” said David DeJesus, NBVC Housing Director. “We are here to listen to you and help you thru the process.”

    For more information, follow us on Facebook @NavalBaseVenturaCounty or call NBVC Public Affairs at 805-989-9234.

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