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    The Road to Tyranny by Don Jans

    The Democrats in History’s Merciless Eyes



    By Sigrid Weidenweber

    I imagine that in another thirty years historians will, with intense scrutiny, write a review of the Democratic party. Perhaps they come to the self-same conclusions some of us are drawing now. It seems that this party, once so integral to America’s system of governance, has, in the pursuit of political power, become the advocate for a Communist takeover.

    How else can we account for the role this party plays? It is detrimental to America and the way in which it was founded. Its leader, Nancy Pelosi, will be judged by her inability to grasp the importance her party could play in a world-wide perspective. Given as much power as the Speaker possesses, a person with a historical and geo-political view could be a force for good.        

    It is important to know that the Speaker has never known anything in her life but politics. She stems from an Italian family. Her father was a Democratic Congressman from Maryland, and later became the Mayor of Baltimore. Her mother also was active in Democratic politics. Nancy Pelosi went to the Institute of Notre Dame, an all-girl Catholic high school. In 1962 she graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in political science from Trinity college.

    From there, she went to intern for Daniel Brewster, a Democrat, during the 1960s together with Steny Hoyer.

    What is notable about her early years, is the fact that she was enveloped and nurtured in politics only, with no connection to the real people of the country. So, it comes as no surprise that she has an impressive political record. She is in her 17th term in Congress and is the first woman to lead a party in Congress, twice, since 2003. 

    With her education and political savvy, hearing many diverse opinions during her 17 terms, one should assume that as an American living a total elitist, upper-crust life, she should have formed a world view with recognition of America’s enemies. Furthermore, one could surmise that she should have developed a strong sense that her party could be of historical greatness.

    However, it seems certain that her party—under Nancy Pelosi’s leadership—will be perceived by history as dead-weight, nay a drag, on the only country in the world that produced not only the greatest economic force on the globe but also a nation with the greatest freedoms for its people. Instead of greatness, goodness and a force for truth, Pelosi will be judged to have a total inability to see her own role, or that of her party, outside the political realm of Washington’s Swamp. She chose temporary power over greatness and true leadership.

    Under her leadership the liberal section of the Democratic Party was, bit by bit, herded into the socialist fold. Il-liberal views were allowed to creep into the purvey of the party, until now, Islamo-Communists are embraced by the majority of the party and shielded from criticism, while anti-Semites are emboldened.

    When labeling President Trump to be “Hitlerian” did nothing to incite Americans to act against him, Pelosi’s partner, Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler moved on and called him Dictator. It is telling that there was not even a whisper from the chair against this outrage. Democrats do not care that they insult half the country along with the president. Pelosi allows the president to be besmirched by all comers, as exemplified by a new Islamic Congress-woman. It is amazing that no one even wonders about Democrat decorum any more. In their never-ending quest to become the leader of a one-party dictatorship with total control of every aspect of the hapless public, President Trump is the fly in Nancy’s power-pot. The left, which is now the entire Democrat party, is pushing to abolish the electoral college, which would eviscerate the votes of 50 diverse states in choosing the president. Another objective is to expand and pack the Supreme Court, which would be a power grab par excellence and, of course, there is the lefts atrocity performed on all law-abiding citizens by allowing the borders to be over-run with a flood of people from more than ten different countries.

    One must marvel that this elitist woman has accomplished to stay in power for so long despite being loathed by the public. A Rasmussen national poll of 2010 found 64% viewed her very unfavorably, while only 29% had a favorable view of her.

     Sigrid Weidenweber grew up in communist East Berlin, escaping it using a French passport. Ms. Weidenweber holds a degree in medical technology as well as psychology and has course work in Anthropology.  She is co-founder of Aid for Afghans.  Weidenweber has traveled the world and lived with Pakistani Muslims, learning about the culture and religion. She is a published author and lecturer. You can find her books on

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