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    Santa Paula: 2040 General Plan Innovation and Questions

    By Sheryl Hamlin

    The last item on the February 25, 2020 Santa Paula Planning Commission was the update on the 2040 General Plan.

    A massive document, it is actually more concise than the previous General Plan. The Plan was written by contract planner John Douglas under the guidance of the city staff with input from the public.

    The process to develop the new General Plan has been in place for four years. During this time numerous workshops and community outreach meetings have been held. Note that Public Outreach is limited by the budget for the General Plan. Read about previous meetings here and here.

    History of Meetings

    Innovations: Global Definitions and Overlays

    With regard to housing, the traditional approach to zoning has been to define specifically the type of residential unit and the size as well as allowed amenities, such as parking. With the General Plan 2040, these specificities do not exist and are replaced with “Residential Allowed”. Minimums are removed, such as house size and lot size, but maximums are stated. Now, housing must be built contextually to match the surroundings, informed Planner Jeff Michem. Below are new standards for residential in “commercial and non-commercial areas. Note how minimums are eliminated and new, simple definition inserted.


    The use of Overlays is another planning innovation found in GP2040. An Overlay is a third dimension added to an existing land use area. There is one overlay defined, the Downtown District Overlay, with the potential of the East Harvard Overlay planned and a West Harvard Overlay. An overlay recognizes the uniqueness of an area, says Planner Michem.

    Land Use Changes

    The are the areas with the most questions is the chart of land use changes. Owners received notices about proposed land use changes. Below are changes in pink.

    Land Use Changes

    Public Comments

    Three people (Roscoe Morris, Gloria Hansen, Sheri Salazar) who live and own property in the Downtown Overlay spoke in Public Comment. The issue is parking. 600 units planned with no detail on parking in an area where parking is already a premium, according to Mr. Morris, an 84 year resident of Santa Paula. Gloria Hanson did not understand the overlay concept. Sherry said that it is impossible to find nearby parking late at night when her adult children come home from work.

    Additionally, Anita Pulido asked about legal non-conforming in the Harvard Corridor. Planner Michem said that the overlay recognizes what works and allows changes to rectify issues and eliminates the CUP for these properties, specifically in the “Harvard-Telegraph-Main Street Overlay”.

    Commission Discussion

    Commissioner Dunkel asked about the future of the hospital considering its seismic certificate expires in 2030. Director Mason said that the hospital is a county project over which the city has no control. The hospital is not a city offered service as defined in the plan. Commissioner Dunkel said we need a plan and that fire service is county supplied, yet is in the plan.

    Commssioner Dunkel asked about this historic resources section where it says “infill could affect historic districts”. Planner Douglas said that mitigation measure are built in to the plan.

    Commissioner Dunkel asked about the revision to the Historic Ordinance, which was brought to the council in 2018 as needing a revision. Director Mason said that the ordinance is “additive” to the General Plan and that he hope by summer to start work on it. It will take two years to make such changes, he said.

    Commissioner Fourage said he would like more public outreach. Planner Michem said this was a budget issue.

    Regional Housing Needs Assessment

    The State has determined the number of units each city needs to provide for all income levels. Previously this was reported here. The new, revised number will be given in October 2020.

    Motion to Approve 2040 General Plan

    It was moved, seconded and approved unanimously to approve the 2040 General Plan which means it will now go to Council. To read the draft go to mysantapaula dot com

    To read the detailed staff report, click here.

    To read about the author, click here: sherylhamlin dot com

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