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    The Road to Tyranny by Don Jans

    Recall Gascon Now to Rally for Recall Petition Signatures in front of LA DA Gascon’s Home

    Long Beach, CA – This Saturday, May 29th, supporters of the effort to recall DA Gascon will be meeting to picket and sign petitions in front of Gascon’s home in Long Beach. The grassroots effort is being coordinated by the committee Stop the Madness: Support Recalling District Attorney Gascon Now.

    The committee is comprised by diverse array of concerned citizens alarmed by the out-of-control, and even dangerous directives being taken by DA Gascon since his first day in office. DA Gascon has suggested that these directives benefit minority communities; however, the Recall Gascon Now committee argues such directives have been detrimental to those communities. This is particularly true as hate crimes against the Asian and Jewish communities have been on the rise and there have been numerous documented incidents where criminals have been released without bail back into predominantly minority communities.

    Other directives have been seen as far exceeding the scope of authority of the District Attorney who, instead of seeking to prosecute criminal offenders, was actually disregarding the law, acting as legislator in re-writing penal code enforcement, and even ignoring the will of the voters in the very same election that brought him into office.

    Recall Gascon Now committee co-chair, Marc Ang, stated that, “The Saturday picket in front of Gascon’s house is an opportunity for DA Gascon to see first-hand the frustration over policies putting many ethnic communities in Los Angeles County in peril. Our multiculturally diverse crowd will speak to the audience and press about their personal experiences in facing increases in crime and how failing to prosecute crime has affected them practically and emotionally.”

    Since taking office DA Gascon has been met with immediate criticism for failing to enforce the law he swore uphold, and thereby, not actually fulfilling the duties of the office for which he was elected. Such concerns already alarmed 14 cities (Santa Clarita, Beverly Hills, Pico Rivera, Lancaster, La Mirada, Whittier, Covina, Rosemead, Azusa, Santa Fe Springs, Diamond Bar, Arcadia, Manhattan Beach, and Redondo Beach) in the County of Los Angeles to the point that their city councils have passed votes of “No-Confidence” in Gascon and his policies.

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