Friday, July 12, 2024
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    United States Socialist Republic book by HG Goerner

    PJI Defends Churches’ Right to Worship Without Charge!

    Recently, California Governor Gavin Newsom issued an executive order banning indoor church services in thirty counties.  Specifically, the order requires places of worship to “close all indoor operations.”  Prior to that, the governor banned singing in churches.  Permanent church and Christian school closures are increasing.

    This on-again, off-again response to church openings/protocol from the governor is placing pastors in the unenviable position of choosing between adhering strictly to everything the governing authorities mandate and exercising their First Amendment rights and living out Hebrews 10:25 in, “ not forsaking our meeting together [as believers for worship and instruction], as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more [faithfully] as you see the day [of Christ’s return] approaching.” 

    It’s been said that the Governor‘s actions show that he trusts management at big box stores and abortion clinics more than pastors of churches.  Many pastors think the latest order conflicts with our First Amendment right to peaceably assemble and practice religion, feeling the First Amendment is God-given, as did the Founding Fathers. One California politician stated, “A restriction on our First Amendment rights in the form of the government closing down houses of worship cannot be tolerated.”

    Many pastors believe the Governor’s authority, “stops at the church house door” and that his recent orders are arbitrary, punitive and unfair.  So, where do pastors draw the line?
    This is where PJI steps in to help, all at no charge.  We are unlike any other legal defense organization in the country as we leave no one behind and are true practitioners of, “justice for all.”  Your past support has allowed us to say, “yes” to everyone who has need; will you consider a generous gift today, so we can continue to say, ”yes” to everyone in the future who has a genuine need?
    We have over fifty cases we are working right now, more than at any time in our history!  We have also been extremely busy creating up-to-the-minute resources for pastors, businesses and individual Christians, all available on our website,  In fact, the website is replete with brand new resources from checklists to safely re-open churches, to frequent Zoom calls to keep pastors constantly updated, to great information for parents on how to homeschool their children through working with their home church or one nearby as part of a co-op.
    And perhaps best of all, PJI puts more of your donation toward the work of defending religious freedom, parental rights, the sanctity of life and other civil liberties than any other legal defense organization.  We are great stewards!  Will you help us today as we continue to fight for our fellow Americans who have nowhere else to turn? 
    I want to thank you for your consideration and partnership with PJI.  We are excited about today and we look forward to helping those in need tomorrow.
    Running the Race,
    Brad Dacus
    President & Founder, Pacific Justice Institute

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