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    Goodbye Constitution Freedom America by Don Jans

    Thousand Oaks 5G  Webpage Misinforms Public



    By Judy Bruce

    The City of T. O. says they want to correct some public misinformation in their 5G web page.  When in fact, the web page mislead with dishonest fake news and propaganda. 

    It’s misinformation when the city stated “it wants to make sure residents had access to the FACTS.”   “These FCC rules apply to every city in the country…they are the law”. 

    The reality is there is no Congressional act, i.e. United States law that compels any city or township to accept 5G wireless technologies within its borders. Title 47 is “Administrative” rules for the FTC to regulate telecom companies who wish to get licensure and authority to sell and distribute internet, cable and telephones services to America.   Title 47 does not apply to the populace. The FCC Order is a dead elephant.

    In their F.A.Q. section, it asks:   Aren’t other cities ordinances stronger than T.O.?   Their answer was false when they said:  “They use different language but are the same.”  The correct answer would be that they use different language and are not the same. 

    Thousand Oaks uses non-protective and loophole  language like:  Ministerial, if feasible, 250 setbacks, no exclusions for residential zones or near schools.

    Cities who use protective provisions contain no loopholes:  discretionary, requires, 500-1500 setbacks, exclusions from residential zones and safe setback from schools.   

    In truth, ordinances are illegal and should be abolished because the FCC has no authority to interact with the cities.  

    Most importantly, their website provided disinformation to the public when they stated:  “The public cites health concerns, but the wireless companies says health concerned are unfounded.”

    Why doesn’t the city include links on their web pages showing thousands of studies of established science with clear evidence of the correlation of wireless radiation and cancer, etc.      Instead the city uses the “Tobacco Playbook”:  doubt is their product.   This is a grossly one-sided comment by the city of T.O. in favor of big wireless.    It is a disgraceful act of disregard to the residents of T.O. by providing disinformation by omission!  

    Judy Bruce is a resident of Simi Valley and spearheads Simi Valley for Responsible Growth

    The views and opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official position of Citizens Journal.

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