Sunday, July 14, 2024
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    Goodbye Constitution Freedom America by Don Jans

    Pictorial | Red, White and Blue on Full Display today in Thousand Oaks


    Over one hundred and fifty people lined up along the Lynn Road overpass at the 101 Freeway in Thousand Oak.  They came to show support for President Trump’s reelection and to cheer on the men and women of law enforcement.  They were greeted with shouts snd honks of support by passersby. There was Old Glory, Trump signs along with the yellow Gadsden flag sporting that well known proclamation, Don’t Tread on Me.  Both sides of the overpass were occupied, along with a group of fifteen who broke away and walked through the Oaks Mall with flags waving. 

    Two local citizen journalists captured the morning, Tim McCoy from Camarillo and Beverly Wurts who is a resident of Newbury Park.

    <span style=font family helvetica arial sans seriffont size 12pt>Beverly Wurts<span>
    <span style=font family helvetica arial sans seriffont size 12pt>Tim McCoy<span>
    <span style=font family helvetica arial sans seriffont size 12pt>Beverly Wurts Mother and daughter Michelle and Carissa <span>
    <span style=font family helvetica arial sans seriffont size 12pt>Beverly Wurts Beverly Vicki Stephanie Tracy<span>
    <span style=font family helvetica arial sans seriffont size 12pt>Tim McCoy Police presence welcomed by the attendees<span>
    <span style=font family helvetica arial sans seriffont size 12pt>Tim McCoy Trump sign Hollywood style<span>
    <span style=font family helvetica arial sans seriffont size 12pt>Tim McCoy<span>
    <span style=font family helvetica arial sans seriffont size 12pt>Tim McCoy Someone stating their opinion of the California Governor<span>
    <span style=font family helvetica arial sans seriffont size 12pt>Tim McCoy The solo Biden supporter makes a pass<span>

    Tim McCoy is a resident of Camarillo and top IT tech.  Beverly Wurts is a resident of Newbury Park who works in the insurance industry.

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    3 years ago

    So sad, Citizens Journal would probably have put pics on here of a Biden support rally IF THEY COULD FIND ONE … I’m sure they’re out there… somewhere…. somewhere….somewhere….. lol

    Citizen Reporter
    3 years ago
    Reply to  Michelle

    Yes, please send us pics and story- we’ll run it if accurate.

    Michael A.
    Michael A.
    3 years ago

    Just one dummy for Biden flag flyer. LOL, must be MSNBC bot tool. Get ready for the flood of brain goo when Trump re-election causes local heads to explode. Should be fun to watch.

    Mike Smith
    Mike Smith
    3 years ago
    Reply to  Michael A.

    You have a point, Michael A. But don’t let it get to your head either.

    Consider the following — and be adequately equipped to self-protect:

    The Democrat Party’s brownshirts are more dangerous than most realize. President Trump should win, but expect riots in L.A. and other big cities!

    Combat Veteran
    Combat Veteran
    3 years ago

    It’s good to see crowds of moron Trumptards close together, hopefully the traitor supporters will all get sick and die suffering.

    3 years ago
    Reply to  Combat Veteran

    You do understand about karma, don’t you ?

    3 years ago

    This is pure politics, not news. I drove by this group of old feeble idiots several times. They got FAR more middle fingers than honks of support. lol

    Citizen Reporter
    3 years ago
    Reply to  Dave

    You’re right- politics- that’s why it’s in our politics section. But it is news that it occurred. But, we saw videos and heard other reports which disprove your points.

    Sam F
    Sam F
    3 years ago

    Why are you very one sided Citizen Journal? There was not only 1 Biden supporter driving around. There was not over 150 trump supporters. Fake News!!!! why aren’t you reporting the news on the Biden/Harris rally that happened on the same day?

    Citizen Reporter
    3 years ago
    Reply to  Sam F

    It is in our politics section, submitted by an attendee. If you would like to submit something on a Biden rally, we’ll publish it.

    3 years ago
    Reply to  Dave

    Wow Dave, might be time for a new pair of glasses…. I saw many YOUNG supporters there… didn’t look like a group of old feeble idiots to me LOL

    Mk mk
    Mk mk
    3 years ago

    “mostly peaceful”

    3 years ago
    Reply to  Mk mk

    Time for new glasses and a new brain? There was no burning/ looting/ rioting like so-called other “peaceful protestors” LOL LOL LOL

    John Wurts
    John Wurts
    3 years ago

    Trump will be easily re-elected.

    3 years ago
    Reply to  John Wurts

    Praise be. Under his eye.

    Combat Veteran
    Combat Veteran
    3 years ago
    Reply to  John Wurts

    Trump will die in prison in 2021.

    3 years ago
    Reply to  Combat Veteran

    Whoops, thinking you got that mixed up with Biden and his son LOL LOL LOL

    3 years ago

    The sign should read ‘Trumps Full of Bullshit!!’ Or how about ‘traitorous scumbag’ being an old money-laundering crony of criminal Russian oligarchs – & regular dining buddy of former NJ. Mafia boss Fat Tony Salerno,
    We have the clear evidence of this babbling criminal jerks racism from his pitiful notions & brain-farts posing as speeches. (uuugh!)
    Far beyond his glaring incompetency he’s —
    1. A lunatic racist with all the reasoning ability of a demented 7yr old.
    2. Chief Hypocrit- who was butt-kissed by a whole party of ’em, as proven by their now greasily sliding away from him as election nears – a pitiful stab for respectabilty.
    3. Gargantuan egomania that is far sicker than mere self-infatuation .
    4 to 10- add your own epithets- easy to do.

    Jeff R
    Jeff R
    3 years ago

    Sad that all these dictatorship supporters are still ready to continue to ruin this country more. This so called leadership has ruin so many things within this nation and only looks to continue to do more damage.
    No morals, no family values, no integrity and surely no dignity. This would ruin the United States forever if he is reelected. He has done nothing favorable at all, and even after over 200,000 of our brothers and sisters have died still it is a joke to him and his supporters. The true joke is on everyone of his supporters if he should be reelected, after he does away with social security and social security disability and then healthcare and lastly the horrible supreme court nominee who want to take away a womans right to choose even if it is a risk to a pregnant women to carry a child or the victim of rape or molestation.
    This is a terrible thing that is happening due to this wanna be dictator and his non qualified staff.

    Michael A.
    Michael A.
    3 years ago
    Reply to  Jeff R

    too bad the Dems are bereft of any good ideas. too bad Biden is a senile old coot, too bad Harris is a giggling toker, too bad Orange man is going to be re elected. Boo hoo chump!

    3 years ago
    Reply to  Michael A.

    First, not sure where you’ve been, but the Democrats have been coming up with nothing but ideas, which just go to die in the Senate when Mcconnell refuses a vote.

    Second, it’s unwise to play the senile card on Biden. Trump speaks incoherently, can’t spell correctly, and has the temperament of a five-year old.

    Third, if you think Trump is going to be re-elected, you’re seriously misreading the room. Trump lost the popular vote four years ago, and a majority of Americans still disapprove of him.

    3 years ago
    Reply to  Carl

    Carl yep the Democrats are coming up with new ideas but they are all non reality based like the Green New Deal and designed to bankrupt America. After that they can install Communism… you’re under the impression it will be socialism but it won’t. Socialism leads right into Communism. I know Ive been to those countries. Name one country that has given up a free society for communism? Look at Hong Kong. Trump is not perfect but he’s not selling us out to the Chinese and Russians. The people you are supporting such as Clinton and Biden are doing that. What happens when Trump wins the popular and the electoral? Your little echo chamber is not the majority of Americans…if so, why are their so many Trump rallies and efforts to recall the Governor? Dearest brother please open your eyes……it’s not about the two candidates this time. It’s for America or for Communism. Period.

    3 years ago
    Reply to  Carl

    Guess we just have to all wait for Election Day, don’t we, Carl? I hope you’re ready for unbelievable disappointment… will you move to Canada like all the others? lol

    3 years ago
    Reply to  Michael A.

    Too bad that Trump followers don’t realize that this upcoming election is NOT about Red vs. Blue. Trump is his own entity. This election is about uniting this country as 1 nation, treating people EQUALLY, and REFORM! TRUMP doesn’t care about anyone but himself, unfortunately. People will never agree with what any President chooses to do when in office, but what Trump has done, since he became president, is divide this country, commit fraud, make our country vulnerable to enemies, alienate our country from allies, make more enemies for our country, etc…list goes on and on. Covid has taken the lives of more innocent people than other countries, and we are still not in control of this pandemic. Why?! Hmmmm…well…because we have a person in office who is narcissistic, selfish, ignorant, and a fraud! In the past history, when any Republican or Democratic president took office, the opposite party and supporters may have not liked who won, but it was accepted whether we liked it or not, right? But this so called leader…I just cannot comprehend what Trump supporters see what great things he has done the last 4 years. I think I am going to get a MAGA hat made but in BLUE, because YES, we want AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Like it was before Trump destroyed it. I hope people go into this election with their eyes open and if MAGA supporters want this country great again, the time to get Trump outa there and get a real leader in office. People may not like Biden or think he is fit for president, but he is the one who is better fit for the job. Trump had 4 years to MAGA supposedly, but all he did was make our beautiful country the laughing stock to the world.

    Michael A.
    Michael A.
    3 years ago
    Reply to  Kristeena

    I don’t vote like a silly snowflake. Grow up little girl.

    3 years ago
    Reply to  Kristeena

    Wow, are you like 10 years old? Watch much of the biased news, do we? Biden is part of the Communist group, go right ahead and vote for that…. watch HOW MANY of the freedoms you take FOR GRANTED disappear if Dementia Joe somehow wins… that’s where the illegal mail-in voting ballots come in though… don’t they ? This is a war of Good Versus Evil and believe me…. Dementia Joe is not on the side of the Lord and Jesus

    C. Collier
    C. Collier
    3 years ago
    Reply to  Jeff R

    You’ve actually described pretty much what would happen if the Harris/Biden ticket (intentional switch) and their Socialist ilk were to be elected.

    3 years ago
    Reply to  C. Collier

    Well said, C. Collier

    Mk mk
    Mk mk
    3 years ago
    Reply to  Jeff R

    These people are supporting a president who does not enlist his child in a scheme to bilk millions out of foreign countries to enrich his family. You are right, it is technically not illegal for the child of an elected official to charge millions for the opportunity to access their parent, but it’s damn dirty

    Chris Bailey
    Chris Bailey
    3 years ago
    Reply to  Jeff R

    If one looks at the CDC life expectancy for Americans in past 5 years, it’s 78.6 years of age. If you look at the published average age of those who have died from SARS-2(the clinical name of COVID) since it reached our shores from China, it’s 78.6 years. Is SARS-2 real? Yes. It’s a highly infectious respiratory virus with an asymptomatic shed window 3 to 4 times the length of any Flu virus that has ever reached our shores. The fact that the average age of those killed by the virus is in lockstep with all life expectancy in the US is a testament to CORRECT Federal decision-making, not as you claim. VP Joe Biden pushed BACK on stopping air travel when Trump shut it down.How many more would have died from SARS-2 if Joe Biden OR Hillary Clinton were President in January 2020? Given the lockstep both of those individuals have to the ruling class of the CCP, far more would have died under their leadership.
    Twitter and Facebook(where you get your news) has blocked any information published by the NY Post regarding VP Joe Biden and the criminal network he manages in Europe and Asia. The same Twitter and Facebook which doesn’t allow any accomplishments of Donald Trump’s Presidency to reach your eyes. The only dictatorial persons I see in leadership on the city, State, and Federal level are supported by the DNC. As 100s of thousands of people massed in our streets each night, destroying businesses and economic centers, churches where 100s meet each week were locked out. Democrat leaders ACTUALLY stated proudly that the right to protest was of a higher power that the right to practice one’s faith.
    I could go on and on with examples to refute your wrong-thinking. But why? You are a lost cause if you believe what you wrote. You are not in a part of the electorate that uses critical thinking to make decisions. You are the mob who beats anyone who disagrees with you. You are the dictator you claim President Trump is, in your own life.

    3 years ago

    Trump/Pence 2020

    3 years ago

    Remarkable! No social distancing. No masks. Sad. Looks like we’re gonna have to live and die with COVID for a very long time

    Michael A.
    Michael A.
    3 years ago
    Reply to  Marge

    Oh, do come along Marge. These people have a much greater chance of being run over by a crazed Biden supporter than being struck down by covid-19.

    Your mom
    Your mom
    3 years ago
    Reply to  Michael A.

    crazed Biden supporter? What about the crazed amount of trumpettes running across the roads with their flags in the windows of drivers? Some of them aren’t even residents of Thousand Oaks. Stay home.

    Chris Bailey
    Chris Bailey
    3 years ago
    Reply to  Your mom

    Why don’t you just call them the unwashed? I know! Deplorables. That’s the ticket

    Harry Shoulders
    Harry Shoulders
    3 years ago
    Reply to  Michael A. have a good chance of getting mask etc go ahead take a chance..Einstein..

    Michael A.
    Michael A.
    3 years ago

    Correction: your chance of dying from COVID is almost nil. Unless a stupid Dem politician like Cuomo sticks you in a convalescent hospital!

    3 years ago
    Reply to  Michael A.

    Once again, well said…. Michael A

    3 years ago
    Reply to  Michael A.

    Nicely said, Michael

    3 years ago
    Reply to  Marge

    Still buying into the exaggerated pandemic?

    Harry Shoulders
    Harry Shoulders
    3 years ago
    Reply to  Tim

    Yea exaggerated..just like thinking like this 9 year old president.cant take the have the right to be a moron

    Chris Bailey
    Chris Bailey
    3 years ago

    In keeping with the logic of your reply, I know you are, but what am I?

    Harry Shoulders
    Harry Shoulders
    3 years ago
    Reply to  Marge

    These people are not very bright..but that’s alright it’s their right…

    Joe S
    Joe S
    3 years ago

    Fun Fact: No lockdown/ anti mask Sweden is doing better than ever while the rest of Europe locks down a 2nd time.

    Chris Bailey
    Chris Bailey
    3 years ago

    Why would Democrat leaders destroy our ability to be energy independent, to save the environment, yet promote oil and gas exploration in the Ukraine? Does THAT part of the globe have different air, or maybe the Ukraine is on the other side of Flat Earth?

    But that’s your right, to ignore the reality of politics

    3 years ago
    Reply to  Marge

    Marge, get your eyes tested…. some of these supporters ARE wearing masks. Maybe time for new glasses? lol

    Martin w
    Martin w
    3 years ago

    Good to see peaceful demonstrations of opinion. No attacks by people with different options.

    ann ryan
    ann ryan
    3 years ago
    Reply to  Martin w

    fifteen minutes of fame….and a chance to spread the virus.

    Harry Shoulders
    Harry Shoulders
    3 years ago
    Reply to  ann ryan


    3 years ago

    Says the person who won’t use their true name to post…

    Chris Bailey
    Chris Bailey
    3 years ago
    Reply to  Johnny

    We just found Hunter

    Michael A.
    Michael A.
    3 years ago
    Reply to  Chris Bailey

    I heard he was adopted by Amy Coney Barrett and family. He is #8. In gratitude he will vote for Trump.

    3 years ago
    Reply to  Johnny

    That’s EXACTLY what I was thinking, Johnny lol

    Mk mk
    Mk mk
    3 years ago

    Literally the only person ever to state this

    Chris Bailey
    Chris Bailey
    3 years ago

    Trump 2020. Jobs not Mobs

    3 years ago
    Reply to  Chris Bailey

    Nicely said, Chris

    3 years ago

    Lol, you must be related to Biden?

    Joe S
    Joe S
    3 years ago
    Reply to  ann ryan

    Cuomo & Newsome Covid nursing home mandate policies have killed tens of thousands of our elderly from Covid. Meanwhile regular flu kills more of our kids under 18 than Covid. But feel free to keep believing CNN.

    Chris Bailey
    Chris Bailey
    3 years ago
    Reply to  ann ryan

    If you are comorbidic, you should stay away from crowds. If you are not comorbidic, spreading a virus is a decision involving risk taking.
    Unless of course you are protesting and burning buildings and destroying merchants’ lives. That’s totally cool, and above any public health guidelines. If you don’t accept that, just watch Fauci squirm politically when asked that question

    3 years ago
    Reply to  Chris Bailey

    Well said, Chris

    3 years ago
    Reply to  ann ryan

    Hey ann…. these supporters don’t attend these rallies for “fame”… it’s because they love their country and don’t want to see it destroyed by communism if Dementia Joe is elected

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