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    POLITICS | Denise Pedrow: “Your Voice, Your Family, Your Freedom Running for California State Assembly 44 seat

    By Michael Hernandez

    NEWBURY PARK—”Your Voice, Your Family, Your Freedom” is the campaign slogan for the California State Assembly 44 candidate Denise Pedrow, who describes herself as 51 percent Hispanic. “I have a heart for the Hispanic community. They have been sold a bill of goods by the Democratic Party. The Hispanic Party has traditional values.

    “My family is into law enforcement and the military. They have served in the Gulf War and Afghanistan. They have also entered the sheriff and police department—a total of 11 family members.

    “I took my first step into running for office because of sanctuary cities. I couldn’t sit any longer. It was a very bad idea (SB54: the ‘Sanctuary State” Bill)—very short-sighted for our community. Convicted criminals were being released into our communities instead of being deported. They were being released to intimidate, retaliate, and reoffend.”

    “Democrats have taken out the words in the California Constitution that protects everyone from race, sex, ethnic, and national origin” discrimination said Pedrow who also spoke strongly against SB145 the California Bill that passed both state chambers on Aug. 31 and removes automatic sex-offender registration for young adults who are convicted of having anal or oral sex with a minor. Assemblywoman Jacqui Irwin (D-44) voted ‘yes’ on this measure. (Editor’s Note: To see Jacqui Irwin’s voting record go to:

    Pedrow also raised the alarm over the “the graphic sex education to our young children that messes with their natural modesty. We are losing the red flags that protect them for a reason.” 

    In her Ballotpedia statement, Pedrow also speaks against AB5 the “unfair” Gig law that “strengthens union control over California workers and also against Project Labor Agreements that are forced upon the construction industries by unions who seek “unfair advantages over minority owned private contractor companies.” 

    Calvary Pastor Rob McCoy who endorsed Pedrow on Fireside Chat 185 by saying “she is the antidote to tyranny” as he explained that the left had brought about “tribalism” and by stating: ‘You are a better candidate.’” He also gave the challenge: “Don’t just vote, give money” and stating that besides tithing, he gives 10 percent of his income during election years to candidates.  (Editor’s Note: To see Fireside Chat 185 go to:

    Denise Pedrow’s biography listed in Ballotpedia states:

    “I was born and raised in Southern California. I attended Oxnard Community College and then Pacific Union College in Northern California. I come from a large, Hispanic family with a strong tradition of military and Law Enforcement service.

    “I have worked for many years (31 years) in the building industry in Los Angeles County building Affordable and Senior and Multi-Family Housing. As a Construction Coordinator I worked daily to maintain OSHA safety requirements among our subcontractors on jobsites. I worked with many professionals in construction trades, city departments, city inspectors, unions, delivery companies and vendors. I streamlined processes for tracking critical contract and insurance requirements. I provided critical support in the construction of many multi-family developments in the Southern California region. These projects together totaling hundreds of millions of dollars in project costs and providing thousands of housing units for California Senior Citizens and families.

    “I have been involved in local politics for several years. I’ve worked to improve local elementary schools common core shortfalls. I’ve been a voice for conservative Hispanics who believe that SB54 is not the best practice to make our communities safer. The Democratic party promotes values that are opposite to my own and many other conservative Hispanic citizens.

    “We are pro-life, pro-family, pro-children, pro-faith, hard-working and believe in the rule of law.”


    • “The Supermajority in Sacramento has refused to listen to the citizens of California.  Our representatives legislate for special interest groups and pet projects while ignoring the voice of the people they were elected to represent.  Sacramento has an imbalance in the state legislature.  The consequences of Democratic representation  includes:
    • “The California Legislature has abdicated all its power to Gov. Gavin Newsom.  His “Emergency Orders” were to be for “30 days” only and it was to “Flatten the Curve” of COVID-19 new cases in California.

    “We are now over 200 days into one-man rule in California. Governor Gavin Newsom is fighting in court to keep his lone control over California. Our elected legislature officials have ended the legislative year without trending the imbalance of power in Sacramento. We were never meant to be ruled by one man in a state, any state, in America. This must come to a swift end!

    • “Over Regulation: Rrosion of our businesses and middle class.”
    • “Reduction of our Constitutional Freedoms.  New orders under AB262 give almost complete power to one County Health Official.  This one person along with 10-20,000 newly trained “Health Officers” will be able to invade your privacy and force you to comply with all their ever-changing tier systems and new requirements or risk threat of arrest.”
    • “A blatant disregard for the “Rule of Law” and the protections of citizens.  Increasing government shut-down orders that are not backed up by clear data regarding those infected with COVID-19, who have died “with” the virus in their systems and who have died “from” the virus.  This is a big issue. Data shows that 95-99.75 percent of those who get the virus will make a full recovery.”
    • “Excessive taxation at all levels of state government and within our daily lives without proper transparency or accountability.”
    • “The state is unilaterally removing citizens’ rights with regard to Church worship, keeping small businesses open and safely operating to serve the public, choosing a school curriculum, medical freedoms and privacy for California families.” 
    • “A housing crisis with skyrocketing costs and a crisis of homelessness while politicians are removing Proposition 13 protections in order to impose more taxes on the citizens.” 
    • “A failed Education System that refuses to focus on basic foundations for our children reducing California to 51st in the nation for education.”
    • “Oppressive water restrictions and rising fees due to a lack of maintenance and repair of California’s reservoirs and dams.  The water distribution systems were built and paid for decades ago. Where are all of our water fees going?”
    • “California has refused to allow an audit of its books.  Our State Controller insists that California has no checkbook and cannot account for state spending.  This is an outrage.”  Source: 

    What areas of public policy are you personally passionate about?

    “California is experiencing a crisis of freedom versus socialist-agenda policy. Our Democratic Supermajority in Sacramento are gleefully pushing through hundreds of bills that limit Californian’s right to work, water usage, energy choices, educational choices and parental rights. I am passionate about repealing oppressive and often ridiculous laws that do nothing address the real problems facing our state.”

    What characteristics or principles are most important for an elected official?

    “I believe that a strong sense of self, who you are and what you stand for are among the most important characteristics of an elected official. Always know where your boundaries are; respect and protect them.”

    What qualities do you possess that you believe would make you a successful officeholder?

    “I am a natural for networking, sharing ideas and information. I care about the ideas and rights of others and seek to protect them as I would protect my own.”

    What do you believe are the core responsibilities for someone elected to this office?

    “To do a good job for the people of a district, the elected official must listen to the voice of the people and address crisis and concerns promptly. To simply ‘vote along the party line’ is an outrageous violation of the constitutional rights of a district’s citizens.”

    What legacy would you like to leave?

    “I would like to be among the group of Republicans that return our state legislature to a more balanced representation of California’s people. I would like to repeal many cumbersome regulations that do nothing but waste taxpayer dollars on administration costs and do little to help solve current issues. I would like to invest the necessary funds into updating our water storage and distribution systems and repair our roads. I would like to change current legislation that is burdening our business community and middle-class families with impossibly high taxes and regulations.”

    What is the first historical event that happened in your lifetime that you remember? How old were you at the time?

    “When I was 12-years-old, I recall watching on the television the mob of college students who were breaking into our American Embassy in Tehran, Iran. It struck closer to home with me because I had heard through the family grapevine that we had a cousin who was stationed in that embassy. Marine Sergeant James Lopez and my mother’s family are from Globe, Arizona. Throughout the 444 days, we prayed earnestly for his safety and that of the other hostages. We rejoiced when the hostages were freed. I remember my stomach burning in anger as I watched the mob form a gauntlet that the hostages had to walk through to reach their bus. The mob hit and punched Sgt. Lopez and the other Americans just because they could reach them. I am still proud of them to this day for their courage and endurance against overwhelmingly terrifying circumstances. I stand with Americans, especially those from Hispanic origins, to be proud of our country and our flag. As Sgt. Lopez wrote on the wall of the American Embassy in Tehran, “Viva La Roja, Blanca y Azul”…”Long Live The Red, White And Blue.”

    What is your favorite book? Why?

    “The Holy Bible has made the most difference in my life. It sounds trite, but I do try to read a chapter each day. It comforts and strengthens me to read about Esther, Joshua and other biblical characters who faced seemingly insurmountable obstacles. Through courage, faith and hard work, they were victorious. The Bible’s message of hope has helped me tremendously over my lifetime when I found myself in difficult circumstances.”

    What was the last song that got stuck in your head?

    “I was thinking last night, about 3 a.m., about how AB5 the “Gig” law is driving independent musicians out of our state. I kept hearing Don Mclean’s ‘The Day The Music Died’ (American Pie).”

    Every state besides Nebraska has two legislative chambers. What do you consider the most important differences between the legislative chambers in your state?

    “I believe that the lower house, the Assembly, is the real voice of the people. In California we have 80 representatives over districts throughout our state. I feel that this is the closest connection between ‘the people’ and our state leadership.”

    Do you believe that it’s beneficial for state legislators to have previous experience in government or politics?

    “I do not feel that it is important for state legislators to have previous experience in government or politics. In fact, it seems to be true that the longer a politician stays in a government seat, the less and less in touch with the people they become. Special interest groups powerfully influence incumbents with large campaign donations. This is never in the best interest of the majority of the voters. By electing people with various backgrounds and experiences, the state legislature is a more realistic representation of the people of the state. Jobs can be learned. Paperwork, policy and procedures can be mastered. There is nothing in a state representatives job description that would bar the average business person, teacher, professional or independent contractor from performing well. In my opinion, it is an elitist mindset that demands prior law or government job experience in order to effectively listen and represent the citizens of a district.”

    What do you perceive to be your state’s greatest challenges over the next decade?

    “We need to end taxpayer waste. We waste billions on Green Initiatives and the obsessive race to be ‘first place’ in the nation for Green Energy and environmental regulation. While being responsible towards the environment is everyone’s job, California’s ‘all or nothing’ stand for Green Energy is a costly blunder. We are spending millions every day to import oil from other countries while shutting down our own oil drilling and nuclear plants. These cheaper energy sources are better supplied here, inside California where strict quality and environmental controls can safeguard our state. By purchasing more and more electricity from neighboring states and being forced to rely on foreign oil, we place ourselves at a greater National Security risk. When the ‘lights go out’ in California, as we just experienced during our devastating fires, how strong are we to defend our cities? This weakened state of our state should be avoided at all costs. How would we be able to protect not only ourselves but also the western boundary of the United States if we rely totally on unreliable electricity? We need balance between historically less expensive, more stable oil/nuclear energy resources while keeping an eye on new green technology that will continue to perfect products and make them more competitively priced.”

    Both sitting legislators and candidates for office hear many personal stories from the residents of their district. Is there a story that you’ve heard that you found particularly touching, memorable, or impactful?

    “Recently, I was having a discussion with a licensed therapist who serves our military personnel on California bases. She works on the base within a suicide prevention program. This program identifies three main areas of stressors that can trigger suicide among our military members: occupational, financial and relationship stress. The new AB5, (side) “Gig” law has only been in force for a few weeks. She states that they are already seeing an increase of military personnel coming to their offices asking for support or resources to help them make it to the end of each month. The side-gig jobs help thousands of our military families make ends meet till the end of the month. This terrible law is causing new, unnecessary stress upon those we owe the most to: our military members. I will fight in the state legislature to rid California of this terrible law.”

    The 40-minute Fireside Chat 185 closed with Denise Pedrow saying: “Think about the issues and get my message out there.” (Editor’s Note: Denise Pedrow’s campaign site:

    Michael Hernandez, Co-Founder of the Citizens Journal—Ventura County’s online news service; editor of the History Makers Report and founder of History Makers International—a community nonprofit serving youth and families in Ventura County, is a former Southern California daily newspaper journalist and religion and news editor. He worked 25 years as a middle school teacher in Monrovia and Los Angeles Unified School Districts. Mr. Hernandez can be contacted by email at [email protected].

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    Hector Moreno
    Hector Moreno
    3 years ago

    Denise you’ve got my wife and I votes hope you win, God bless the USA and God bless our USA president Trump!!

    William Hicks
    William Hicks
    3 years ago

    Irwin is an example of a person making one step higher than her capabilities ( the Peter principle). She was a moderately effective city council member and now she is a leftist wonk making decisions for you and me.


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