Ventura Water Billing Updates
The City of Ventura continually invests in water and wastewater systems to maintain safe and reliable services. In May 2021, City Council approved five-year water and wastewater rate increases needed to operate and maintain vital infrastructure and invest in forward-looking projects that:
- Repair and replace aging infrastructure
- Meet regulatory, environmental, and legal requirements
- Improve water quality
- Secure water supply
Beginning July 1, 2021, new water and wastewater rates will be implemented. The average Ventura household (utilizing 9 HCF) will see an average monthly increase of $7.76 increase on an annual basis over 5 years.
Additionally, Ventura Water is proud to announce its transition from bi-monthly to monthly billing. Moving forward, customers will receive a Ventura Water bill each month. This improvement will enhance transparency for our customers, allowing for better budgeting and water management.