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    Post-Prop. 13: Why a likely winner may end up California election’s big loser



    By Stephen Frank,  California Political News and Views

    The people have spoken.  Government education in California is a failure.  Part of Prop. 13 money was going to be used for colleges and universities.  Yet, the UC system allowed terrorists to close down the UC Santa Cruz campus this week.  Send your 8 year old to a government school and it is like sending them to an adult book shop—condoms, sex toys, sexual positions taught—the promotion of sex.

    “The ballot summary of the bond made clear — to those who read it — that the principal and the $11 billion in interest on the bond would be repaid through the state’s general fund. But, as evident in comments to EdSource, Twitter and Nextdoor, many voters saw an underhanded effort to undermine the existing Prop. 13, and they were furious. In the new media era, ballot arguments are analog, while anger goes viral. “Do not believe a word of it. It totally is all about our property taxes that will increase and thousands of us will have to move out of Calif and possibly lose our homes,” wrote one reader to EdSource. Which gets to another reason the bond is in trouble:

    Tax fatigue. Along with Prop. 13, Tuesday was a bad day for the 120 local school bond measures and 28 parcel taxes. The former need a 55 percent majority to pass, and the latter require two-thirds. Their passage numbers could improve, too, after all of the votes are counted. But it’s evident already that a historically high percentage of bonds and parcel taxes will fail. EdSource will soon publish a detailed analysis.

    Californians—Democrats and Republicans said they are tired of corrupt and failed education.  Clean up the mess first—then we will see if it is worth more money.

    Related article: Post-Prop. 13: Why a likely winner may end up California election’s big loser

    The views and opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official position of Citizens Journal.

    Stephen Frank: Is the the publisher and editor of the California Political News and Views.  Mr. Frank speaks all over California and appears as a guest on several radio shows each week. He has also served as a guest host on radio talk shows and is a full time political consultant.

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