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    Setting Brushfires of Freedom by Don Jans

    Protests, and Attacks On Jews Happened On Hamas’ ‘Day Of Rage’

    daily caller

    By Katelynn Richardson

    Pro-Palestine protests and attacks on Jews emerged across the globe Friday after Hamas called for a “day of rage.”

    Hamas called for a “day of rage” close to a week after launching its first attack Saturday, firing thousands of rockets into Israel at daybreak. Protests have broken out around the world, with multiple attacks on Jews in countries ranging from France to China.

    “[We must] head to the squares and streets of the Arab and Islamic world on Friday,” Former Hamas chief Khaled Meshaal said in a statement sent to Reuters Wednesday.

    In Arras, France, a teacher was reportedly stabbed Friday by a man who witnesses heard yelling “Allahu Akbar,” according to a local media report. Prime Minister Élisabeth Borne called the incident a “terrorist attack,” per the outlet.

    An Israeli embassy staff member was stabbed in the street in Beijing, China, the Israeli Foreign Ministry confirmed Friday.

    “The Chinese announcements do not contain any element of Israel’s right to defend itself and its citizens, a fundamental right of any sovereign country that was attacked in an unprecedented manner and with cruelty that has no place in human society,” Israel’s Foreign Ministry said in a statement.


    Thousands of pro-Palestine protesters took to the streets in Jordan Friday, per videos circulating online. Police used tear gas in an effort to disperse hundreds marching towards the West Bank border Friday, according to Reuters.

    Protests also broke out in the capitals of Iraq, Iran and Yemen, according to ABC News. Other protests have been held in Japan, Malaysia, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Lebanon, the outlet reported.

    In Lebanon, the militant group Hezbollah, a vehement opponent of Israel, led a rally where participants changed “Death to Israel” and “Death to America,” per ABC News.

    New York City police promised to increase security at “sensitive locations,” such as schools and places of worship ahead of expected protests, despite finding “no credible or specific threats” against the city, according to the New York Post. Protesters gathered in Time Square Friday, waiving Palestine flags and chanting “Israel you can’t hide, you’re committing genocide,” according to videos.

    Meanwhile, protests have broken out on college campuses across the U.S. over the past few days.

    Pro-Palestine protestors at the University of Washington (UW) chanted Thursday “There is only one solution — Intifada revolution,” according to a recording. Student protestors at UCLA similarly screamed “intifada” at a protest Thursday, according to a video.

    Over 30 student groups at Harvard published an open letter Sunday backing Palestine, calling Israel an “apartheid regime” and blaming its “colonial occupation” for the Hamas attacks. Harvard President Claudine Gay responded Tuesday, saying that the terrorist atrocities were “abhorrent” and noting no student group “speaks for Harvard University.”


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