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    The Road to Tyranny by Don Jans

    Trump Stopped Cold When A Black Supporter Asked To Pray For Him — What She Did Next Floored The Room

    daily caller




    As young black leaders gathered Friday in the White House for the Young Black Leadership Summit, one voice split the room asking for a moment to pray for President Donald Trump.

    Turning Point USA’s Benny Johnson shared video of what happened when the president brought the young woman to the podium. Mahalet, once an abandoned, impoverished orphan from Ethiopia, earned smiles and cheers from the president and the gathered crowd. (RELATED: President Trump To Black Americans: ‘You Built This Nation’)


    “I’m not really good with prayers or anything like that but I just want to say thank you, Mr. President, and I know we have a political warfare right now, but I strongly believe that it is a spiritual one as well,” Mahalet said to cheers from the crowd.

    “And I want to make sure that I mean, I know that Americans are gonna wake up and we’re gonna get back to looking to God instead of social media and we’re gonna look back to Jesus because Jesus saves and this country was founded upon the Constitution, was built on Godly principles and we’re gonna fight for that,” she said. “And I just want to encourage you guys to pray every day for this nation.”

    “Dear God, I’m not really good at this,” Mahalet laughed. “But I just want to say thank you so much for giving us this opportunity to be in the White House. Thank you for giving us a great leader like Trump, Mr. Donald Trump, and I would like to thank you for waking up our nation.”

    She continued, asking God for protection both for the nation and for the president, adding, “God, I believe that you gave him to us and I believe that he’s gonna accomplish so much more. I know you have more for us.”

    “Jesus I ask you to protect us and walk with us and in Jesus’ name the enemy tries to attack us every single day,” Mahalet concluded. “He tries to discourage us but he has no room.  He has no room, no more, and that’s all I have to say.”

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    4 years ago

    The president is not a perfect person and none of us are. But he has welcomed god back to this nation.
    We all need prayer no matter what we’ve done wrong that’s what is so great about god. All sins are gone and we will sin again and prayer is the only answer.
    America is blessed to have a god fearing man working for this nation

    4 years ago

    Only God can save this Nation. We need to remember how Israel Lost their land to Assyria and taken captive when God had enough of His people turning away from Him and worshipping other gods. We need to look to God to lead us when we cast our vote and we know that Pres. Trump is pro Christianity.

    Ann W Bowes
    Ann W Bowes
    4 years ago


    Barbara Denas-James
    Barbara Denas-James
    4 years ago

    Brainwashed !

    Wayne Ainsworth
    Wayne Ainsworth
    4 years ago

    Praise God for people praying for our President and country. People need to come to God and ask Him to heal our country.

    4 years ago

    God says we must Pray for our leaders, no matter how you feel THIS BATTLE IS NOT OURS, IT IS THE LORDS. We just need to pray. I don’t agree with the things he does, but he has to answer to GOD.

    4 years ago

    Praying for a sexual predator is degrading to prayer.

    Robert Dewar
    Robert Dewar
    4 years ago

    Bruce and people like him are the weakness of our society. Negative backward thinking keeps us down and in the dark. Wake up fool we are better than that.

    4 years ago

    Amen that the men and women of this nation especially young people who will be the next leaders of this country will all one day have to come to realize that we will all bow and confess that Jesus is our Lord, the soon coming king of all Glory and Honor.

    Teresa Stinson
    Teresa Stinson
    4 years ago

    Prayer is always appropriate. I thank God that this young lady prayed. Our country is in turmoil and only God can fix it. No matter whether you support the President or not, pray for him and for all of our leaders in Jesus Name! God and God alone can fix this mess our country is in.

    4 years ago

    It sickens me to hear the Trump haters! Do they even know what he has accomplished and so,so many things are BETTER! If I were him, I would have walked away back to his exclusive wealthy family. Hate mongers are hating just to be hating….tell me why you hate him!

    4 years ago

    Look out he might grab you by the pussy

    Beechiegirl 1953
    Beechiegirl 1953
    4 years ago
    Reply to  Bruce

    Bruce, People like you are precisely why we need to bring God back into the foundation of our country. We’ve allowed the young and misguided to lead us lower and lower on the intelligence and moral scales. Also, certain higher authorities and institutions are grossly complicit in facilitating this sad decline. When will we come to our senses and awaken our courage to take a stand against these hate driven groups? It’s a moral imperative to do so.

    4 years ago


    Trina Williams
    Trina Williams
    4 years ago

    To God be the Glory, I to believe that President Trump is a God sent.

    Debera Holmes
    Debera Holmes
    4 years ago

    Amen ❤️

    4 years ago

    This young woman represents what America is all about. My prayers are with her too!

    4 years ago
    Reply to  Kathy


    Don Lehmer
    Don Lehmer
    4 years ago
    Reply to  Kathy

    Thank you Ms. Mahalet. We truly need prayer to help guide us through this turmoil. Your prayer was very inspiring and came at the right time. I hope that we continue to hear from you!

    Ann W Bowes
    Ann W Bowes
    4 years ago
    Reply to  Don Lehmer


    William Penning
    William Penning
    4 years ago


    4 years ago

    What a fool this young girl is.She is going to have to live in the future this megalomaniac is going to leave behind
    Eventually her prayers will be “ Dear Jesus help me survive this life Trump has caused me to suffer”

    4 years ago
    Reply to  L.Mama

    L. Mama, I know you think you are the solution, but in truth, you are part of the problem. You have obviously fallen prey to those who, being uninformed, continue to torment hate. Are you unaware of the GOOD records our president has broken in furthering true help for the people? Lower unemployment in 50 years, higher employment for Black Americans and Hispanic Americans ever, a thriving economy, trying to enforce our immigration laws which Clinton and Obama originally campaigned FOR. (You Tube Clinton’s 1995 State of the Union speech. Also, see the speech where Obama said the exact same things. The iconic picture of illegal children in a cage on the border were found out to have been taken during OBAMA’S presidency, NOT Trump’s. There is so much more good he has done, also, in taking a stand against the entrenched swamp, too, and in negotiating much better trade deals for the U.S. Please think and do research for yourself and stop living off the sound bite lies of you know which party and TV stations, starting with CNN.

    William Penning
    William Penning
    4 years ago

    Right The Devil has no room in America support President Trump!!

    Antoinette B. Smith
    Antoinette B. Smith
    4 years ago

    According to the word of God, we as Christians are required to pray for our leaders everyday. I so glad the this young lady Mahalet was emboldened to pray for this President and our country. It seems that lately he sure needs it. We should all know that God is in control, whether we know it or not and that. What is meant to happen will happen.

    Not that we are to agree with wrong doing of any kind, but let him that is without sin cast the first stone, so to speak. If the people of the country would get on their knees and pray for God love and mercy to return to this country, then and only then will we ever see the change this country needs. I truly could say so much more, but it would mean I am preaching.

    Michael Hernandez
    4 years ago

    Prayer and city service is bringing America back to Jesus! Participate with 14 other churches and 700 Christians this Saturday on One City, One Church–Oxnard Serve Day (Oct. 12, 2019) from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Gather together at 9 a.m. at New Life Community Church, 1251 N. Rice Ave., Oxnard. Then go out and participate in one of 60 different community service projects.
    Share Jesus to Oxnard and Ventura County!

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