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    Goodbye Constitution Freedom America by Don Jans

    VC County Health Department Gives Disinformation Regarding Safety Of The So-Called Vaccine

    Column By Gloria, A Ventura County Resident

    During the Covid Report on May 18, 2021, Public Health official Mr. Vargas continues to spew out disinformation about the covid jab.  With a straight face he said the following: :   “all three vaccines are shown to be very safe and effective;  “with these vaccines, there is a 90%+ rate against a SERIOUS illness”; “its very effective in preventing DEATHS” ; “there’s been a dramatic drop in hospitalizations and deaths”; “no indication it causes sterilization”.    Let’s analyze why each of those statements are falsehoods. 

    How can the jab be safe and effective when according to the CDC’s VAERS system, from the year 2009 to 2019, the number of deaths caused by vaccines was less than 1600?   In contrast , In four months in 2021, there were 4000 deaths due to this injection!!!  That’s about 30 people dying every day.   We should all be outraged that Vargas continues with this deception.      Plus, we all know that this number is only 1%- 10% of actual deaths and adverse reactions, which means the numbers are likely vastly higher !! 

     Also, how can you say it is safe and effective when the safety trials don’t end until 2023?!!  And why are you hiding from the public that the animal trials had to be halted because all the animals died?  Also, just leaked:   “URGENT:  Connecticut Publishes Moderna Covid Vax Ingredients includes a DEADLY POISON called “SM-102” and labeled:  NOT FOR HUMAN OR VETERINARY USE”.

     He also gave misinformation about sterilization.   There have been a 366% increase in miscarriages from December 9, 2020, to March 7, 2021.   The jab’s synthetic spike protein is damaging the placenta.  (More on this in a separate public comment.)

     These statements clearly come from government-hired behavioral psychologists to coerce and manipulate public opinion to take the jab using deceit.   Talk is cheap,; where is the evidence?   VAERS proves the exact opposite?!!   

     Regarding private businesses, it is the chief responsibility and constitutional role of our government to protect the rights of the individual.    So, we expect you all to do your jobs!  


    The views and opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official position of Citizens Journal

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    3 years ago

    Obvious any vaxxer moron statements. Darwin will weed you anti vaxxers out.

    3 years ago

    Thankfully CJ has made it abundantly clear their “Columns” are to be read as biased opinion, not news and certainly not anything related to reality.

    Here’s the truth, straight from good old White, Conservative, God-Fearing, Trump-loving Gun-Toting Nebraska:

    3 years ago

    The article says the vaccine is safe. Thank you Jim

    Mike Smith
    Mike Smith
    3 years ago

    Five sentences; two claims; ZERO proof.

    Jim B.: All hat, no cattle.

    Mike Smith
    Mike Smith
    3 years ago
    Reply to  Mike Smith

    A few minutes of investigation are all that is needed, sir.

    The ‘expert’ analysis you linked to is belied by the fact no vaccine in circulation was tested exhaustively enough prior to release to the general public.

    You know, common sense is easily accessible, too. But you have to trust the science — not simply the ‘experts’ you agree with.

    3 years ago

    I reported that after the vaccine my hair turned purple and I grew a 3rd eye. Look it up

    Al X
    Al X
    3 years ago
    Reply to  Sally

    Maybe instead of lame jokes you could pull off your face nappy and try doing a little research – if you still have any capacity for independent thought. Seriously, you don’t have to stay scared in the dark.

    3 years ago
    Reply to  Al X

    Al, I started my research based on you link.

    W Goforth
    W Goforth
    3 years ago

    Dangerous and inaccurate reporting not to mention poor data analysis. It looks like a 5th grader did this. As a teacher I would say finish your research before you write such misguided information.

    Al X
    Al X
    3 years ago
    Reply to  W Goforth

    Maybe you could turn off the panic TV and start doing some independent research and critical thinking. You don’t have to keep getting played.

    3 years ago
    Reply to  W Goforth

    Sounds like you’re the 5th grader, troll. This is an opinion column. Do you even know the difference, or did you lose your way on the web on the way over from the Red Star web site?

    3 years ago

    You don’t know the difference between an opinion and a news article. This is labeled a column. Anyone past the third grade who reads knows that is opinion.

    The Citizens Journal clearly states at the close of the article that “The views and opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official position of Citizens Journal.”

    In any case. much of what is in this article will be eventually accepted as truth, because it is. I wish the author had cited her sources, because I know that much of it has already been verified.

    Al X
    Al X
    3 years ago
    Reply to  VCSurfer

    Verified everywhere outside of mainstream media. Doctors and scientists don’t risk reputations and careers to peddle garbage. People, WAKE UP. It’s all about vaccines hurting and killing people.

    3 years ago
    Reply to  VCSurfer

    I did read that in Israel, it was determined that young people are more likely to die with the “vaccine” than without it. For older people, it is more of a calculated risk. Long term effects are still unknown and testing is far from complete.

    Greg Albaugh
    3 years ago
    Reply to  VCSurfer

    Jim B,
    You are certainly filled with vitriol and certainty. This opinion piece was submitted by a citizen, hence “Citizens Journal” and it was not written by a staff writer at CJ. Being verbally abusive to our staff who publish this information for free, will not be tolerated and is an Asshole move.

    3 years ago
    Reply to  Greg Albaugh

    Name calling and censorship. Exactly what we all expect from “Citizens Opinion.”

    3 years ago
    Reply to  Greg Albaugh

    Johanna Caviezel is not the author of this article. The byline is “Gloria.” But maybe you are not capable of subtleties such as who wrote vs who posted an article.

    In any case, you are an obvious, crude troll clearly in violation of the terms of use. I wonder why CJ puts up with such crap.

    You still conflate opinion and news articles in your silly attacks. I don’t see any letters from you in other regional publications condemning incorrect opinion articles. They are loaded with them.

    3 years ago
    Reply to  VCSurfer

    Let’s put an end to the confusion and just call this publication Citizens Opinion.

    It’ll save a lot of virulence and “crude trolling” against our own neighbors in the comments of these obvious-to-some and not-so-obvious-to-others opinion pieces.

    Make Ventura County Great Again. Stop pissing all over each other. America has enough enemies on this planet, we don’t need to make each other the enemy too.

    So Cal Guy
    So Cal Guy
    3 years ago
    Reply to  Jesse

    Oh, the irony, “Jesse.” You are one of the worst trolls on this site.You are very divisive and always far left. Don’t you have anything else to do? Pathetic.

    3 years ago
    Reply to  So Cal Guy

    Back to name-calling. Way to go!

    Seriously, good for you.

    VC Surfer
    VC Surfer
    3 years ago
    Reply to  Jesse

    Not name calling, just accurate descriptions.

    VC Surfer
    VC Surfer
    3 years ago
    Reply to  VCSurfer

    This reply was intended for Jesse

    Al X
    Al X
    3 years ago

    Shame on you for believing all the BS and not thinking critically. Take off your mask and wake up.

    Al X
    Al X
    3 years ago
    Reply to  Al X

    Ad hominem attacks employed when out of mental ammo. Good one.

    Joseph Silverstein
    Joseph Silverstein
    3 years ago

    Answer: VAERS is self-reported. I can go in and say all 15 of my grandparents died from the vaccine. These “15 deaths9 now reside forever in VAERS.

    So what if someone has a bias against the vaccines for their own self-serving political aspirations and enters deaths even when there are none? What if 4,000 people across the US did this? Where is there any real evidence of 4,000 deaths beyond a self-reporting system that can be rigged by people like fruity (at least pre-conversion therapy) Wayne Allan Root?

    Al X
    Al X
    3 years ago

    Do some research. There are countless reports independently of VAERS. Why take the chance?

    Joseph Silverstein
    Joseph Silverstein
    3 years ago
    Reply to  Al X

    Nice link. So where are all these deaths, medically confirmed as caused by one of the many vaccines?

    How many of CJ’s readers personally know someone who died of the vaccine? I mean, beyond my Uncle Jethro and both of his sister wives.

    Al X
    Al X
    3 years ago

    Good read. The purposeful manipulation of PCR test cycle thresholds from the start to induce mass fear and panic throws condemnation on the entire pandemic narrative. Big Pharma and Fauci demonizing effective covid therapies to push for emergency use authorization of rushed vaccines is another red flag. EUA may only be granted if there are NO effective therapies which was bogus. Shielding all jab manufacturers from liability for adverse effects after inoculations? The evidence is all around us. Take your masks off, breathe deeply and do some research folks… WAKE UP to what’s going on. They want us DEAD!

    3 years ago

    Where is the evidence behind the numbers you are providing? Sounds like you are the one spreading disinformation…

    3 years ago
    Reply to  Chris

    Sadly CJ doesn’t require opinions to have an ounce of truth to them. They print opinions that folks pull out of the air or from a more sinister place.

    Al X
    Al X
    3 years ago
    Reply to  Sally

    Please read this article. We need many more people to understand just what is going on. It’s all right to change your mind. We can turn all this around. Research who the real criminals are.

    Al X
    Al X
    3 years ago
    Reply to  Al X

    Nothing political about my comments. I don’t go red or blue. Is your Pfizer shot acting up on you today? You know, long term studies indicate—wait there are none. Good luck with that stuff inside you.

    3 years ago
    Reply to  Sally

    Umm, none of the pubs require opinion columns to be verified. Just read the LA Times, Star, Acorn, VC Reporter, etc. and it is very evident.

    Dotty Pringle
    Dotty Pringle
    3 years ago
    Reply to  VCSurfer

    Some get their research from Nextdoor. Lol!!!

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