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    Two Visions of America by Don Jans

    The Coming War! I think not


    By Bob Rinear,

    In 1861, Americans showed the world just how vicious we can be.  It was the civil war, and with it came a carnage rarely seen.  In one particularly horrifying clash at Antietam, we saw more US casualties in one day, than has ever been witnessed before.

    Fought on September 17, 1862, Antietam was the bloodiest single-day battle in American history with over 23,000 casualties (men listed as killed, wounded, captured or missing) in roughly 12 hours. The battle ended the Confederate invasion of Maryland in 1862 and resulted in a Union victory.

    Most people have been brainwashed and hoodwinked into thinking the Civil war was fought because of slavery. Nothing could be further from the truth. While slavery became a rally cry that people in the north would use, the real reasons behind the Civil war was taxes, industry and state rights. But that’s not my point here today.

    My point is that when Americans feel they are being terribly wronged, they can put up with it for just so long. And then, they blow. And, when they blow, they can do so in a manner as ruthless as any society has seen.

    I have mentioned for quite some time that there’s a civil war brewing in this nation. So far it hasn’t bubbled over, but each day brings us closer. You can see the clashes. Conservative parents are fighting against drag queens teaching their 6 year olds. Conservatives are clashing with ANTIFA punks in the Streets. Liberal democrats are fighting with republicans over MAGA hats. The impeachment farce is driving people even further apart.

    But it’s what’s happening in Virginia that’s really getting interesting. In Virginia, the Democrats pretty much swept the place. One of their biggest agenda’s is the push to disarm the population. Their leadership has called for confiscation of popular sporting rifles like the AR 15, and if the people don’t comply, they say they will use the National guard to go door to door.

    Worse, the language in their bill literally turns just about every weapon you might own into an “illegal firearm”. The verbiage is so vague that any semi automatic pistol or rifle you might have is now contraband. God forbid you have a magazine that holds 30 rounds, you’re worse than Charley Manson.

    This has prompted about 70 counties to be “2nd amendment sanctuary cities” where they will not comply with unconstitutional demands. Some of the local sheriff’s have literally deputized thousands of citizens, saying that they will not preside over the confiscation of people’s weapons.

    As you can imagine, the grass roots folks are up in arms, no pun intended. The rhetoric is getting loud as gun owners proclaim that they will not give up their guns and instead will shoot the people coming for them.

    So I ask the question, is this possible? Will the good citizens of VA, literally start sniping at any supposed law enforcement that comes looking for their weapons? It’s not only possible, it’s probable.

    Imagine you’re a simple Christian white male. You love God and country. You’ve been brought up in the Bible and consider yourself a good person. You’ve seen your school districts toss out the Bible and teach 6 year olds how to “touch themselves.” You’re angry

    You Voted for Trump, because you’re tired of life long politicians that promise one thing and never do it. You see the Impeachment farce for what it is, a Deep state program to get rid of a guy that could screw up their gravy train. You get angrier.

    You do your best, but there’s always more month at the end of the money. Your life is a bit of a struggle. You lost your healthcare when the mines closed. You’re sick, need medical attention, but know you can’t afford it. You’re getting mad as hell.

    And now, now they want to march into your home, and relieve you of the weapons you’ve hunted with for 30 years. They want you to register everything you have, and give up your sporting arms. It’s the last straw.

    Could I see this gentleman shooting the law enforcement officers that come knocking? You bet I can, and that’s the danger. None of these law abiding citizens are bad guys. Yet in a single election, the Rules change and now you’re a class 4 felon for owning something lawfully. I can definitely see the tired, the overwhelmed and the frustrated deciding to go out in a blaze.

    I am not kidding. I am not fear porning. I’m simply calling it like I see it.

    Town halls have been overflowing with people opposing this, with one small courthouse overflowing with over 400 angry people. Because of the amount of people pushing back, the Democrats have pulled back a bit, and said they’d “grandfather” in the owners of such weapons, but ONLY if the owners registered them with the State.  That’s not going to fly either.

    People aren’t stupid. Registration is the prelude to confiscation. In fact, it gives them the exact names and addresses of the very people who have the weapons the Democrats want. People saw it happen in NY years ago. They made people register their weapons and then 2 years later, went around confiscating their guns.

    This is a dangerous time folks. There’s a lot of conflict out there socially, morally, politically. But one thing that the masses have been clear about is that they have 400+ million weapons and they’re not giving them up. I truly believe that’s the last stand.

    I am hopeful that this tension fizzles out and that these Democrats shoot for lower hanging fruit. Can you imagine calling in the National Guard??  Are you kidding me? These guys are your neighbors. They run the gas station, and the pharmacy. They’re volunteers. Are they going to go around with police and back them up while they kick in your front door? I think not. Especially if you’ve decided that you’re not going down without a fight.

    Don’t forget something. We have millions of vets in this country. People that spent years trekking around the muck of SouthEast Asia and getting shot at. People that went door to door in the Middle East. People that have years of knowing how to fight a guerilla style confrontation. These people weren’t weekend warriors, they were true warriors. You really don’t want them banding together and deciding “enough is enough” because frankly, your local police and yeah your national guard will end up losing.

    Here’s the bottom line issue folks. I fully understand why some people don’t like guns. If you’ve ever seen anyone shot, you never want to see it again. So, they think they’re doing something for humanity by trying to disarm everyone. Well of course the problem is that the only people you’re disarming is the good guys. The law abiding people that don’t rob, steal or murder. No law is going to get the criminal to give up his weapons. Never. Ever.

    If you pass laws that takes weapons away from good people, you simply give bad people more power. It really is that simple. 

    As far as mass shootings go, this is a mental health issue. When some lunatic barges into a church or store and starts shooting up the place, invariably you’re going to find a person with deep seated mental problems, that’s 99% of the time been on drugs for his psychosis. Since no one wants to face that problem, they blame it on the gun he used. It’s much easier to scream “take everyone’s guns away” than it is to say “hey, there’s a lot of crazy people on the streets that really need to be in institutions”. 

    Keep your eye on developments out of Virginia folks. If it devolves into outright shooting skirmishes, it could be the genie that gets out of the bottle nation wide. I don’t want to see it. Americans have proven in the past that they can fight like no one else. We don’t need to push them to that level.

    Pray for level heads.

    The Market:

    Impeachment day. The market put itself in park and didn’t move. How flat was it? At 3:35 the DOW was red by “1.9” points. That’s flat.

    I have to think that the impeachment circus has weighed on the market to some extent. We got the silly China deal they wanted to hype, we have low rates and the Fed is still doing umpteen billions in overnight and short term repos.  It finds its way into the markets.

    Classically, The Santa Rally actually happens after Christmas and into the first week of January. I still tend to think we’ll get one. Again, I think the politics of the day has weighed on them.

    That’s not to say nothing moved. There was movement. It was just really subdued.

    Well, maybe it should be. As much as I’ve beaten this into your head, this market does not deserve being up where it is. It’s been pushed there by the Feds policy’s. Consider this:

    2019 has seen the LARGEST outflows from US equity mutual funds and ETFs in 28 years. ($248bn + $92bn = $340bn in withdrawals)

    Wait a minute?! Isn’t the market flirting with all-time highs? Indeed it is. So, who’s buying if all this fund money is exiting?? I’ll give you one guess.

    “In a year when stocks worldwide have gained 24% and keep reaching records, Druckenmiller, widely considered the greatest hedge fund manager of his generation, has barely eked out a double-digit return.” – BBG

    Indeed. Druckenmiller is one of the all time greats. Yet he is woefully behind the overall market gains. Why is that? Simple. Smart people know that this market is not real. It’s not based on fundamentals or earnings. Well for 100 years you’ve been taught that it’s earnings that drive stocks. If earnings aren’t rising, you don’t buy stocks. Yet in this perverse world, earnings are 2% lower than last year, but the market is up 23%.  That’s problematic for anyone with a thinking mind. It’s not supposed to be that way.

    If you can’t get comfortable with the idea of buying stocks simply because the Feds are going to push them higher, despite stagnant earnings, you miss out. You don’t beat the market. It’s really that simple.  Druck can’t seem to drink the Fed kool aid and just go all in.

    I can’t blame him, I can’t either.

    I still think we run out the year end and into most of January. There’s no real reason for them to sell us down now, they’d have to take the tax hit this April. It’s probably best that they do what ever selling they’re going to do in the new year and push taxes off into 2021.

    Financials, chips, and some commodities should continue higher. Tech should remain strong. Names like MSFT, CSCO, NVDA, AAPL should go.  C, AXP, GS should go. Oil names should go.

    I have to believe they want to end the year on a high note. Lean long and take the ride.


    Bob Rinear,

    Republished with author’s permission.

    The views and opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official position of Citizens Journal.

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