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    Two Visions of America by Don Jans

    The CDC Suddenly Changes the Definition of ‘Vaccine’ and ‘Vaccination’

    By Nick Arama, Red State

    Matt Margolis over at our sister site PJ Media has picked up on a very interesting change on the CDC website when it comes to the definitions for “vaccine” and “vaccination.”

    The timing of the change is very interesting.

    He notes that it would appear that the CDC is trying to change how we understand the concept of vaccinations.

    He highlights the definition of terms on August 26, 2021.

    Immunity: Protection from an infectious disease. If you are immune to a disease, you can be exposed to it without becoming infected.

    Vaccine: A product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease, protecting the person from that disease. Vaccines are usually administered through needle injections, but can also be administered by mouth or sprayed into the nose.

    Vaccination: The act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce immunity to a specific disease.

    Immunization: A process by which a person becomes protected against a disease through vaccination. This term is often used interchangeably with vaccination or inoculation.

    That had been their definition since at least May 16, 2018, according to PJ Media.

    But then, come September 1, suddenly there was a big change.

    Immunity: Protection from an infectious disease. If you are immune to a disease, you can be exposed to it without becoming infected.

    Vaccine: A preparation that is used to stimulate the body’s immune response against diseases. Vaccines are usually administered through needle injections, but some can be administered by mouth or sprayed into the nose.

    Vaccination: The act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce protection from a specific disease.

    Immunization: A process by which a person becomes protected against a disease through vaccination. This term is often used interchangeably with vaccination or inoculation.

    Why are they trying to back off of what the definitions used to be? Now they are talking about a vaccine stimulating the immune response but not to “produce immunity.” Now they’re saying a vaccination doesn’t produce immunity but will “produce protection.”

    Thomas Massie
    Check out @CDCgov’s evolving definition of “vaccination.” They’ve been busy at the Ministry of Truth:


    They appear to be changing the definition to fit what we’re being told about the COVID-19 vaccines — that they don’t necessarily provide immunity but just “protection” from more serious illness. Meanwhile, it fits with the push for more “booster” shots, to keep up the continued “protection.” So they’ve changed the definition of vaccines so that it no longer means preventing the disease or producing immunity. Whereas before it wouldn’t necessarily meet their definition of a vaccine, now it meets the new definition.

    We’ve seen the CDC have wrong (bigger) numbers for COVID deaths in Florida (what a coincidence). We’ve seen them falsely claim that the Delta variant is as contagious as chicken pox. Now we see them redefining words to better fit what they’re pushing with the COVID “vaccine.” Is this one more effort to control the narrative?

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    Jane B.
    Jane B.
    2 years ago

    It’s like over time, they refined the definition, but certain political statements makes it difficult for a certain group to understand that things change.

    Hal Carter
    Hal Carter
    2 years ago

    We have been told for years that a “Virus” cannot be killed and that there is no vaccination that will provide immunity from a Virus. Viruses are different from Bacteria. According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary: “While both can cause disease, viruses are not living organisms, whereas bacteria are. Viruses are only “active” within host cells which they need to reproduce, while bacteria are single-celled organisms that produce their own energy and can reproduce on their own. Bacteria serve many vital roles in nature outside of being infectious.” Example, there is no cure for the common cold created by a virus. Conclusion : Vaccinations to kill and create immunity against non living organisms (Virus) won’t work. Government control using fear.

    2 years ago
    Reply to  Hal Carter

    Looks like Hal Carter flunked high school biology.
    I wonder how he thinks all the other vaccines that protect HIM from viral disease work. Stupid and ungrateful.

    2 years ago
    Reply to  Patriot

    Viruses are not living organisms. Are you disagreeing with that?

    Jeffrey Mahan
    Jeffrey Mahan
    2 years ago
    Reply to  Hal Carter

    Then why don’t you get the measles or polio? How did you actually write that response with a straight face?

    Kevin Nelson
    Kevin Nelson
    2 years ago
    Reply to  Jeffrey Mahan

    Sanitation and nutrition. How you you point to diseases that you have no understating of? The symptoms of Polio were reclassified into 7 different other diseases when it was magically eradicated. Measles cases are so far an few between they haven’t been a threat to the first world country’s because we have better standards of sanitation and nutrition than we did 100 years ago. Learn history not propaganda.

    2 years ago
    Reply to  Kevin Nelson

    Buzz, the correct answer was vaccines you dumb moron.

    2 years ago
    Reply to  Leslie

    lmfao…you dumb moron …you are such an ignorant sheep….go take another booster and then go lie down with your flock.

    2 years ago

    Some journalist should ask which “vaccines” have proven less effective than these for COVID?
    If these “vaccines” don’t produce immunity, but protection… they sound like… condoms… errrr… contraception. So they’re not vaccines but COVID contraceptives. Used to diminish the likelihood of COVID.
    They’re far, far, far less effective than contraceptives used to prevent pregnancy… and they come with serious, even fatal side effects.
    Think if birth control was let out on the market with this type of record of failure and injury?

    Perpetual control: how terminology now rules the world. – NATIONAL SERVICE REBRANDED
    2 years ago

    […] September 1 the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) quietly changed their definition of vaccination, from pre-2015’s ‘in order to prevent the disease’ and the […]

    CDC Changes Definition of Vaccine to Cover for COVID Shots - Word Matters!
    2 years ago

    […] immunity against a specific disease to one that stimulates the immune system against diseases. Citizens Journal included both the previous and new definitions of vaccine on CDC’s website to point out the […]

    Ken Shields
    Ken Shields
    2 years ago

    I can’t find the original source document with the changed definition. Anybody got a link?

    Michael A…
    Michael A…
    2 years ago
    Reply to  damien

    Who cares about the damn definition? The TRUTH is that whatever you call them they saved 20 million lives in the first year alone, according to Newsmax, your favorite source of “news”

    Here you go so you can, as y’all like to shout in all caps, DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Genetic modification of humans for profit. – OccupyVaccination
    2 years ago

    […] “Vaccine: A preparation that is used to stimulate the body’s immune response against diseases.” [13] […]

    2 years ago

    This is insanity! I heard on a radio show off a popular lefties jedi yesterday… They were arguing about Aaron rodgers why claimed he was vaccinated but still caught cocks. Which of course l can happen! Because nothing they were officially saying it’s real! One of the co-hosts says” yeah, but be said he got inoculated” you could hear the gaspñ the other two co-hosts jumped real quick to fix his words. Immunized, yeah yeah vaccinated. Asu that point the guy backtracks and says he’ll your right. Inoculation is what my grandma used to do, or something like that, he treated the word as if it were outdated and wrong.
    They are attempting to change reality as we go in and effort to bottom line hey whatever they want… Even if it doesn’t make sense l! Move if this makes sense

    2 years ago

    OK here’s one for the conspiracy theorists camp.
    Say I was intending to commit mass genocide (like never seen before) on the worlds population by releasing a lab-made virus. Surely I would want to be targeting the haters, the individual’s who will rebel and become a tyrant to the new world.
    So why not allow the people who can be controlled much easier, the opportunity to take a Covid vaccine to protect (immune) themselves from the impending ‘fatal’ lab-made virus that will be unleashed on the population in the very near future and which will secure the fate of the unvaccinated.
    This way, we come to the same conspiracy goal of greatly reducing the population, but without any obvious finger of blame, as everyone would believe they only had themselves to blame for not following the guidance.
    A conspiracy within a conspiracy.

    2 years ago
    Reply to  John

    John, this much more plausible then a vaccine for a 99% survival virus.

    2 years ago
    Reply to  John

    Its 2021, no plausible theory is off the table. Maybe its the same with masks.

    Genetic modification of humans for profit. – The People's Government
    2 years ago

    […] Vaccines now do not need to provide ‘immunity’ but just ‘protection’. [1] […]

    Genetic modification of humans for profit. – RadioChristianity
    2 years ago

    […] Vaccines now do not need to provide ‘immunity’ but just ‘protection’. [1] […]

    Why I Won’t Get the Covid 19 Shot -
    2 years ago

    […] up until August 26, 2021, the CDC didn’t consider it a vaccine either. Up until that point they defined a vaccine as, “A product […]

    2 years ago

    They have never been able to isolate the virus therefore making all of this illegal and are considered crimes against humanity.

    2 years ago
    Reply to  Raven

    Glad you are regulated to comments on an article, then in charge of anything you fascist.

    Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/) is a form of far-right, authoritarian ultranationalism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and strong regimentation of society and the economy that rose to prominence in early 20th-century Europe.

    2 years ago
    Reply to  Gregory

    Sounds like definition of the LEFT!

    2 years ago
    Reply to  Gregory

    You might want to look up the ever-changing definition of fascism also. Originally there was no reference to far-right ideology. This is the game that the left/socialistas play: low education in students so that when they are presented a “definition” they, being human believe, a) they’re the smarter people so they know what they’re talking about, not taking into consideration agendas or ideologies. Contrast that with b) not teaching (educating) the students how to think, what came before (previous definitions/factual history), or more importantly how to deal mentally with adversities. It’s a matter of, “Fix it, fix it now because I don’t have time to be sick. I’m way too important (essential?) to spend time letting my miraculous self-healing physiology do it’s thing”.

    Bobs M.
    Bobs M.
    2 years ago
    Reply to  Nick

    Sounds just like a pinko fascist would say.

    Michael A...
    Michael A...
    2 years ago
    Reply to  Gregory

    Actually is derived from a Latin word meaning “bundle of sticks” Also, as a funny side note the word “faggot” means the same thing from olde English. Look it up, you may just learn something.

    2 years ago

    “FU” cdc and all your gov. agencies with you!!!

    2 years ago
    Reply to  NAV

    FU are the only initials I trust.

    No, thanks
    No, thanks
    2 years ago

    Apparently there are different definitions. Here’s one that has further info on different vaccines and their actions
    However, the CDC isn’t as forthcoming.
    Also found in: DictionaryThesaurusAcronymsEncyclopediaWikipedia.
    Related to vaccine: HPV vaccinePolio vaccine
    vaccine [vak-sēn´] 
    a suspension of attenuated or killed microorganisms (viruses, bacteria, or rickettsiae), administeredfor prevention, amelioration, or treatment of infectious diseases.

    2 years ago
    Reply to  No, thanks

    The mRNA substance is NOT a vaccine as it was previously defined (pre-2015). This is part of the scam. Change the ground rules. Now you can inject a “substance” to trigger an immune response. So in essence, if I want to inject Windex to get a response it becomes a vaccine. Anything you inject triggers an immune response!!! So bug bites are vaccines, now?!! This is so outrageous. I can’t believe this has not been fought.

    larry g hesseltine
    larry g hesseltine
    2 years ago
    Reply to  Dan

    true, and I do not need bugs or windex to live.

    2 years ago
    Reply to  Dan

    Your stupidity is astounding. Do you have problems walking and breathing at the same time? I mean really, are you sub-par intelligence? Of course you don’t no, because your just not that bright.

    not disclosing
    not disclosing
    2 years ago

    thank you for the real information

    kim shuler
    kim shuler
    2 years ago

    My sister, brother, and I all had to have vaccine booster shots for the measles vaccine back in 1977 when a cousin of ours came up to North Carolina from Florida for a visit and brought her son who was infected with measles. My siblings and I had all had the initial vaccines but not the boosters. They caught the measles, I did not, because I was living in a college dorm at the time, less than a mile away. I got the booster at the health department. Their pediatrician made the call to give them theirs, too, just in case, I think. So boosters have been around for awhile.

    2 years ago
    Reply to  kim shuler

    The difference is that the measles vaccine IS a true vaccine. The covid shot is NOT a vaccine despite them calling it that. It does NOT give immunity, it does NOT keep you from catching it, it does NOT keep you from spreading it and the jury is still out on whether it offers any protection at all. Considering 98%-99% of people who DO get Covid recover without issue…how will we ever know that the vaccinated who catch Covid wouldn’t have recovered in the exact same way without the vaccine? The answer is we won’t ever know.

    2 years ago
    Reply to  Babs

    Babs, I will agree with you when you provide any kind of credential that you have a single clue about which you are spouting your vitriol.

    Last edited 2 years ago by Lance
    2 years ago

    They also changed the definition for ‘pandemic” & “herd immunity” too! All to fit the scam.

    3 years ago

    does anyone have a source to this via CDC?

    3 years ago
    Reply to  kevan

    Why don’t you do your own research?

    2 years ago
    Reply to  djheuty

    Dont be a dick.

    bide is a thief
    bide is a thief
    2 years ago
    Reply to  Dennis

    do your own research lazy ass

    3 years ago

    If you get the polio vaccine, you will not get polio. If you get the rubella vaccine, you will not get rubella. If you get a flu shot, you may still get the flu. If you get a COVID shot, you can still get COVID. I think we know what a vaccine is…. these COVID shots are not vaccines.

    3 years ago
    Reply to  BrewsterDubbs

    flu and covid ‘vaccines’ are obviously the way to keep billionaires…billionaires

    James Davison
    James Davison
    3 years ago
    Reply to  BrewsterDubbs

    Correct, the covid jabs are NOT VACCINES! By definition, a vaccine contains a small component of the virus. The Covid shot does not contain the virus to create immunity…
    Of note, if you are a “Right to Life” believer, you should know that aborted fetus stem cells are part of the J & J Covid “vaccine!”

    2 years ago
    Reply to  BrewsterDubbs

    Polio came back BECAUSE OF THE VACCINES. Man you people

    3 years ago

    The CDC just shot themselves in the foot, with this one. They want to play WORD GAMES…….and they just LOST! Changing ‘immunity’ to ‘PROTECTION’ is a win for HUMANS! Now, with the ‘PROTECTION’ definition, Vitamin C is now a ‘vaccine’ for Scurvy (as an example). Vitamin C gives one PROTECTION FROM SCURVY. SO, all of the vitamins, clean water and CLEAN FOOD that I consume are now ‘vaccines’ against the ‘big, bad virus’, since those PROTECT ME from getting sick. (I haven’t had the Common Cold in more than 10 years!) 
    I, for one, welcome the ‘new definition’ because it now defines the things that I do to PROTECT myself from colds/flu as ‘vaccines’. 

    3 years ago
    Reply to  DawnieR

    Let’s go ahead and use your definition and quantify the effectiveness of each of your “vaccines”
    Level of ‘PROTECTION’ from COVID:
    Pfizer vaccine: 94% (77% Delta variant after 6 months)
    Moderna vaccine: 93% (92% Delta variant after 6 months)
    J&J vaccine: 68%
    Vitamins: ~0%
    Clean Water: ~0%
    CLEAN FOOD: ~0%
    Yeah, they’re all the same. Good put DawnieR.

    3 years ago
    Reply to  @RealJesse

    You have that all backwards, sweetie. And you might just want to READ….#1 these Bio-weapon makers OWN PUBLICATIONS, and #2 what REAL Doctors and REAL News are reporting.
    Pfizer: 0%
    Moderna: 0%
    J&J: 0%
    Vitamins: 100%
    Clean Water: 100%
    Clean Food: 100%
    So, please explain to me, if these EXPERIMENTAL (BIO-WEAPON) INJECTION(S) ‘protect’ SO WELL……WHY is it that 75% to 99% of those NOW GETTING ILL are those who HAVE BEEN INJECTED??? And the remaining %, getting ill, who have NOT been Injected, are getting sick FROM those who HAVE BEEN INJECTED?! It IS the INJECTED who are now getting ill….AND…..INFECTING (aka Super Spreaders) those who have NOT been injected! Those are what we call INDISPUTABLE FACTS. Israel is the PERFECT ‘Indisputable Facts’ example. MOST of that country is now SICK…..BECAUSE they had been Injected. And they ARE DYING.
    ALL of the REAL Doctors, who are being CENSORED (gee….if these EXPERIMENTAL INJECTIONS work SO WELL, then WHY do they NEED to CENSOR OTHERS??), are all over the NO CENSOR video/social media sites. Brighteon, Bitchute, Rumble, Gab video, ect.
    Any SANE individual would be taking the info from REAL Doctors, vs the QUACKS being PAID by Big Pharma (& Govts) to MURDER people. The GOOD thing about these Experimental (Bio-Weapon) Injections? Is that the Low IQ have all gotten them, and will be MURDERED (die) by these injections in the near future. We now find ourselves in this TYRANNICAL MESS, that the planet is now in, BECAUSE OF Low IQ Individuals; retarded 3 year olds who CLAIM to be ADULTS, that have NO CLUE what is going on around them!

    3 years ago
    Reply to  @RealJesse

    As far as I know, the Pfizer protection against disease is less than 40% – based on Israel data and before 3rd dose. And of course all the people that previously have had covid and were vaccinated – rise the overall effectiveness of all covid vaxes.
    About Moderna and J&J ‘vax’ – lets give at least one year to discuss the real effectiveness, as, besides Israel, other countries haven’t used one particular vaccine…
    About clean water and food and vitamins – let’s check, if the vaccine will save you, when you will not use clean water, clean food and will not use vitamins, ok? Actually there is one simple way to do mental excercise – look at the list of poor countries, where is lack of clean water/food and therefore – vitamins and ask yourself – is there the morbidity/mortality rate higer, or lower than in countries with higher income?

    3 years ago
    Reply to  Animisia

    Yawn. Tell it to another conspiracy monger. I’m sticking with facts, data, and reality.

    2 years ago
    Reply to  @RealJesse

    Reality aka what the news tells you

    2 years ago
    Reply to  Yutwat

    No, I mean reality. Truth. The opposite of the lies OAN and Citizens Opinion tell you, YuTwat.

    2 years ago
    Reply to  Yutwat

    Reality aka what your conspiracy website tells you

    2 years ago
    Reply to  @RealJesse

    Brought to you by Pfizer.

    Bob M
    Bob M
    2 years ago
    Reply to  @RealJesse

    Stop watching the bs on CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, or reading The Atlantic Mag. etc. They are the masters of propagada by keeping us in fear. History all over again. They are paroting the exact same narative from the DNC and idiots like Gates, Soros, and the late night talk shows that can only hate Trump and make fun of the salt of the earth silent Majority. Get some perspective from Brighteon, Parler, Mark Dice on YouTube, Gab, and 95 more sites if you do a search for top 100 conservative websites on Duckduckgo or even Google. but I’m surprised they haven’t kicked Dice off. You will be amazed if you just open your mind to the possibilities of what is really happening but be warned, it’s so surreal you won’t believe it. The good news is the word is getting our to the masses and people are changing their opinions slowly but surely. The Dems are scared shitless their New World Order will crash. We are definately headed towards WW III. Get your act together asap or you won’t have an act. Best of Luck to you and all of us to keep our way of life and not be taken over by the Chinese and real foreign and domestic enemies. it’s all as real as you can only imagine. Right now there’s 2 basic groups of people in the US. People who know and People who don’t know(and worst of all they think they do!!)

    2 years ago
    Reply to  Bob M

    I’m not scared. Must only be you, Snowflake.
    You need to do a lot more research you dolt.

    George Pattone
    George Pattone
    3 years ago

    Yep… One big Psyop to control the narrative for the medical tyranny Trojan horse that Communism rides in on…

    3 years ago
    Reply to  George Pattone

    Everything goes to keep the narrative/agenda going… Over- and Under reporting of covid cases/deaths and taking away constitutional rights (etc.) to push vaccination of the whole population of which not even 1 percent is at risk for this virus (and vaccination will keep this fake ‘pandemic’ going forever). Should be obvious by now, but it isn’t. AMAZING!

    J P
    J P
    3 years ago
    Reply to  George Pattone

    Yes, because the U.S. government has never decided to do unethical things to U.S. citizens. Have you ever looked up the Tuskegee experiments? You underestimate the evil that lives in this world, it is organized and it doesn’t care about anyone.

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