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    Setting Brushfires of Freedom by Don Jans

    Proof The Covid Vaccine is Dangerous

    Commentary by Wayne Allyn Root  JULY,31.2022

    My List of Studies & Government Data from Around World Proving the Covid Vaccine is Dangerous and Deadly, and the Worst Healthcare Disaster in World History                                                                                                                           

    Two remarkable things happened last week.
    First, I wrote a column about my own personal Covid vaccine death and disease cluster. I wrote about my wedding November 21, 2021 to the beautiful Cindy Parker Root. We’re still in our honeymoon year- that was only eight months ago. But a strange and tragic thing has happened since that date. 33 people that my bride Cindy and I know have either died suddenly, or suffered severe disabling health issues.

    33. That is a remarkable number. That is an unimaginable number. That is an impossible number. That is a one-in-a-billion number.
    Even more remarkable, I did my research and found out all 33 were vaccinated. Yet since that same date eight months ago, not one person I know who is unvaccinated has either died or gotten seriously ill. Quite a case study. Quite a damning cluster of death and disease for one group- the vaccinated.

    I hate to be harsh, but if you see that story and don’t believe something is very wrong…don’t suspect the Covid vaccine is a killer…don’t demand an investigation…don’t demand questions be asked…or still trust anything the government, Biden, Dr. Fauci, the FDA, CDC or your own doctor says about the Covid vaccine…you’re a brain-dead sheep.
    The second remarkable thing that happened last week, is I was a guest on The Brannon Howse Show on Mike Lindell TV, where I told this remarkable story. I also mentioned that over the past few months I have compiled the most detailed and comprehensive list of credible medical studies and government data from around the globe proving the Covid vaccine is a dangerous and deadly disaster. And I offered to share it with anyone who emailed me.

    I expected to get anywhere from 20 to 50 requests. And I was prepared to sit down at my computer and email my list to each of them. Instead, I received thousands of requests from the viewers on Mike Lindell TV. THOUSANDS. I’ve lost count because they are still coming in one week later. But suffice to say, I’ve been both a host and nonstop guest on TV and radio for almost forty years and never in my life have I ever seen a response like this.
    Click here to continue reading the rest of Wayne’s commentary

    Wayne Allyn Root |


    The views and opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not reflect the official position of Citizens Journal


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    1 year ago

    Absolutely truth. Same in our situation here in Alabama.

    Hector Gutierrez
    Hector Gutierrez
    1 year ago

    Yeah. I can totally relate to the sheer genius of the author. Over the last three years there are more than 20 people that I either know or closely associated with people that I know who have died. Every single one of them wore shoes. Clearly, shoes are deadly and have no place in a modern society. If we are serious about healthcare in this country we must eradicate all shoes immediately!

    1 year ago

    Yep, another unsubstantiated hit piece from Root. I bet he makes all his money writing this crap.

    Hector Gutierrez
    Hector Gutierrez
    1 year ago
    Reply to  Velma

    He must. His reasoning is garbage. I’ve seen greater intellectual pieces disappear in my toilet in a clockwise rotation.

    Sheryl Hamlin
    1 year ago
    Dotty Pringle
    Dotty Pringle
    1 year ago

    So that was your science….a wedding and a call from Lindell. Hummm, need facts man, facts. Opinions do not cut it because they have been proven wrong.
    You need credible proven facts, nothing less.

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