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    United States Socialist Republic book by HG Goerner

    Trump Lawyer Jenna Ellis Turns On ‘Malignant Narcissist’ Ex-President


    Jenna Ellis, one of Donald Trump’s former election lawyers, is now saying publicly she will not support the former president, calling him a “malignant narcissist” who can’t admit mistakes.

    “I simply can’t support him for elected office again,” Ellis said Thursday on her American Family Radio broadcast.

    “Why I have chosen to distance is because of that frankly malignant narcissistic tendency to simply say that he’s never done anything wrong.”

    Ellis herself, like Trump, faces criminal charges concerning attempted election subversion in the 2020 presidential race.

    She was discussing the former commander in chief with fellow host Steve Deace, who noted: “Before that man [Trump] needs to be president again … [to] escape the quote-unquote, ‘witch-hunts’, that man needs Jesus again because … his ambitions would be fueled by showing some self-awareness. And he won’t do it because he can’t admit, ‘I’m not God.’”

    Ellis explained how Deace had “perfectly articulated exactly how I as a voter feel,” indicating she knew Trump well “as a friend, as a former boss.”

    “I have great love and respect for him personally. But everything that you just said resonates with me as exactly why I simply can’t support him for elected office again.

    “Why I have chosen to distance is because of that, frankly, malignant narcissistic tendency to simply say that he’s never done anything wrong.

    Jenna Ellis Video screenshot

    “And the total idolatry that I’m seeing from some of the supporters that are unwilling to put the constitution and the country and the conservative principles above their love for a star is really troubling.

    “And I think that we do need to, as Americans and as conservatives and particularly as Christians, take this very seriously and understand where are we putting our vote.”

    Ironically, as WND previously reported, Ellis blasted the Republican Party two years ago for doing little to defend Trump as she announced she was quitting the GOP.

    “Sure, the Republicans claim to be keeping Democrats in check, but only a handful of outsiders are actually speaking up,” she said on “Real America’s Voice” at the time.

    “The rest are compromising on everything. The infrastructure bill, for example. Or the second impeachment hoax, where [Senate GOP Leader Mitch] McConnell actually stood up and ranted against President Trump for his own political gain, not for the truth.”

    She also launched into the Republican National Committee.

    “What happened to the millions raised by the RNC in November sand December of 2020 – the Trump team never saw a dime of that help,” she stated.

    “All of them, including [RNC Chair] Ronna McDaniel, should resign now. Until they do, as of today, I am resigning from the party. I am changing my voter registration and I am no longer a Republican until the party decides that it wants to be conservative again.”

    “Even if I stand alone for the truth, I will stand for the truth,” Ellis continued.

    “A compromised, corrupted majority is not a majority worth being a part of. If we genuinely want to create a more perfect union we have to stand up for our principles against the corrupted machine of self-serving politicians in Washington.”


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    The Real Tommy
    9 months ago

    And the deep irony is that ‘malignant narcissist’ is the phrase that best describes a defense attorney that quits a client and then goes on a media junket claiming his guilt. She is utterly disgusting.

    Realest Tommy - check my birth certificate
    Realest Tommy - check my birth certificate
    9 months ago
    Reply to  The Real Tommy

    Yep. And the crooked loser she was trying to prop up is even more disgusting.

    The Real Tommy
    9 months ago

    She’s utterly unqualified to represent ANY client if she pre-judges their potential guilt. Good riddance. Lady, don’t let the door hit you where the good Lord split ya.

    9 months ago

    Shalom Aleichem.

    Fu*king traitor.

    From what I can see from the past indictments he hasn’t done anything wrong! Oh maybe in his past he forgot to return a library book or forgot to pay a couple if parking tickets, but who hasn’t.

    This bitch is now a target from the left-wing lunatics and what’s she saying she’s guilty therefor he must be guilty? An indictmen isn’t a conviction, nor an admission of guilt!

    Trump’s really finding out who his true friends are and his true enemies!!

    Ratson haba b’shem YaHuah.

    Lyin Lin Wood
    Lyin Lin Wood
    9 months ago
    Reply to  BigCrazyMike

    Trump’s buddy Lyin’ Lin Wood also just flipped on him. Guess Trump surrounded him with the SWAMP. Fucking brilliant, Donnie! NOT.

    Can it get any funnier though?

    Michael Z.
    Michael Z.
    9 months ago
    Reply to  Lyin Lin Wood

    Joe Biden. Ha ha ha ha hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa oh that’s funny!

    Lyin’ Lin Wood
    Lyin’ Lin Wood
    9 months ago
    Reply to  Michael Z.

    It IS hilarious to watch Trump go to prison.


    What a LOSER!!

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