Thursday, July 11, 2024
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    Goodbye Constitution Freedom America by Don Jans

    Sex-Ed in California Classrooms

    by Larry and Sharon Zini

    California Assembly Bill-AB 329 was passed four years ago in 2015. It is in effect right now, today, in OUR taxpayer-funded public schools for grades K-12. It is appalling to say the least.

    The bill is titled “The California Healthy Youth Act. Cloaked in the language of “concern and care” for our youth, the teacher-instruction materials describe the bill as “comprehensive sexual health and HIV prevention”.  It is anything but.

    We attended a meeting of concerned citizens including teachers and administrators for the Santa Barbara School district where they are in a fight to for parental rights and transparency on what is being taught to children in the classroom. Eric Early a lawyer working pro-bono filed a lawsuit at the end of 2018 on behalf of parents alarmed at the Santa Barbara Unified School District’s partnership with JUST Communities Central Coast using public schools to indoctrinate our K-12 children. Early talked about the lawsuit. He and others also spoke about Senate Bill-SB 673 which would add three major, key provisions to blunt the impact of AB 329 and the sex education text books and teaching materials now making their way into our public schools.  SB 673 would require 1) transparency by requiring teaching materials and curriculum be available on websites; 2) restore parental rights by providing for an opt-in by parents BEFORE the material and content can be taught to their child; and 3) accountability  which would mandate that ALL instruction MUST be both medically accurate and age-appropriate.

    The use of fruit and other objects to illustrate and teach “sexual health” is beyond anything we have ever heard or seen for teaching healthier sex  education. We share samples of some of what is being used under AB 329, taught  to K-12 and which is spreading to other California school districts. Older grades have their own versions of this nonsense. This law must be overturned. Shocking is too mild a word to describe the material used to teach young kids today.

    Lawsuit Against Santa Barbara School District Over ‘Unconscious Bias’ Curriculum

    Parents Sue to Fight Anti-White, Anti-Male, Anti-Christian Communist Indoctrination in California


    Larry and Sharon Zini are a local retired, community-minded business couple who want to contribute what they can to conversations about issues affecting our communities. 

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