Tuesday, July 16, 2024
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    The Road to Tyranny by Don Jans

    The Grinch Who Stole Halloween – Doctor Levin nixes the holiday. Suggests watching Movies

    By Debra Tash

    Dr. Robert Levin, County of Ventura’s Health Officer, spoke at today’s Board of Supervisor’s Meeting. He addressed the County’s Guidance for the upcoming Halloween holiday.  Despite falling positive testing results, stable hospitalizations and what is a very low death rate for COVID 19, the doctor has issued a stringent edict when it comes to holiday fun for your families. 

    Perhaps it is the fact that today the County reported ten (10) new cases (positive results from testing). That had to be what pushed us over the top. 

    Here is what you are asked to avoid on October 31st, which is six weeks away.  

    Not Permitted* (gatherings and events are not currently allowed under the Health Officer Order)

    • Halloween gatherings, events or parties with non-household members are not permitted even if they are conducted
    • Carnivals, festivals, live entertainment, and haunted house attractions are not
    • Door to door trick or treating is not allowed because it can be very difficult to maintain proper social distancing on porches and at front doors, ensure that everyone answering or coming to the door is appropriately masked to prevent disease spread, and because sharing food is
    • “Trunk or treating” where children go from car to car instead of door to door to receive treats is also not allowed, particularly when part of Halloween events, since it is difficult to avoid crowding and sharing

    Received from Dr. Levin 9-16-20: “I changed the language this morning from Trick or Treating Not Permitted to Not Recommended.”

    Levin’s office will allow such activities as decorating and watching movies.   Car parades, which apparently are also permitted, must done according to the rules set forth in the Guidance.  Don’t forget you are not allowed to get out of your car.

    Permitted and Recommended 

    • Online parties/contests (e.g. costume or pumpkin carving)
    • Pumpkin picking at pumpkin patches (use hand sanitizer or wash hands with soap and water before and after)
    • Car parades that comply with public health guidance for vehicle-based parades including:
    1. Drive by events or contests where individuals dress up or decorate their vehicles and drive by “judges” that are appropriately physically distanced.
    2. Drive through events where individuals remain in their vehicles and drive through an area with Halloween
    3. Drive in events where individuals can receive a treat bag (limited to commercially packaged non-perishable treats) or take away item from an organizer while the participants remain in their vehicle.
    • Halloween movie nights at drive in theaters (must comply with the public health drive in movie theater guidance).
    • Halloween themed meals at outdoor restaurants (must comply with the restaurant protocol).
    • Halloween themed art installations at an outdoor museum (must comply with the public health museum )
    • Dressing up homes and yards with Halloween themed

    Revised Guidance document: Interim Halloween Guidance Updated 9.16.20

    It would seem that our health officials forgot the backlash their counterparts in Los Angeles County experienced when they attempted to impose a ban on trick-or-treating. From CNN:  Los Angeles backtracks on coronavirus trick-or-treat ban this

    This fits into the same category of restrictions for the citizens of Ventura County as Dr. Levin’s order to rope off merchandise in area retailers.  This forced people to go over the county line to shop.     

    This latest guidance from the county leaves us with one question, what are you thinking, man?

    The views and opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official position of Citizens Journal

    Debra Tash is Editor-in-Chief of Citizensjournal.us, past president for Citizens Alliance for Property Rights, business executive and award-winning author, residing in Somis.

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    William Hicks
    William Hicks
    3 years ago

    I’ve yet to see any record that shows that anyone attending a Church, in a Church building, has contracted or spread the virus. It’s time that we demand proof if they’re going to insist in closures of Churches.

    Citizen Reporter
    3 years ago

    Received from Dr. Levin 9-16-20: “I changed the language this morning from Trick or Treating Not Permitted to Not Recommended.”

    – Citizens Journal

    William Hicks
    William Hicks
    3 years ago

    ALL THIS over 11 people in ICU and 138 deaths. Will there ever be a comparison of other death’s to the death’s actually caused by this virus?

    Dotty Pringle
    Dotty Pringle
    3 years ago

    “doctor has issued a stringent edict when it comes to holiday fun for your families.” We don’t have Dictators here!!

    Why has Dr. Levin’s Winery always been open? He has more nerve than ethics!! We will do what we need to do and not be constantly policed by hypocrites! Too far reaching and now looking to sue by Class Action civil and really find out about THEIR personal rules. We are not an Autocracy and we do have our Constitution. We have been over instructed, twisted, turned on, off, many false claims and just proof that this Levin cannot do his job with any success at all. Fire Levin now!!

    3 years ago

    I agree 100% RVC in Simi is a great source to get together 4:30 pm on Saturdays !!

    Michael A.
    Michael A.
    3 years ago

    Last night I witnessed why this virus is not going away. A rented house next door to me had a party. In the back yard was a brass and drum Latin musical group. The yard was tightly packed with unmasked people. It went on until 11 PM with someone finally calling the OPD which shut it all down. This occurred in the zip code of 93030 which is one of the highest producers of new covid-19 cases in Ventura County. It was a super spreader event folks. It is hard to believe these people are ignorant of how covid is spread so one comes away thinking these immigrant people DONT CARE. I believe this illustrates why VC is slow to heal.

    Dale Marinus
    Dale Marinus
    3 years ago

    It is past time to REMOVE, from office, the County Supervisors for incompetence ! As far as Dr. Levin is concerned F… Y.. ! I urge people to stand up and fight this phony closure. Each time it looks like we’re going to open they change the criteria to keep us closed. Massive civil disobdience is the answer. Pack the Supervisor meetings, flood the offices with calls, protest in front of their homes !!

    Jack Hopkins
    Jack Hopkins
    3 years ago

    This guy and Newsome need to be locked up in a mental facility! Wackos, Sturgis shows there is no pandemic! This is all Democratic BS trying to take more control of the citizens! I saw a video of Trump in a meeting with Newsome. Newsome wearing a mask.. What a joke! Our President not wearing a mask! Lock these sick individuals! Newsome says you cannot go to church, you cannot sing in church! Newsome you and all you cronies are sick individuals.Lock them Up! Newsome is destroying our economy! It shows what losers these guys are it is ok to loot and demonstrate, but now you are picking on the children! Stop the BS NOW! SICKO authorities! God help us!

    Michele Horn
    Michele Horn
    3 years ago

    Really? Can they really do this? This is starting to wear on me- im trying but, im gonna be honest i dont like being told no…

    Citizen Reporter
    3 years ago

    Dr. Levin is not making this stuff up- he’s just aggressively implementing the Newsom agenda, while the Board of Supervisors hides behind him. Largely unnecessary, in light of what has been learned.

    The Halloween thing is merely annoying and “grinchy”, but the overall restrictions on society/industry/worship are dangerous and will have worse effects than the virus itself.

    Susan Aquino
    Susan Aquino
    3 years ago

    A positive COVID should not be counted as a COVID case. That’s why people should not test; it just adds fuel to the fire.

    3 years ago

    No doubt…

    And to think that either the pandemic will be over or the riots starting a scant four days later…

    What a scam…. Rob McCoy is 100% correct….

    Bighead Jazzpaws
    Bighead Jazzpaws
    3 years ago

    Ditto that, my friend!!

    David Puu
    David Puu
    3 years ago

    I do not consent to this horrible bureaucrat. At all

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