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    Setting Brushfires of Freedom by Don Jans

    POLITICS | Interview with Camarillo City Council Candidate Karlton Huss

    Karlton Huss

    Citizens Journal (CJ):  Welcome Karlton Huss, we understand you are running for Camarillo City Council, District 3.  Tell us about your decisions to run and why you have entered the foray of politics?

    Karlton Huss (KH):  Thank you very much for talking with me.  This was a very unexpected.  If you asked me in March of this year if I would have been running for public office now, it would have been no; my five-year plan was compressed to 6 months.  Unfortunately, as the Covid-19 lockdown became longer and more draconian and the social injustice movement came to our community I realized that if we don’t get involved then no one else is going to protect and preserve Camarillo.

    CJ: When was the tipping point when you came to this realization?

    KH: When the stay at home orders were initially issued it was to give our medical community some time to learn about the illness and avoid overwhelming the hospitals. Unfortunately, the rules focused on activities and not conditions.  Soon elected officials were selecting what activity could reopen and ignoring the conditions.  One business would be open and another ordered closed.  Certain industries have been blackballed, while other, larger business have thrived.  We have seen, and continue to see the civil rights of our friends and neighbors violated; deeming one business essential and another not, but the continued closure of churches is surreal.  Hairstylists and tattoo artists train for months on prevention of communicable disease but are not open, bars are not OK, but if they get takeout from the restaurant down the street, they can serve drinks in the parking lot.  This is lunacy and it must end.  We are adults in a free country, we have been advised of the risks; unelected officials are not smarter than you or our neighbors.

    CJ: How can you help Camarillo recover from COVID-19 and the economic impacts of the lockdown by serving on the City Council?

    KH: The first action the City can do is get out of the way of businesses who are safely operating.  Government should never determine what activities are allowed to operate.  A virus doesn’t know you entered a store, a doctor’s office or the library, but rather how crowded it is, and whether or not you know or have been reminded of basic hygiene.  Personally, I am glad that it is socially unacceptable to run errands while sick.  I haven’t had the flu in over a year!  Camarillo will have less tax revenues in the coming year.  I worked for a Fortune 50 company and made improvements in the efficiency of procedures so that costs were reduced for customers.  We can’t afford City Council members who want to spend money we don’t have on whimsical projects.  City government provides essential services of police, fire, transportation, and zoning.  Calls to cut or defund police services is very irresponsible.  Camarillo doesn’t need to attract crime from Los Angeles, criminals commute too.

    CJ:  What are your positions on zoning?

    KH:  Zoning is one of the core essential functions of city government.  Every zoning decision must be approached with deliberate, inclusive, and transparent governance, but there must be a compelling reason to make the change.  There are many parties that must be heard.  There are the existing owners who developed the land use under existing rules.  There is the community around that land that must live under current and proposed changes.  There are well-intentioned parties advocating for change.  City government must balance these three positions openly, so that the community comes together for smart and thoughtful development.  Sometimes, Camarillo City Council is an advocate to Ventura County decisions.  I will bring Camarillo’s concerns to the County.  Other times, our zoning rules can be muted by neighboring governments.  I will coordinate our response so Camarillo achieves the best quality of life possible for the greatest number of residents.

    CJ:  What is your position on the old K-Mart?

    KH: K-Mart development may be a good project – but we need to look at more than just the store and additional tax receipts.  What about the parking situation?  Did the environmental impact report really consider the extra vehicular trips on the surrounding street?  Who will pay for traffic improvements in the area?  How are existing vacancy rates going to be impacted?  I am not convinced the current proposal has address the concerns of all of our community and will work to make sure this and any redevelopment project in the future is thoroughly vetted before I agree it is in the best interest of Camarillo.

    CJ:  What is your position on hemp production?

    KH: Hemp production is not marijuana, but based on our recent past experience, the community was impacted by the pungent odor. Doctor offices saw a dramatic increase in patient visits for related complaints including headache, seasonal allergies, and respiratory ailments.  Since then, the council has banned cultivation within city limits, the county has added a 1,000-foot buffer to those city limits and we are seeing a dramatic improvement year over year.  Hemp brings significant revenues to our city in the form of high paying jobs, need for support services and gives our local farmers a successful cash crop to grow.  Hopefully we have found our balance in the 2020 season and we can move beyond what was an uncomfortable 2019.

    CJ:  What is your position on airport use changes?

    KH: This subject will need both cooperative regional partners and brave advocates.  First and foremost, we cannot ask for more restrictive regulations.  Many businesses that provide high paying jobs, have invested significant money into developing Camarillo Airport.  We should also consider the modern business jet is significantly quieter and more reliable than those of the past; they don’t run late, they rarely crash and they are an integral component in those high value employers we are looking to attract to the area.  My corporate experience is very important as I understand how to work within large organizations to get results.  But when the heavy hand of government is unresponsive; I will draw on my independence as a small business owner to fight back using the courts and bringing our community together.  I grew up here, I live in the community, my lovely wife teaches in our public schools, and I have my business here.  I want this to be a place worthy of staying forever, just like you.

    CJ:  Do you agree with the adopted Resolution No. 2020-97 drafted by Mayor Trembley, supporting the City’s Commitment to Racial Equality, Due Process and Equal Protection Under Law?

    KH: Mayor Trembly provided a diplomatic compromise for a situation that shouldn’t have been raised because it is not an issue here. I was disappointed by the actions Vice Mayor Santangelo and her implications that our neighbors are immoral people.  City government especially right now, needs to focus on providing those core essential services to protect and preserve our community.  Many of our neighbors are Law Enforcement Officers.  Your children go to school with them.  We work with their spouses.  As a member of the post-Civil Rights generation, I have taken race for granted and like my friends, family, and neighbors, I just follow the timeless example of Martin Luther King – treat others not by the color of their skin, but the content of their character. 

    CJ: What message would you like to tell voters?

    KH: First, thank you Citizens Journal for giving me a voice.  Unlike one of my opponents, I don’t have the endorsement of the Democratic Socialists of America or the ability to use the Facebook page of Our Revolution to promote my candidacy.  This is difficult time for many of us and we need some fresh ideas.  We need relevant experience.  I understand the challenges of small businesses – because I am one.  I understand the challenges of parenting when schools are closed – because my wife is a teacher and we are parents.  It would be an honor and privilege to serve as your City Council Member.  I promise to focus our city government on the essential services, preserve our small-town charm and to represent the best interest of all of Camarillo.

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    Bruce Boyer candidate for Ventura County Sheriff
    Bruce Boyer candidate for Ventura County Sheriff
    3 years ago

    Well said Karlton! He is a straight up says what he means means what he says man. NO BS and gets it done. Do not mistake his quiet reserved demeanor as anything other than him assessing the situation and thinking it all through. for He sees the lockdown lies as a path to tyranny. He sees that defund the police is the socialists anarchy solution. Camarillo would be well served to have Karlton on the City Council.

    Don McDougall
    Don McDougall
    3 years ago

    We need more people like Karlton to stand up

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