Tuesday, July 16, 2024
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    Two Visions of America by Don Jans

    Update Alert On WLA VA Racket’s Illegal Financing & Land Misuse

    News Contribution by Ryan Thompson

    Yesterday, a cartel comprising private developers, a few banks and NBC announced a few of their NGO’s will misappropriate at least $870,000,000.00 in Taxpayers Public Funds to close their purported remaining budget to illegally redevelop the WLA VA Soldiers Home into commercial-retail, industrial, open-space, UCLA expansion and parks via illegal, 99-year capital leases (“EULs”).

    As far as we know, since around 2017 the cartel already received at least $130,000,000.00 in Taxpayers Public Funds from the CA State, L.A. County and L.A. City Taxpayers for this scheme to launder Federal Public Lands Deeded to be Permanently Maintained as a Home for disabled and unemployed U.S. Military Veterans.

    Although the cartel deceives the Public that the project is only to house homeless Veterans, their self-developed “Community Plan” only covers commercial-retail districts, industrial zones, subways, Public thoroughfares, pharmacological research towers, maintenance of illegal land users, private athletics facilities, wildlife refuges, pedestrian furniture design and illegal transfer of approximately 320-acres of land to public>private / quasi regional groups…

    While non-existent homeless housing projects that are over 500-units beyond schedule are pushed by at least a decade and have an empty one-page place-holder serving as the Plan’s “Housing” section. Although the “Community Plan” was never legislated in any way, shape or form – VA Secretary Denis McDonough recently lied to the National Press by stating he signed the Plan… Yet is not responding to requests to provide a copy pf such signed plan to the Public or Press.

    It was announced in 2017-2018 that the cartel was awarded WLA VA Soldiers Home private redevelopment contracts by fiat via “Enhanced Use Leases”; none of which satisfied any of many Federally Codified prevailing authorities regarding Notice, Competition, Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Businesses, Congressionally Chartered VSOs and other statutes.

    As part of the cartel’s scheme to install itself into the ongoing criminal frauds – their entire purported basis for asserting their conspiracy was that the U.S. Federal Government could not afford to build the housing for homeless Veterans and thus their non-existent private financing was needed. Contrarily the land and funding for the entire steal has come from Taxpayers.

    Congress appropriated at least $500,000,000.00 for US DVA to *DIRECTLY* finance its housing, infrastructure and services facilities at WLA VA Soldiers Home since 2011. Other than for approximately $30,000,000.00 of the funds US DVA expensed to *DIRECTLY* contract for and develop 60-units of housing for homeless Veterans in Building 209 that was successfully completed and filled with tenants in 2015 and $75,000,000.00 recently misappropriated to finance “Design Drawings” for pharmacological research towers; none of the hundreds of millions of dollars appropriated have been Publicly accounted for as of yet.

    Please note, the aforementioned Public Funds are not part of WLA VA Soliders Home’s over $1,000,000,000.00 *Annual* Operating Budget. Since VA GLAHS’s long failing and barely operating services to Veterans at the WLA VA Soldiers Home are all run by private businesses and local governments and the Soldiers Home hospital’s annual operating budget is approximately $300,000,000 – most of the WLA VA Soldiers Home’s annual operating budget is also Publicly unaccounted for.

    None of the aforementioned Public Funds include the illegal land use agreements given to private businesses… Including Public lands illegally leased to and stolen by Brentwood School during former Los Angeles PLUM Chair, LA City Councilman and LA Metro Board Member Jose Huizar’s “Education Master Plan” scheme in 2016-2019. Huizar is expected to spend the remainder of his lifetime in Federal Prison after anticipated sentencing resulting from his current Federal RICO charges.

    CNN recently inquired with VA GLAHS executives Steven Braverman and Robert McKenrick during a Nationally Broadcast television interview about where all the unaccounted for Public Funds are, to which Robert McKenrick replied “they were stolen”. Mr. Braverman (also derogatorily known as “Penis Lips” by some Veterans Civil Rights advocates) made no additional comment clarifying McKenrick’s response during that moment of their interview together.

    In 2017, WLA VA Soldiers Home Building 209 and its fully subsidized homeless Veteran tenants was handed over to the cartel for 50-years, in exchange for an annual lease fee $1,650.00. One of the cartel accomplices to the steal, Shangri-La Construction Company – has never constructed anything at the building. Since the 2017 “TURNOVER”, Building 209 total units declined from 60 to 54.

    Last year WLA VA Soldiers Home Building 207 was illegally leased to the cartel for 75-years for no consideration. To clarify the definition of no consideration in this matter: the terms of the illegal deal require Federal Taxpayer to pay a lump sum of over $10,000,000.00 TO THE PRIVATE DEVELOPERS; from which the developers are currently expected to make amortized lease payments BACK TO THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT over the term… Yet another clause of said illegal agreement does expressly relieves the developers of their full enjoyment of the stolen Public Property in any event they don’t make the payments.

    No, this is not fiction – it’s the largest criminal Public Land Fraud Racket in recent U.S. History. Criminal convictions of cartel members, many Public Officials and related others are expected.

    Some coverage of the land frauds will air tonight on FOX 11 at 10 PM PT and then throughout Memorial Day on FOX.

    Feel free to email or call me with any questions and / or requests for credible, Official documents substantiating all key Facts mentioned herein.


    Ryan Thompson
    [email protected]



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