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    The Road to Tyranny by Don Jans

    Term Limits Are Not The Answer



    By Don Jans

    The fact is that the United States does impose limits on how long a person can hold office. In the house that limit is two years, in the senate the limit is six years, and for president the limit in four years. The office holder must then be re-elected by the legally registered voters. Anybody who meets the qualifications of the specific office can run against the current office holder. If the people choose to remove the current office holder, they are removed. If the people choose to re-elect the office holder they will serve another two years, six years, or four years.

    In November 1990, California voted to have term limits. In 1992 there were 48 Democrats in the legislature and 32 Republican. Today there are 60 Democrats and 19 Republicans. In the senate there were 23 Democrats and 14 Republicans in 1992. In 2020 there were 30 Democrats and 9 Republicans. Term limits have not made campaigns more competitive, perhaps less competitive because in today’s California it is the top two candidate in the primary who are placed on the November ballot regardless of their political affiliation.

    Term limits have an appeal, but like most things they are simply that, appealing with no meaningful results. Term limits are really nothing more than putting lipstick on a pig.

    The fact is, if the legal registered voters want to have the same individual represent them for years and years, they should have that right. That is a representative republic. The only answer to accomplish what the term limit advocates are trying to achieve is the same answer for bringing about any change and that is the people.

    Thomas Jefferson told us that in order for us to keep our representative republic it is critical that we have an interested, an informed, and an involved electorate.  The electorate in the Untied States is no longer interested, informed, or involved. What is critical to maintaining our representative republic is not to restrict who the electorate can elect, but to have an electorate who are interested, informed, and involved.

    The vast majority of those who vote today are none of the above. Many of those who have their votes counted do not even exist, so how could they be interested, informed, or involved.

    What can we who wish to keep our representative republic do? We must become interested, informed, and primarily involved. The voter rolls must become sanitized by eliminating the dead, those who have moved, and those who do not meet the requirements of age and citizenship. How do we do this? We inform ourselves on the facts of what the left has done to our voting rolls and then inform our fellow citizens. We must become involved with groups like True the Vote who have made fair elections their top priority.

    We must speak with our family, our friends, our acquaintances about issues after we have become fully informed. We must be constantly “Setting Brushfires of Freedom.”

    We must become active in campaigns of all kinds, federal, state, local and especially school boards. Our schools are perhaps the most dangerous institutions we currently have. They are indoctrinating our children. Their goal is do destroy our families, destroy our society, and transform our nation into a Marxist totalitarian state.

    Term limits are just a band aide that will not correct the path of destruction upon which the left now has us. It was we the people who won our freedom and it will only be we the people who will keep our freedom. Like Thomas Paine told us, “Tyranny like Hell is not easily conquered, but we have this consolation with us, the harder the conflict the more glorious the triumph.” Tyranny can only be conquered by an informed, an interested, and an involved people. Will you be counted amongst these?????

    Don Jans is a national acclaimed author and speaker.  He is also a lifelong student of history, with a special emphasis on Russian history.  His study of Russian history led to 1917 which led to the study of the teachings of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.  Don has written five books on the topic of Collectivism (Marxism, Communism, Socialism, Fascism, and Progressivism). 

    Don has been a guest on numerous nationally and regionally broadcast radio programs.  He is a weekly guest on a nationally broadcast radio program where he discusses collectivism and how it is impacting the United States, relating current happenings to the collectivist agenda.

    Don has spoken to numerous groups across the nation on the topic of who and what is the United States and who and what is collectivism. The collectivist movement has called for a transformation of the United States. What is critical for all to understand is what is the transformation; what are we now and into what will we be transformed.  

    Don’s speaking approach is the same as his writing approach, and that is to be direct and straight forward with no regard for the current mandated approach of political correctness. 

    Samuel Adams said, “It does not take a majority to prevail… but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.” If we are to remain free, we must be about setting brushfires of freedom.

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