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    POLITICS | The Katie Hill Scandal Thickens…



    By Greg Aprahamian

    On Friday Feb. 21, 2020  FBI agents arrested Arthur Jan Dam, former Katie Hill staffer formerly employed as her campaign  graphic designer and web security consultant.  Arthur’s wife Kelsey O’Hara also a campaign staffer went on to become one of Katie Hill’s District Directors.

    FBI charges against Arthur Jan Dam are regarding claims one of her former opponents filed with the FBI regarding four separate cyber attacks targeting Katie Hill’s political opponent.  

    “ While the FBI does not name the target of the hacks, former Democratic candidate Bryan Caforio said in an interview that “to the best of my knowledge I am” the victim named in charging documents, saying he had been cooperating with federal authorities.”  According to the news source Politico.

    The charges were related to four separate cyber attacks in April and May of 2018.  Leaving the victim’s web site shut down for 21 hours. In May 2019 the victim provided information to the FBI the victim had suffered.

    Katie Hill’s campaign staffer has been arrested on charges relating to cyber attacks on what appears to be her Democrat party opponent for the Congressional seat that she won over her Democrat party opponent by a slim margin.

    You may recall Katie Hill resigned from Congress directly after House Ethics launched an investigation into her sexual relations with several Congressional staff member and the payments and bonuses to  those staff members involved in the alleged extramarital affairs. As well a cash of scandalous photos were released to the press. Hill’s estranged husband claimed his computer was hacked.

    Meanwhile Katie Hill, the rising Democrat star and media darling and campaign  beneficiary of a five million dollar donation by Michael Bloomberg, has been on what appears to be a national  media rehabilitation tour extolling her victim status to many prominent national media sources. Each televised news program invites her on and on each show she claims she is a victim to a sympathetic “reporter”, for the leaked photos and information about her numerous extramarital affairs while she was in Congress.

    Then comes  the arrest of her campaign staff member for hacking her Democrat opponent.   

    Interesting allegations  of the alleged aggressive cyber attacks on her opponent by her staff in contrast to  the national media tour where Katie claims to be the victim.

    Also unexplained is the recent mysterious sudden death of her 20 year old younger brother.  

    Local district news has claimed the local sheriff’s Dept.  has said the sudden death of the 20 year old was not considered suspicious, but it’s hard for the public to know, because the same local media (The Santa Clarita Signal and KHTS ) also refused to report on the initial sex scandal and House Ethics inquiry  while it was in the national and international news. In fact the media coverage black out in the heart of the district during the weeks the world media was focused on the unraveling scandal, was so strict, one could read the news everywhere but sources within the district.    Local news source the Santa Clarita Signal then even bragged about not covering the scandal that led to Katie Hill’s resignation and will also not follow up on the sudden death of Katie Hill’s 20 year old brother.

    Our View | Katie Hill, Privacy and the Dilemmas Journalists Face

    Currently, Katie Hill has made no comment about the arrest of her campaign staff member in connection with the cyber attack on one of her opponents in the 2018 primary.

    Editor’s Note: Katie Hill was former 25CD rep who resigned after scandals exposed.

    Greg Aprahamian is a Santa Clarita activist

    The views and opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official position of Citizens Journal.

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