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    Tell Me, Please: Who Can I Vote For?

    by Phil Erwin

    Help! Somebody, please tell me: Who can I vote for?

    I kinda felt that way in 2016. And such may be the internal, agonizing question now being asked, silently, by a great many Democrats and Independents who are recognizing the – ahem – shall we say, tenuous nature of Joe Biden’s basement bid for the Presidency.

    Truth to tell, Biden is all but sequestered in a hole somewhere in the safely Democrat East, where only his wife and campaign advisors, and maybe a nurse or two, can get to him. He can still put on a suit for the camera, but I think most of the nation has recognized by now that the suit remains pretty much empty.

    I’m not keen on bad-mouthing an old white guy. I’m an old white guy myself. We have enough to worry about, what with the Libelous Liberal Lefties having determined that the safest political bomb is calling all Old White Guys “racist.” But of course, Biden himself doesn’t have to worry too much about that sort of bomb being lobbed in his direction, owing to having innoculated himself with a lifetime spent carrying water for the Democrat Party.

    Biden is nothing if not a loyal water-boy.

    Trouble is, Biden has never been much else than a water-boy.

    And in his pretty late years, he’s kind of lost more than a step; and frankly, his water-bucket is starting to look pretty leaky. It’s looking as though whatever he puts in the bucket leaks right out, leaving room for somebody else’s liquids:

    • He’s adamant about President Trump being A Racist, almost to the point of tears in his videoed denunciation of the President. But Biden himself happily rubbed shoulders with well-known Segregationists, eulogized KKK alumnus Sen. Robert Byrd in glowing terms, and famously (well, infamously) praised his future boss, Barack Obama, for being “clean.” One has to wonder whether Biden’s emotional anti-racist screed isn’t really directed at the wrong target. Methinks thou dost protest too much, Joe!
    • There was a time when Joe Biden thought illegal immigration was bad because it threatened the livelihoods of millions of lower-skilled American workers. But Damn!! does he hate Trump’s Wall – which of course protects the livelihoods of lower-skilled American workers. But as far as Joe’s concerned, Trump’s Wall is Racist!
    • Joe is reportedly a Catholic. He reports that himself. But I’m hard-pressed to understand how a “real” Catholic can tacitly support late-term abortion, even to the point of supporting the use of taxpayer funding for such an anti-Catholic practice.
    • His one serious claim to legislative success was the 1994 “Biden Crime Law” (his own designation), which resulted in many thousands of (mostly) poor, (mostly) Black youths being locked up for years, even on non-violent first offenses. Now Biden is happy to support criminals being shuffled out of prison en masse in order to save them from the coronavirus. ‘Course, no one asks him how those exiting-cons are supposed to avoid the virus out in the world. Nor how the world is supposed to protect itself from their returning to lives of crime. Which is it, Joe: Prison Good, or Prison Bad?

    It’s become pretty obvious that Joe Biden’s stance on any political issue is driven, not by his own intellectual or moral perspectives, but by the political winds swirling ’round his snow-covered head.

    But it’s also become pretty obvious that Biden’s head is the empty vessel I described above. Whether it ever could hold a real, authentic political point-of-view or not, it can barely hold onto the point of a sentence now.

    Biden’s head is looking emptier than his suit.

    And yet, the political polls “show” that Biden’s popularity is unflagging, and his numbers seem comfortably higher than President Trump’s.

    And yet, the Democrat Party pantheon continues to (try to) convince you that he’s the cure to the political ills of the nation. That it is he, for example, who can actually “unite the country.” (Yeah. Sure. He can’t even find the country.)

    And Biden himself excoriates all Black voters: “If you don’t vote for me, you ain’t Black!” (Frankly, that statement wrankles me almost as much as I suspect it wrankles most Black folks, whether they are voters or not. “Who the Hell are you, White Bro’ Joe, to tell me how I gotta vote?”)

    So. If you’re a Democrat (or, frankly, any form of non-Republican) voter, whaddya do? Do you vote for Joe, hoping he’ll put an end to your Trumpish nightmare, but having no clue what you’re gonna get instead? Do you wait to find out who Joe’s gonna nominate for President-in-Waiting, so you know who you’re really voting for? Do you call up Prancy Pelosi’s office and ask whether she’s talking with Hillary about pulling off a Triple-Switch? You know… Biden goes down, his Number Two meets with a simultaneous “untimely” end, and Prancy takes over, with Hillary sneaking in to the Oval whenever the cameras are off? Maybe a President Pelosi would issue an Executive Order naming Hillary as co-President!

    (Heavy shudder!!! If you think they’re not still pining to get Hillary into the Oval, you’re sorely mistaken!)

    I repeat: What’s a Democrat (or an Independent, or…) to do?

    Well, for a start, you can spend some time getting to know Brandon Straka, a formerly avid Democrat who agonized about what went “wrong” on that November evening when Trump “stole” the Presidency from Queen Hillary.

    Straka could not believe it. He couldn’t explain it. He almost couldn’t live with it. (No kidding – he said as much in interviews.) He had to choose between abject depression and a more constructive focus. He chose to figure things out. For himself. Which took him many months. And in the end, he started the #Walkaway program. Here is a short explanatory interview with him on OANN:




    Straka speaks straight from the heart. You know that what he’s saying, he is feeling. But he isn’t interested in convincing you. His goal is to help you open your own eyes. He wants to “red pill” you, as he did for himself. (If you don’t know what that means, you’re not a Matrix fan.)  Here’s an interview in which he identifies his “red pill” moment, which started him on his personal quest for political grounding.

    Straka’s WalkawayCampaign.com celebrates their 2nd anniversary on Tuesday, and has an 18-minute video for the occasion. I suspect any Democrats feeling electorially adrift might find kindred spirits on that video.


    The views and opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official position of Citizens Journal

    Phil Erwin is an author, IT administrator and registered Independent living in Newbury Park. He would like to support some Democrat ideals, but he has a visceral hatred for Lies and Damn Lies (and is highly suspicious of Statistics.) That pretty much eliminates supporting most Democrats, and a bunch of Republicans to boot.

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    James Aragon
    James Aragon
    3 years ago

    You can vote for Jo Jorgensen, the Libertarian candidate for President of the United States.

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