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    The Road to Tyranny by Don Jans

    Rush – A tribute



    By John Wurts

    When I was at a northern California church camp in the early 1980s, a friend mentioned that he listened to a guy on the radio that was unlike any other he had ever heard. This was intriguing, so I listened also. Back then Rush was only on one radio station in Sacramento and was just starting his talk radio program. He was funny, not afraid to do parody, and had a down to Earth logical way to look at anything.

    His gift of gab endeared him to so many people that he quickly grew into a nationwide audience that at his end reached 65 million people every week. Rush was addicting because he would always find a slant on any story that was humorous and different than anyone else’s. His Entertainment in Broadcasting network is on over 600 radio stations and reaches every square inch of America.

    The so-called mainstream media is now the old stream media because more people listen to independent conservatives like Rush Limbaugh than all the other media combined. The old liberal media only pumps out the leftist propaganda while conservatives like Rush will air the arguments for both sides and then logically dismantle the liberal arguments. That’s why Rush always welcomed callers with opposing viewpoints because he could beat them “with half his brain tied behind his back.”

    Rush had traditional Christian values and understood the rich cultural history of America and could extemporaneously wax poetic with great passion and do it with compassion. In many ways he was a mirror image of Donald Trump, a great success in business, patriotic, well versed on all subjects, very popular, and proud of his beliefs and everything American. And he never needed notes as his mind could catalog all knowledge and instantly draw from all sources of information no matter how long ago he had been exposed to them.

    He was the Renaissance Man of radio that brought every issue into focus and explained them in ways every person could understand and appreciate. He created the genre of talk radio and further enhanced it with the most comical and hilariously devastating parodies that could leave you laughing out loud even when alone. He was the Shakespeare of radio, who knew the subtle shades of meaning of each word in the English language. He could boast like Mohamed Ali, be as  caring as Ghandi, be as verbally powerful as Trump, and was funnier than any late night comic and his audience loved him for it.

    Once you became a Rush addict, you would listen to every word, every possible day that you could because they were pearls that were always adding to your awareness and enjoyment. There were one minute gags, mimics of popular songs, and rollickingly funny impersonations of Obama, Clinton, and other juicy targets. He could make everyone roar with laughter when he would talk about liberals and their silly ideas.

    He was one of a kind, a unique blend of all the qualities that make someone worth listening to. If you’ve heard him you know what I mean. If you haven’t heard him, then I might as well be describing color to a blind man.

    The views and opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official position of Citizens Journal.

    John Wurts – John Wurts Financial Services is one of the leading firms in and throughout Woodland Hills, CA.

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