Saturday, July 13, 2024
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    Two Visions of America by Don Jans

    Pfizer COVID Shot Effects: One 12-Year-Old Dies 2 Days After Shot – Another 12-Year-Old In ICU After Heart Problems

    And now they are targeting the 5-11-year-old range. Parents, if you are subjecting your kids to this, you should be ashamed of yourselves. This deadly, experimental shot is killing people by the millions, as well as injuring millions more.

    The COVID Blog reports on a 12-year-old girl in Germany who died just days after receiving the Pfizer shot.

    GERMANY – A 12-year-old girl from the district of Cuxhaven has died two days after receiving her second Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine. Initial evidence suggests that there is a causal relationship with the vaccination.

    The district had decided to make the case public after rumors surfaced on social media. The news comes just as the US has  started vaccinating 5-11 year olds with the Pfizer vaccine.

    The Cuxhaven health department had ordered an autopsy which has already taken place. According to the preliminary autopsy report, done by experts from the Institute of Forensic Medicine at the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, it was concluded that it is likely that her sudden death was due to the vaccine.

    The head of the health department in the district of Cuxhaven, Kai Dehne, said:

    “We are confronted with a particularly tragic case here. Statistically, serious vaccination side effects resulting in death are extremely rare. But 100% of the family is ruthlessly affected.”

    Other causes cannot yet be completely ruled out before the evaluation of fine tissue examinations, the results of which will be made available today.

    In another part of the world, another 12-year-old girl from Thailand is fighting for her life in an Intensive Care Unit after the Pfizer shot caused heart problems.

    PHOTHARAM, RATCHABURI – A 12-year-old girl in Thailand is fighting for her life in ICU after suffering heart complications caused by the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine.

    The 12-year-old Grade 6 pupil, who is a student at Wat Don Sai School, received her shot on October 19th. Several days later, she complained to her mother about chest pain and shortness of breath.

    Her symptoms gradually worsened and she was hospitalized at Ratchaburi Hospital. She was then transferred to the Children’s Hospital in Bangkok where she’s currently intubated on a ventilator.

    The heartbroken mother posted a message on Facebook yesterday with a picture of her daughter receiving the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine at Chet Samian Hospital.

    She said:

    “My 12-year-old daughter is now in the ICU. A ventilator is required after she was diagnosed with coronary thrombosis. This occurred less than a week after she was vaccinated.

    She was always a strong child.”

    The father of the pupil, Mr. Pipatpong Tanpanich, said that on October 19th, at 2 pm, she and her siblings had received their first dose of the Pfizer vaccine. She had pain in her arm for 3 days but recovered.

    2 days later, she developed a dry cough and chest pain so she was taken to Ratchaburi Hospital where her condition was considered so severe, that she was rushed to the Children’s Hospital in Bangkok where she was diagnosed with coronary thrombosis.

    Dr. Pajaree Areerob, an MD at Ratchaburi Hospital, told reporters that they’d never seen a case like this before.

    What is it going to take for people to recognize what is going on here:  This is knowingly playing Russian Roulette with children.  They know the dangers of these shots but fail to provide informed consent to parents or children.  These are criminal acts and a new Nuremberg is just on the horizon for those engaging in all of this.

    This time, the People won’t let any of the new Nazis escape.  They will all be facing swift justice.

    Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media

    Tim Brown

    Tim Brown is an author and Editor at,, and He is husband to his “more precious than rubies” wife, father of 10 “mighty arrows”, jack of all trades, Christian and lover of liberty. He resides in the U.S. occupied Great State of South Carolina. . Follow Tim on Twitter. Also check him out on Gab, Minds, MeWe, Spreely, Mumbl It and Steemit

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    2 years ago

    is this your king

    2 years ago


    2 years ago

    alia Shmuel took her five-year-old son to their local health clinic in Jerusalem, Israel, for his first vaccine against Covid-19. He was born with a heart defect, and as a side-effect has a severely narrowed windpipe, which makes him particularly vulnerable to the disease. “Any time he gets sick, it generally turns into pneumonia,” Shmuel says. “And he gets sick a lot.”

    2 years ago

    This is me

    William Hicks
    William Hicks
    2 years ago

    Shaming people is not the way to convince parents to protect theyr children. Provide them with the facts and let it be.

    John Jones
    John Jones
    2 years ago

    If parents would research the available data and information on the web, they would know that children at near 0.00% risk from COVID! SHAME ON THEM FOR BELIEVING THE PROPAGANDA AND ALLOWING THEIR CHILD TO TAKE THIS EXPERIMENTAL JAB!

    2 years ago

    The parent basically killed their own child. What deranged minded parent would allow their child to be a Pharmaceutical Lab Rat?

    Shame on these parents.

    2 years ago

    You Parents are supposed to protect your children and not offer them up to be killed by this Demonic Administration

    2 years ago

    How Sad.

    Righteous Anger!
    Righteous Anger!
    2 years ago

    Do NOT take yourself or allow your Children to consent to these DEATH JABS! We will all Reap what we Sow. Resist.

    2 years ago

    Historically true vaccines are given to children based on the weight of the child… more heavy gets more vaccine, etc. With these “vaccines” all 5-11 year olds get the SAME amount, so the younger children will get WAY too much shot into them. Look for younger children to have SERIOUS health issues faster than the older kids.

    2 years ago
    American Eagle
    American Eagle
    2 years ago

    We will never know what will happen til we give the shot to kids. Looks like same result as giving to adults. Heart issues, blood clotting and death! Safest shot ever right Joe Biden?

    2 years ago
    Reply to  American Eagle

    Why you asking Joe? It’s tRump’s vaccine you idiot.

    2 years ago
    Reply to  Vernon

    Trump isn’t trying to force you to get it….biden is…’re the idiot

    Jeffrey S Palaferri
    Jeffrey S Palaferri
    2 years ago
    Reply to  Vernon

    No, it’s Fauci’s.He’s the one that’s the MD.

    2 years ago
    Reply to  Vernon

    At least Trump said it should be taken voluntarily – you idiot jackass. But yeah – screw both Trump and Biden.

    2 years ago
    Reply to  Vernon

    Exactly right! How easy folks forget that it was T-Rump that made sure everyone knew the military would be going door to door to help us get our kill shots….
    The only way we will get out of this is to use the laws already on the books, in our favor. We need people who will uphold the Constitution and we are entitled to throw these criminals out of office – NOW!
    No one will escape this commie, wicked mess. For those of you who know the Bible, you know that power has been given to satan/lucifer and his minions for a season. We are in that season! Know your history because we have been seriously lied to. We need to make sure that whoever is in office is NOT a dual citizen of another country that they put in higher allegiance than ours. Who controls the Federal Reserve? The media? Newspapers? When you dig deep you will find out these people were thrown out of 109 countries in the past because of their evil, wicked ways. These people have it written in their Babylonian Talmud and in their mysticism of kabbalah that Jesus is boiling in His own excrement. It also states that the goyim (gentiles, immersed jews) are less than human and they plan to kill us all so they can run the show out of Jerusalem; I kid you not! This truth needs to be addressed.

    Books: Kabbalah Secrets Christians Need To Know (An In Depth Study of the Kosher Pig and the gods of Jewish Mysticism by DeAnne Loper

    Against Our Better Judgment (The Hidden History of how the U.S. was used to create Israel).

    Now, I am not an anti-semite. I believe God made all people and we are of one blood. There is bad in each culture. I pray that people would really wake up soon because our ship is sinking folks. You are not a “Truther” if you are not willing to research and dig deep for all truth. This one has to be looked at or you will be duped big time.
    The refugee crisis is a planned action:

    Please take some time to get informed. Who knows how long we will be able to speak truth to one another.

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