Tuesday, July 16, 2024
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    Setting Brushfires of Freedom by Don Jans

    Video | Godspeak’s Attorney Speaks out on Hypocrisy of County Code Enforcers

    By Staff

    The County of Ventura filed a lawsuit against Godspeak Calvary in Newbury Park.  The complaint sites the church’s violation of Governor Newsom’s COVID 19 order to cease all indoor/in person services.  Godspeak’s worship services, which have been held every Sunday since Pentecost on May 31st, were not in compliance with an ever tightening, ever changing, state order on houses of worship.  In a phone call to Pastor Rob McCoy the county health director,  Rigoberto Vargas, warned McCoy to cease this activity or there would be legal consequences.  When the church did not comply with the order, the county filed a lawsuit and then sent code enforcers to Godspeak on August 9th and August 16th. 

    Robert Tyler from Advocates for Faith & Freedom, representing the church, addresses the county’s hypocrisy in sending out two code enforcers who sat in their vehicle not wearing masks and not social distancing from one another while they took photos of Godspeak congregants.


    Related article:

    Superior Court judge rules Godspeak Calvary in contempt; $3,000 fine; Ventura County drops sanctions against congregation members

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    Brian Kearsey
    Brian Kearsey
    3 years ago

    The hypocrisy is astounding but nothing new. Nobody with any sense of how gov’t bureaucracy tends to encourage the lower, animal nature of humans is surprised. How many gov’t workers lost any income during the shut down that cost so many livelihoods and businesses? How many taxpayers received rebates on their school taxes for the services they (over) paid for tht were not rendered?

    God’s hand is moving in all of this; the contrast between good and evil, Constitutional and unconstitutional gov’t is being brought into ever more clear focus. Everyone will be held responsible for their choice to stand and fight to restore our republic, to aid those tearing it down, or to stand on the sidelines and allow the evil to be perpetuated. The great news is that win or lose in this temporary system, those of us who shoulder our civic and moral duty will be eternally blessed!

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