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    The Road to Tyranny by Don Jans

    The Merry Month of May! Rejoice, Revere, Remember… Memorial Day is Coming!

    by Deborah Baber Savalla

    May 2019 is a merry month indeed! Here’s a tiny glimpse of our gains and prosperity.

    • We have money in our pockets.
    • Manufacturing is coming back to our shores.
    • The stock market and GDP are setting record highs.
    • Record unemployment in nearly every demographic, many of which are at all-time lows!
    • Most of us benefited from the most comprehensive tax cuts in 30 years.
    • And the most powerful person in the world is  Republican President Donald J. Trump.

    Against legions of never-Trumpers, naysayers, strident Democrats, unhinged totalitarians (I call them toadies) and their willing accomplices in the politically-biased media, President Trump continues delivering on his promises to all Americans.

    He is the epitome of a CEO and the personification of leadership.  He is also our Commander-in-chief, CIC!

    In some ways President Trump’s role as the CIC is vastly more important than the other work he does on our behalf, for it is the brave men and women in our military who serve under the President and Commander-in-chief who confer upon us the precious gifts of liberty and freedom.

    This May we celebrate a great America! And at the end of the month on Memorial Day, we honor those people who fought and died for our country.

    Memorial Day began as Decoration Day three years after the Civil War ended. Over half a million men had lost their lives. Another 800,000 were wounded.

    In 1866 a group of Mississippi women visiting the graves of Confederate soldiers who died at Shiloh saw that Union soldiers’ graves were neglected. Those fallen Americans had been “the enemy”. The sorrowful sight of so many untended graves moved these women to place flowers on the “enemy” graves too.

    In 1868 Major General John A. Logan, the head of the GAR, “The Grand Army of the Republic”, an organization of Union veteran soldiers, declared a day of “decoration” calling for the nation’s citizens to  decorate the graves of the fallen with flowers. He chose May 30th because NO battle had been fought on that day.

    “We should guard their graves with sacred vigilance. … Let pleasant paths invite the coming and going of reverent visitors and fond mourners. Let no neglect, no ravages of time, testify to the present or to the coming generations that we have forgotten as a people the cost of a free and undivided republic.”

    The Republican Party was formed 165 years ago in 1854. The first Republican President, Abraham Lincoln, was elected in 1860.

    There have been 29 Presidents since the Republican Party was founded. Ten were Democrat Presidents and Commanders-in-chief. Of them, only half served in the military before ascending to the office of President. This is in stark contrast to the 15 Republican Presidents who served IN THE MILITARY before being elected President and assuming “command”.

    A US President does not have to serve in the military to run for that office, but the preponderance of Republican Presidents who served to preserve our liberty and freedom versus Democrats is compelling.

    This Memorial Day let us bow our heads, say a prayer, and give thanks for the brave American patriots who died in war. Let us also remember our current Commander-in-Chief President Trump as he battles on behalf of all Americans declaring…

    “The United States will NEVER be a socialist nation.”

    Because of THEM, the soldiers, and HIM, the President…  W E   A R E   F R E E  ! !

    Donald J Trump in his military academy uniform with his parents

     Deborah Baber Savalla is a member of the Channel Islands Republican Women Federated: I am a former New York City book publishing executive with over 20 years of experience. I believe in moral clarity because it leads naturally to personal responsibility which WILL RESULT in small governments. I am honored to be the President of the Channel Islands Republican Women Federated (CIRWF) and privileged to work for Citizens Journal. I write columns and editorials for the Journal as a private citizen and not as staff or as President of CIRWF. I strive to be scrupulous when identifying my work as a private citizen versus that of a reporter or Journal contributor. The views expressed as a private individual are mine alone and are not necessarily that of Citizens Journal nor that of CIRWF.

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