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    The Road to Tyranny by Don Jans

    Trump Supports Beware of Those Claiming Trump Volunteer Leadership



    By Stephen Frank,  California Political News and Views


    As for Friday, it was confirmed that except for Finance Committee members the national Trump campaign has not appointed anybody for volunteer leadership in California.  At the same time the State Republican Party, officially responsible for the Trump campaign in California has yet to endorse or recommend him—though they are using his name to raise money.  They are trying to get volunteers for Trump—but will they be set to work for Trump?  In New Hampshire and Iowa the Trump campaign put itself in high gear to get out the GOP vote for the primary and Caucus.  Anybody see any effort by leadership to promote a Republican turnout for the March 3 primary?

    I was shocked to see some implying they are official Trump leaders.  Then they say only THEY can approve rallies for the President.  I left out the County and the names of the people—to protect them. 

    There is an organization, known to the National Trump people consisting of 2016 California Trump volunteer leaders organizing for the November election.  But, they have not been officially appointed.  So when reading the email below, sent on February 14, realize it is just folks trying to be self proclaimed leaders:

    “ Hello Trump 2020 Victory Team,

    We want to keep everyone updated regarding our efforts to re-elect President Trump in XXX County! 

    Alone we can do a little bit, but unified and together WE can accomplish so much more!

    In the 2020 Election Year, to re-elect our awesome President, we have locked arms with the XXX County Republican Party  (note they do not say they were appointed by the County GOP Committee—just “locked arms”). Working together in partnership for all our events, training and campaigning we are going to be unstoppable!

    The 2020  XXX County Trump Campaign and the XXX County Republican Party have been hard at work already and are coordinating large, scheduled rallys to unify all conservatives. Our last event in (a local city)  we had approximately 150+ awesome volunteers in attendance! 

    Smaller and more frequent rallies will lead to dilution and bad optics. We enthusiastically welcome and invite the smaller groups to join us as unifying will carry us to victory. “

    Note they do not want volunteers in your community, if it is in THEIR County, to publically run rallies for the President.  The good news is that volunteers in the County are moving ahead with their support of the President and Republican candidates, without permission of those who are self-proclaimed.  The better news is that so many want to help.  Everyone would be allowed to help in their own way—but none should demand fealty to the self-proclaimed, just the candidate.


    1.  The Bee’s, SLO Tribune and other dead tree industry papers go belly up
    2. Ballot count as of 2/16/20
    3. Bloomberg makes excuses for his racism
    4. California gun violence—lowest 6th in nation
    5. SLO sending out duplicate ballots to many—while others get NO ballot

    1 We all know by now that McClatchy newspapers have filed for bankruptcy.  Here is a little tidbit about how bad it is.  The Modesto Bess was evicted from its offices.  They are now doing “business” in a former womans dress shop.  Maybe if they reported on the corruption in the County and State, wrote about how special interests and unions owned the town and State, people would read the paper.

    • From the Nooner:

    BALLOT UPDATE (COURTESY PDI): As of 2/16/20 (Thanks to the Nooner for the collection)

    Ballots mailed: 15,855,011

    Ballots returned: 861,376 (5.4%)

    Of all mail-in ballots distributed, they have been returned as Dem. 5%, Ind. 4%. Rep. 9%.

    • Here is a Bloomberg email to his troops—trying to say that his bigoted, racist comments about blacks is not him?  If so, who ghosted him on this?  Seriously Bloomberg is just another Leftist bigot.

    From: Mike Bloomberg < [email protected]>
    Date: Fri, Feb 14, 2020 at 10:15 AM
    Subject: A note to campaign staff
    To: 2020Team < [email protected]>

     Team Bloomberg 2020,

    It’s painful to see old words I regret get new attention. I know it comes with the territory now that we are rising in the polls, but it’s not who I am. So I wanted to make sure you had a chance to see and hear my words in Houston last night at the launch of “Mike for Black America.” Watch here.


    • From Dan Morain, Whats Matters:

    California had the sixth-lowest rate of death by gun violence, including suicide, of the 50 states, at 7.5 per 100,000 population, in 2018, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports

    • California’s 3,040 gun-related deaths were second to Texas’ 3,522. 
    • Texas’ rate of gun death was 12.2 per 100,000.
    • The national average was 11.9.
    • Looks like San Luis Obispo has election problems.  Thousands of voters in San Luis Obispo received two vote-by-mail ballots for the March 3 primary election, while other voters in rural SLO County found themselves removed from the voter rolls, according to the SLO County Clerk Recorder’s Office.  As the California Political news and Views has said many times, California does not have honest elections.  It is time for the Justice Department to restore honesty to our elections.  Seriously, can we trust the results any more than the people of Iowa can trust the results of their Caucus?  Shame on us for accepting corruption at the ballot box.

    The views and opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official position of Citizens Journal.

    Stephen Frank: Is the the publisher and editor of the California Political News and Views.  Mr. Frank speaks all over California and appears as a guest on several radio shows each week. He has also served as a guest host on radio talk shows and is a full time political consultant.

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