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    Goodbye Constitution Freedom America by Don Jans

    Radical Liberals Continue to Sell Out Black Folks



    By Raynard Jackson

    ( Last year I set off a firestorm among radical liberals when I called out a few of their own during a meeting I had with President Trump.

    Here is what I said, “So you got radical liberal journalists like Joy Reid from MSNBC, Don Lemon from CNN, Roland Martin, who are putting more poison into the black community than any drug dealer, who are killing more black folks that any white person with a sheet over their face.  How they doing it? Spreading lies about the economy you have Mr. President before the virus was a continuation of Obama. That’s factually not true.”

    Reid spends little to no time around real Blacks, but rather hangs out with radical elite Blacks, the bourgeoisie.  This is a woman that backed away from her own value system that homosexuality is incompatible with her Christian faith all because she needed a paycheck and wanted to continue to receive invitations to hang out in the Hamptons during the summer.  Should we be surprised that she was so quick to sell out the Black community?

    Oh, and whatever happened to that alleged investigation into her computer being hacked when she claimed that someone else wrote those statements regarding her true views on homosexuality?

    Lemon has absolutely no connection to the Black community, yet he claims to know and understand the thinking of Black folks.  He hangs out with the mostly white radical liberal elites of New York, who tend to be more racist than any bubba from Alabama!

    Oh, and poor little Roland “Rollie Role”Martin.  He “claims” to be a journalist yet was paid by Democrats to campaign for and create fake news events for the two Georgia senate candidates Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff.

    According to my sources, he was paid six figures to sell out the Black community.  We all knew Roland was a sell out; but just didn’t think he would sell out for cheap and take Black folks down in the process.

    You don’t believe me?  Look at the video below, and you will see him speak at a campaign event for Warnock.

    Skip to the 48:30 timestamp.

    Martin got so mad that I called him out in front of the national media in the presence of President Trump that he challenged me to a debate on his faux news show and didn’t show up for the debate on his own show!!!

    He knew he could not refute what I said about him, Reid and Lemon during my meeting with President Trump.

    He is mandated by journalistic ethics to disclose his being paid by Democrats and thus disqualify himself from calling himself a journalist because he spoke at a partisan campaign event.

    Martin is also a board member of the National Association Black Journalists (NABJ), of which I am also a member; should he not be forced to resign his board seat since he is in flagrant violation of journalistic ethics?

    Let’s see if NABJ continues to be treated for their severe case of laryngitis.

    This is in total violation of every tenant of journalism.  As a matter of fact, he is in violation of the radical liberal Society of Professional Journalist’s (SPJ) own Code of Ethics.

    SPJ’s Code of Ethics is supposed to be the Bible for journalists.

    Click on the above link and see how Lemon, Reid and Martin are in constant violation of their own supposed professional standards.

    When you combine these fake journalists with the media appointed leaders from the NAACP, The National Urban League, Al Sharpton, etc., you have even more Blacks being sold out.

    Check out how now President Joe Biden feels about Blacks when he thinks no one is watching This tape is from a private, supposed off the record meeting he had with the Blacks they are comfortable with.  The meeting took place last December.  There are several short clips in the above link, but the entire video can be found at the end of the article.

    The level of condescension in Biden’s voice is quite disturbing and offensive.  How can a grown man allow another adult to speak to them in such a manner without hanging up the phone?

    Notice that there was no discussion of Black business and entrepreneurship, funding for Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), the rampant crime in Chicago, St. Louis, or Baltimore, or school choice and vouchers for low-income parents.

    These quasi journalists and media appointed civil entitlement leaders are the ones who are constantly promoting issues like homosexuality, amnesty for illegals, and transgendered entitlements at the expense of specific policy issues of concern to the Black community.

    An educated voter is the most dangerous person in the world to liberals.  That’s where conservatives have a great opening within the Black community.

    If they simply lay out a fact case for Republican support for HBCUs, tax policies that benefit small and minority businesses, support for school choice and vouchers; they would actually get north of 15% of the Black vote in national elections.

    But Republicans need to call out these fake journalists and civil entitlement leaders 24/7.  They need to utilize credible Black conservatives as surrogates, but there must be a well thought out strategy associated with this move.

    Radical liberals are kicking our butts when it comes to the use of language to control the terms of debate.  As long as the liberals control the terms of debate, they will always win the argument with or without the facts on their side.

    I have offered and continue to offer to provide media training to anyone in the party, but for some reason there seems to be no interest within the party.

    If you control the language in a debate, you will always win the argument.  We have a year and a half before the mid-term elections.  Republicans seem to be hellbent on losing yet again!!!

    We don’t have to lose another election cycle if conservatives would get serious about building relationships with the Black community.

    I await conservatives who are interested and willing to join forces with me.

    Published with Author’s Permission:

    Raynard Jackson is a Pulitzer Prize nominated columnist  and President & CEO of Raynard Jackson & Associates, LLC, an internationally recognized political consulting, government affairs, and PR firm based in Washington, DC.  Jackson is an internationally recognized radio talk show host and TV commentator.  He has coined the phrase “straticist.”  As a straticist, he has merged strategic planning with public relations.  Call RJA to discuss how they can get you to the next level of your career or business.

    Founder and Chairman of Black Americans for a Better Future (BAFBF), a federally registered 527 Super PAC established to get more Blacks involved in the Republican Party.  We focus on the Black entrepreneurs.


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