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    United States Socialist Republic book by HG Goerner

    The Left’s War Against The Bible And The Constitution



    By Don Jans

    The left, commonly referred to as collectivists (Marxists, communists, socialists, progressives, Democrats, – all virtually the same) stand in direct opposition to all that is taught in the Bible, and they stand in direct opposition to the principles of the United States Constitution. This is not a huge revelation since the Constitution was written by people who also held strong Judeo/Chirstian beliefs. The opposition to the Bible and the Constitution should also not be a huge revelation since the left is a collectivist organization, and collectivists such as Marx and Lenin stated that communism is an atheist-based belief.

    The attack on the Bible continues in the deep state dominated IRS as we read this: “A Christian non-profit is challenging the Internal Revenue Service after the agency denied them tax-exempt status saying, “the Bible’s teachings are typically affiliated with the Republican Party and candidates.”

    This is a ruling that is directly in contrast with the First Amendment. That the IRS would openly state that the Bible’s teachings are typically affiliated with the Republican Party would also be saying that the Bible’s teachings are typically in contradiction to the Democrat Party and their candidates. The Bible teaches that murder, whether the person is born or unborn, is wrong. The Bible teaches that marriage is between a man and a woman. The Bible teaches that we are male or female. The Bible stresses the importance of a mother and a father in the family unit and emphases the importance of a strong family unit. The Bible teaches that there is right and wrong and good and bad. The Bible teaches that we should not lie or mislead. The Bible teaches sexual perversions are wrong. The Bible teaches that we are not to teach and promote hate. The Bible never teaches collectivism, or group inclusion, but it teaches individualism, or that God looks at each of us as individuals regardless of skin color or nationality. The Bible teaches each of us is responsible for our transgressions and that there are consequences for transgressions.

    These are some of the core teachings of the Bible. The number one teaching of the Bible is that the only way to heaven is through Jesus Christ as a result of his crucifixion and resurrection. Salvation is a result of the Grace of God and not any works that we have done.

    I see no place in the Bible where we are told that God favored the Republicans or the Democrats, or that God leans right or left. The Bible does not equivocate and say that its teachings adapt to different times or to different political or social philosophies. The Bible is the word of God, and the Bible tells us that God is unchanging. If the IRS is correct that the Bible favors Republican candidates, Democrats might want to take that to heart. Nobody will be saved because they are Republican or Democrat. Both parties have changed their beliefs over time. Each of us must make sure that our belief system is based on the teachings of the Bible and that we have received that gift of salvation given only because of Grace and the shed blood of Christ. If you are a Democrat or a Republican, you would want to be sure that your beliefs are in line with the Bible. That your beliefs are in line with the Bible is far more important than if you are Republican or Democrat.

    On a less serious note, the Constitution specifically limits governments control over the people. The purpose of the Constitution is to protect the citizens of the United States from an overreaching government that takes away individual liberties that our Declaration of Independence states were “endowed to us by our Creator” and are “unalienable”. If a political candidate is running on the platform that government should have more programs, take more from one group to give to another, to favor people because of some group to which they belong, restrict the rights of people, or in any way become dictatorial or tyrannical, (that means to implement collectivism over individualism) that candidate is running on a platform that is in direct opposition to the Constitution, both the letter and the intent of the Constitution.

    We as a people, we as a nation, are at a crossroads where we must decide if we will adhere to the principles of our founding. Those principles came directly from the Bible and are the basis for our Constitution. The alternative is to accept all teachings in direct opposition to the Bible and the Constitution. Other people, other nations have followed this course, which is the course of collectivism or the course the Democrats are advocating. History reveals the consequences of these decisions. 


    Don Jans is a national acclaimed author and speaker.  He is also a lifelong student of history, with a special emphasis on Russian history.  His study of Russian history led to 1917 which led to the study of the teachings of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.  Don has written five books on the topic of Collectivism (Marxism, Communism, Socialism, Fascism, and Progressivism). 

    Don has been a guest on numerous nationally and regionally broadcast radio programs.  He is a weekly guest on a nationally broadcast radio program where he discusses collectivism and how it is impacting the United States, relating current happenings to the collectivist agenda.

    Don has spoken to numerous groups across the nation on the topic of who and what is the United States and who and what is collectivism. The collectivist movement has called for a transformation of the United States. What is critical for all to understand is what is the transformation; what are we now and into what will we be transformed.  

    Don’s speaking approach is the same as his writing approach, and that is to be direct and straight forward with no regard for the current mandated approach of political correctness. 

    Samuel Adams said, “It does not take a majority to prevail… but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.” If we are to remain free, we must be about setting brushfires of freedom.

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    Thomas Lane
    Thomas Lane
    2 years ago

    We are at a crossroads. Raping children is NOT a founding principle! Stealing millions in cure money from a kids cancer charity is NOT a founding principle! Right wing Christians have been raping millions of children for ages and the Qanon Taliban raping American children is NOT a founding principle! Sending terrorist thugs to murder Capitol police and threaten to assassinate the VP in a coup attempt is NOT A FOUNDING PRINCIPLE! Telling millions of the most heinous of seditious lies designed and proven to incite domestic terrorists is NOT a founding principle! Attempting to STEAL veterans votes like mine is NOT a founding principle! Millionaire right wing religious terror-Mullahs making money off of spreading terrorist emboldening lies is NOT a founding principle! Deliberately spreading a deadly plague like a pack of filthy demonic plague rats is NOT a founding principle! Telling bearing false witness lies that you know will ignite terrorism is NOT a founding principle! It’s an act of SEDITION! Nazis in Christian clothing have brought America to a crossroads, either we go the Iran child raping terror-mullah theocratic kleptocrat state or does America remain the pinnacle of Freedom and Prosperity to the whole world like we were before Trump waged his reigns of terror and treason on America backed by the hubris filled religious elitists who rape children by the MILLIONS! If you are looking to get even with a pedophile cult, look no further than the Trump wing of the Evangelical Bullshevik Party of sniveling Nazis who expect bags of gummit cheese because they hate America more than ISIS does.

    Thomas Lane
    Thomas Lane
    2 years ago

    What a pack of hypocrites! One of the 10 Commandments says Thou shalt not bear false witness yet look at the author of this article, a scumbag liar and orobablu the type of demonic scum who peddled Trump’s Big Steal Lie in order to murder Capitol police and attempt to MURDER the VP of the USA! Unlike the filthy lying Hussy who wrote this schlock, I SERVED! Unlike Traitor Trump, I SEEVED and America didn’t have to ask me, I asked America, what can I do for you!

    First, there is a lot of different groups on the Left. Democrats are centrist and beholden to corporations just like most of today’s Republicans. The difference between Pelosi and McConnell is superficial at best. Pelosi passes or shelved laws based on how much money she will get from corrupt corporate donors. Pelosi is following the law allowing the bribing of US government officials. Then there are the progs who mostly care about social issues and social Justice and there are no Marxist’s to speak of.

    Nobody on the Left is crying for a government handbag or phone or almost anything because Americans, even leftists, like their stuff. Nobody wants a government Xbox or official government FPS. Americans have their favorite companies and they show loyalty to thise companies. No American wants official government music. So, stop telling bearing false witness lies deigned to incite terrorism against those who aren’t Trump supporters.

    Oddly, or not, Trump RINOS are by far the worst socialists ever. RINOS think they have the entitlement to train cars full of welfare cash, paid for by We the People. Larry Kudlow’s wife was paid tens of thousands of dollars in socialist COVID welfare for her business, she is an artist who paints pictures of her husband’s clothes. So why does she need bags of gummit welfare? Ms. Kudlow got a BAG of money a day after Trump’s fiasco cause the largest act of socialist wealth redistribution in human history! 4 TRILLION dollars, that’s Trillion with a TRUH, for those who needed it the least while Trump deliberately spread pandemic like a bio-WMD to murder hundreds of thousands of Americans including the man I was going to vote for, Herman Cain. But Cain was stupid and and Cain killed himself all to pamper Trump’s fragile Nazi dictator ego. Cain should have listens to the honest scientists and not the child raping seditious lying traitors in Trump’s orbit.

    Trump is a child rapist. Trump bragged what dear friends he is with a woman, Maxwell, who was convicted on testimony that she delivered a 14 year old virgin for Trump to rape! Trump bragged about sexually assaulting MARRIED American women! Trump stole millions of dollars in cure money from dying children when Trump robbed a kids cancer charity! Now what lying sack wants to defend Trump’s demonic evil? How many kids did Satan rape in 6000 years of biblical coverage? None, but Trump brags about grown men getting off in children. Trump campaigned for Pastor Roy “the Kid Diddler” Moore by saying “better a pedophile than a Democrat, SNARK! SNARK! To RABID Trump proletariat applause! Is that what Jesus would do! Rape kids! Steal money from dying children to buy a vanity portrait and Tim Tebow football helmets?Satan never stole money from a single dying child but Trump stole from an entire charity’s worth! And Trump told the most heinous of bearing fake witness lies to incite his filthy terrorist scum to murder Capitol police and attempt to murder the Vice President! Trump said Pence deserved to be murdered by Trump’s demonic Swastika flag waving terrorist scum. And let’s talk about the Conservative Priesthood, a pack of sadistic pedopervs who molested 300,000 children in a fifty year period in France alone! Imagine how many tens of millions of children raped and molested by demonic sadist supposed Christians.

    RINO Ted Cruz incited thousands of death threats against the US Military using another seditious terrorist emboldening LIE! Cruz was told the US Military was conducting exercises in Texas, so Cruz, being a lying traitor, said to his constituents, “Obama has another thing coming if he thinks he is going to send the military to Texas to take our guns!” A stinking lie told by that RINO terrorist mullah Ted was designed and proven to incite terrorism on American troops! Q is the classic right wing Christian, he is a little boy sodomizer who falsely accuses the innocent of what RINO pedophiles like Trump, Gaetz, Cosby, Moore, Q, Jordan’s pedopervs wrestling coach pal, pervs of a feather flock children together! What part of “KEEP YOUR PERVY HANDS OUT OF CHILDREN’S PANTS!” Do you Christian disease spreading terrorist vermin NOT understand?

    I am a patriot’s patriot, a REAL American and veteran. I defended you disgusting seditious-lying, bearing false witness Christian terror-vermkn when I served during Desert Storm and you filthy liars and traitors thank me for my service by trying to STEAL MY VOTE! I EARNED MY RIGHT TO VOTE UNLIKE YOU SEDITIOUS LYING DEMONS!

    God and Jesus despise child raping, seditious-lying, terrorist-inciting, mass- murdering, disease-spreading pseudo-Christian’s who insult Jesus good name with Taliban evil! So, when you sadistic traitors and filthy forked tongued liars and terrorist emboldeners stand before God on Judgement Day, do you think he will buy your stinking murderous lies!? Do you think that your excuse of, “well, I pretend the lie was true with all of my heart and soul!” will keep you from the infinite torture you so richly deserve for all eternity? God will reply to your excuse that you pretended really hard that Trump’s and this site’s ridiculous lies are true, “yeah, and that’s why you are going to the LAKE OF FIRE! DEMON!”

    The Qanon Taliban GOP Pedophilliary, that pack of smelly RINOS, have usurped the GOP. Gone are the honorable Republicans like G H Bush, Bob Dole replaced with sniveling inane Nazi goons who despise America to their core. These goons LOVE how Trump sent his jackbooted thugs to a private church in Lafyette Square to beat, tase, bomb, gas clergy on private church property all so one of Trump’s demonic terror-thugs could steal a Bible for a stinking photo op! A sitting POTUS used thugs and goons to brutalize religious leaders on private church property trampling the 1st amendment worse than a Chinese Commie thug ever dreamed! And I know alleged “Christians” who had a tear in their eye over Trump’s brutal attack on clergy for two reasons, one, to terrorize the good authentic Christian churches and two, to terrorize the nation that Trump is such a demonic sadist sack of filth that he attacks CHURCHES!

    I know the scum who wrote this article derives ejaculatory glee by Trump and his demonic pedoperv pals brutally raping American children, by Trump sexually assaulting dozens of MARRIED American women, stealing from a kids cancer charity to kill those kids by stealing their cure money! You are EVIL. Ruins measure, filthy bearing false witness lying sacks of terrorist filth. Trump and his demonic terror-Mullahs have issued terror-fatwa after terror-fatwa and it’s time for PAYBACK!

    New Zealand had a covid death rate 350 times lower than the USA, because Trump wanted to spread COVID as widely as possible to murder as many America s as he could. Democrats wore masks to reduce the likelihood of spreading pandemic while Trump’s unhinged cultist vermkn were deliberately spreading plague as Trump had commanded. Trump’s plague rat terrorists were spraying COVID laced spittle into the faces of Capitol Police! Trump’s plague rats caused 30 MILLION in damage and they spread feces and urine throughout the Capitol like the filthy vermkn they are! Trump and his demonic plague rat terrorists murdered 800,000 Americans by their terrorist design, murdering Americans Left, Right and Center!

    Unlike Cadet Pussyspurs, I SERVED! I am a Goldwater Conservative, a REAL American! I can empathize that many progs are annoying like a wicked case of hemorrhoids, but Qanon Taliban GOP Pedophilliary scum are annoying like a TERMINAL CASE OF COLON CANCER!

    To all reading this, this is your LAST warning from God to get your life right or you will all necessarily gnash teeth in the deepest pit in hell for all eternity! CONFESS AND REPENT! Trump is a filthy LIAR! The Nazi filthbag who wrote the above article is destined to the Lake of Fire! Anyone who tells lies designed and proven time and again to incite terrorism will BURN FOREVER IN THE LAKE OF FIRE! The Bible has proven that Trump is orders of magnitude more evil than Satan! Satan never raped a single child, but Trump and his filthy pedoperv pals have in spades! Satan never stole cure money from dying children, Satan never sexually assaulted MARRIED women, Satan never told lies that got cops murdered and Satan never attempted to murder a second in command of the worlds most powerful nation. Trump and his sleezebags did all of that and more! Pinko Putin paid out bounties on US soldiers heads and Trump couldn’t care less when he found out, even demanding Pinko Putin be allowed back in the G-7! What kind of child raping, Satan worshiping sack of filth would do nothing to defend the troops who defend America?!?!

    So, if you really dig Satan and want to spend an eternity with him, keep spewing Trumps terrorist emboldening lies, keep cheering every act of child rape Trump perpetrates, cackle until you lose urinary continence over Trump’s terrorists MURDERING Capitol Police! So funny, huh, DEMONS! The Qanon Taliban GOP Pedophilliary are the gravest threat not only to America but the entire Free and Prosperous West! There is no lower form of filth. Trump’s demonic christo-fascists can slither under any bar no matter how low and slither under that bar with light years of headroom! How dare you insult Jesus by suggesting Jesus in any way supports you seditious lying pedoperv cheerleaders! You got your warning. I did my Christian duty by rebuking those thorn preaching child diddling GOP terrorist mullahs! A RINO IS A REPUBLICAN WHO THINKS ITS COMMENDABLE WHEN TRUMP RAPES AMERICAN CHILDREN! God is sooooo going to punish you filthy seditious lying demonic sadists! Keep it up, terrorist scum! Satan is keeping your seat warm for you! Even Satan will be like, “wow, these Trump minions are making me look like a Boy Scout!” What happens now that RINOS are infinitely more evil than Satan? CONFESS AND REPENT OR GNASH TEETH FOREVER!

    George Miller
    2 years ago

    Very strong dose of truth- thanks, Don.

    3 years ago

    The democrats are the opposite of the bible teachings, they support lesbian and homosexuals, they support the murder of the unborn babies, and deception, making believe that they’re Catholics so they can get some real Catholics to feel attracted to them for their deception, the democrats can not be God believers with all their blatant bad and criminal behavior, I pray for democrats to change and see the light of God, and reconcile with our lord and our God Jesus Christ through his holy church some day, or else they’ll die in mortal sin and they’ll be casted into Hell when their day comes, which it don’t take too long.

    3 years ago
    Reply to  Jose

    You seem pretty certain of your piety. And a little lacking on humility and humbleness.

    “Beware of practicing your piety before others in order to be seen by them; for then you have no reward from your Father in heaven.” Matthew 6:1

    George Miller
    2 years ago
    Reply to  Jesse

    Quoting others’ works isn’t “piety.”

    2 years ago
    Reply to  George Miller

    Can you point to where it says that in the Holy Bible? Or is this another “opinion”?

    3 years ago
    Reply to  Jose

    Matthew 7 1-3

    3 years ago
    Reply to  Jose

    John 8:7, Roman’s 2:1-3, James 4 11-12 and so on

    William Hicks
    William Hicks
    3 years ago

    “Live Not by Lies.” If you haven’t read this book, get it and read it.

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