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    The Road to Tyranny by Don Jans

    The vaccine: Myth vs Fact


    By Naomi Fisher

    Myth: The vaccine will protect the world. Everyone needs to be vaccinated. 

    Fact: The Covid vaccine is an Experiment Only. It was an Emergency Authorized Trial Injection only. It is not an approved vaccine but an experiment. Those receiving it are test subjects.

    Study Shows Dramatic Decline In Effectiveness Of All Three COVID-19 Vaccines Over Time by Melissa Healy

    The findings were published Thursday in the Journal Science.

    By the end of September, Moderna’s two-dose COVID-19 vaccine, measured as 89% effective in March, was only 58% effective… Pfizer and BioNTech vaccine…fell from 87% to 45%…Johnson & Johnson’s single-dose vaccine plunged from 86% to just 13%…

    The CDC states…were tested rigorously for safety before being authorized for use in the United States.

    Rigorously tested? The vaccines were authorized in a matter of months, not five or ten years or more. So there is no information on long term affects/damage done to vaccinated individuals. There have been many reports of harm: Heart problems in teens to early twenties, seniors dying. There will always be people that have adverse reactions to any vaccine. But these covid vaccines were rushed to prevent a pandemic. That pandemic is waning. The Delta mutation from the vaccines is reported to be more contagious but not deadly. 

    Myth: Even small children should be vaccinated to be safe.

    Fact:   Small children’s bodies and brain are developing. There have been no studies done to know what long-term affects will develop from the covid vaccine. These are our Country’s future Leaders: Churches, Teachers, Doctors, Scientists, Police Officers, Firemen, Attorneys, Business Owners, Truck Drivers, Longshoremen, Craftsmen, our Necessary Unskilled Labor. We must protect them not endanger them! They are Our Children!

    Five Freedoms: 6 Studies Showing Why Children Don’t Need  – and Shouldn’t Get – a Covid Vaccine, by Dr Paul Elias Alexander, 11-5-21’t-need-and-shouldnt-get-a-covid-vaccine/

    Should vaccines be required for children? Pros and Cons

    From FDA fact sheets:…86% of Children suffered an Adverse Reaction to the Pfizer Covid Vaccine in Clinical Trial…fact sheet contains two tables that detail the…side effects and damage experienced by 12-15 year-old children…given at least one dose of the Pfizer mRNA “vaccine”

    If it affects 12-15 year olds this badly, what will it do to our little ones?

    Even Fauci has admitted there needs to be more research and controlled studies. The [Washington] Gazette said Fauci “blatantly stated that the country needed to ‘make sure’ the vaccine truly is safe before” it is given to children by conducting “hundreds to a couple of thousands” of tests on children.

    Note Fauci’s words “tests on children”.

    “Hopefully, by the time we get to the late spring, early summer, we will have children able to be vaccinated according to the FDA’s guidance,” Fauci (inset) said…

    But this is November 2021, not late spring or early summer 2022. So why the vaccine mandate now? Remember: Authorized only for Emergency Trial Use. 

    Myth: Vaccines provide more immunity than Natural Immunity.

    Fact:   Natural Immunity is life-long. Our Government pushing a vaccine so effective you will need a booster, possibly every six months.

    Great Britain releases statement Natural Immunity superior to Covid Vaccine Immunity.

    Study shows antibody titers after natural SARS-CoV-2 …infection last longer than previously thought. A recent study by researchers from the United Kingdom (UK) revealed that antibody levels . › news › 20210707 ›

    Myth: Vaccines are necessary for everyone to provide “Herd Immunity”.

    Fact:   The vaccines should be for the elderly and those with co-morbidity. Everyone else has over 97-99% chance of full recovery from Covid.

    Dr. Robert Malone, a Vaccine-Inventing Scientist and practicing Doctor helped invent the M for MRNA that makes the Covid Vaccine Work. He states the vaccine should be used for the elderly and people with co-morbidity. Natural Immunity is superior to the vaccine… Let the rest of the population get the virus, thus Natural-Herd Immunity to eliminate Covid. 

    Link to Running List of Dr. Malone’s videos: › ?p=2494

    ‘Natural Immunity Is Really Better’: New Israeli Study Fuels Debate On Vaccination Versus Natural Immunity, Dylan Housman, Healthcare Reporter. The observational study of more than 700,000 Israelis…It is believed to be the largest real-world study conducted during the pandemic comparing natural immunity to vaccine protection. Link:

    Study: Recovered Covid patients don’t benefit from vaccine … › News › News.aspx › 310963

    Many articles on vaccines such as: Early Treatment More Effective for Delta, Vaccine Protection Wanes Over Time, Delta More Transmissible Not Deadly, Studies Raise Doubts About Vaccinating Children….

    Myth: Vaccines are the only safe treatment. Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, Regeneron and monoclonal antibodies are unsafe.

    Fact:   If given the above as soon as a person is diagnosed most everyone will not require hospitalization and have a full recovery. They always works no matter what the variant. With all the below links proof, why isn’t the U.S. using Ivermectin? Because Dr. Fauci, the NIH, FDA, CDC all refuse to endorse anything but the vaccines and have used fear to brainwash people into believing they need the vaccines and only the vaccines are effective.

    Dr. MacCallough, an internist, cardiologist, epidemiologist in academic medical practice in Dallas, Texas. He has repeatedly stated that the moment a person was diagnosed with Covid they should have received immediate treatment with known effective drugs. No need for hospitals. The number of deaths from Covid would have been drastically reduced! I recommend watching his speech to Congress. Link to Running list of Dr. Peter McCullough’s videos:

    In Florida, Gov. DeSantos urged State’s Medical Professionals to issue Regeneron  and other monoclonal antibodies the moment someone was diagnosed with Covid, dramatically reducing the number of hospitalized. Florida saw a flood of Delta Variant that diminished to one of the lowest in our Nation. The CDC is trying withhold those drugs from FL.

    India and Mexico statistics prove early Ivermectin treatment works. So did Portugal, Brazil, Spain, Peru…the Peruvian government approved ivermectin for use against COVID-19 in May 2020. After implementation, death rates in 8 states were reduced between 64% and 91% over a two-month period.

    Covid Deaths Plunge After Mexico City Introduces Ivermectin, June 2021

    See Citizen’s Journal related article: Covid Coincidence

    By Contributor & author: Marilyn M. Singleton, MD, JD, 10-23-21

    …Merck, who distributes ivermectin, is seeking fast-track approval for molnupiravir, an antiviral agent to treat Covid-19…ivermectin costs no more than $100 dollars per treatment course and molnupirivir costs $700 per 10-day course of treatment…

    Myth: Lock downs prevent covid.

    Fact:   Lock downs did not decrease covid outbreaks.

    Myth: Masks prevent catching covid. 

    Fact:   Masks do not prevent wearers from catching covid. Studies show they are not that effective. Merely observation by some scientists say they are. Here are facts from real studies:

    A 2020 study in Denmark with 4,800 participants…those who wore cloth masks were 13 times more likely to develop an influenzalike illness…Surgical masks let through 44% of particles. Cloth masks let through 97%.

    A meta-analysis of masks as a preventative measure. “None of the studies we reviewed established a conclusive relationship between mask/respirator use and protection against influenza infection.”                                                                       

    Myth: Only unvaccinated people are spreading covid. 

    Fact:   The vaccinated can still get covid. Just a milder case. But that means the vaccinated can still spread covid – even give it to the unvaccinated. 

    One is reminded of the Civil War: People in the same family who took opposing sides, those in politics who were forced to take sides, thus tearing families and our Country apart. According to President Lincoln, “…a house divided against itself cannot stand.”

    Taken from Reagan’s Most Popular Speeches: #10. “Government’s first duty is to protect the people, not run their lives. 1981.

    So why then the vaccine mandate?

    Dr. Simone Gold states her belief in what is behind the Vaccine Mandate: “We are living under tyranny; have already lost most of our Constitutional rights.” I recommend her speech on tyranny in America delivered in San Jose, CA in September 2021. Running List of Interviews, Speeches Featuring Dr. Simone Gold

    Covid Voews, 09/21/21

    ‘This Is Evil at the Highest Level,’ Says HHS Whistleblower. Video Link:

    An international group of [4600] physicians and scientists signed a declaration Friday accusing Covid-19 policy-makers

    Taken from President Reagan’s Freedom Speech

    “…Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free…”

    David Pu’U reminds us: All of this is illegal. But if people consent, then it begins to fall under the principle-tort of “precedent”

    A precedent. Once established all the Government has to do is keep issuing mandates and they are all legal, where you have to live, what days you’re allowed to drink coffee – if at all, how many more vaccines you must take. Basically the Government becomes your Mommy and Daddy and controls your life. This has to stop now. We have to say enough. No more vaccines. No more mandates. Stop taking away more of our Constitutional Rights, our personal freedoms! We need to stand together and demand that our Rights being eaten away be restored to us. This is still the United States of America. A Sovereign Nation.

    I ask you to think about these questions: 

    Why is our Government pushing the myth that the unvaccinated are public enemies, are something less than human and must be denigrated and reviled, thus dividing our Country much as the Ku Klux Klan of our Nation’s shame? Remember, the vaccinated can also spread covid. So the unvaccinated are no worse, no more at fault than anyone else. They are still decent, dedicated citizens who believe in the personal freedom our Nation was founded on. They believe that part of the personal freedom means being responsible for what goes into their bodies. They believe our Government should have no say – actually has no authority – to mandate our health. 

    Why is our Government pushing a vaccine mandate when other treatments have proven more successful and less dangerous? When the covid pandemic is actually waning? When the Delta mutation and it’s 56 variants are more contagious but not deadly?

    Why are Government and Big Pharma brow-beating Doctors to push the vaccine and violate their Hippocratic Oaths instead of backing Doctors who are upholding that oath and prescribing safe alternatives? Why are Government “officials” threatening the licenses of Doctors who prescribe?

    Why are Companies, Corporations, Hospitals, Medical Groups, Schools, Colleges, Universities all across our Nation firing intelligent, learned, capable, experienced people for not getting vaccinated when all of the above proves they do not need the vaccination?

    Am I correct in my belief that the FDA and CDC are out to protect Big Pharma and their income rather than allow other drugs to be tested and used as well as the vaccines? Rather than allowing immediate treatment, thus avoiding hospitalization and Big Pharma’s expensive drugs?

    In my opinion: The real enemies to our Nation are not the unvaccinated. Meet the real enemies:

    Washington DC = President Biden and his U.S.A. Destroyer backers and minions

    Dr. Fauci

    Big Pharma 

    Vaccine Passports

    Vaccine mandates = Chinese Communist tool to control you and me.

    The views and opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official position of Citizens Journal.

    Naomi Fisher is a resident of Ventura County

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