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    Goodbye Constitution Freedom America by Don Jans

    Was that a Debate?



    By Michael Greer,

    Were you as uncomfortable as I was watching the debate last night? I was as upset over Trump’s performance as I was over Biden’s and Wallace’s. After the debate I watched Hannity and Ingraham’s and CNN’s panels.   
    Those on Hannity and Ingraham’s panels talked about the good points Trump made and the mistakes Biden made, which kind of walked me back from the ledge, but the CNN panels did nothing but say how awful it was. No specifics, just “Orange Man Bad”. All said there would or should be no more debates. This is VERY concerning to me because there are VERY important issues the media doesn’t report on that desperately need addressing. I’ll address them later.   
    Chris Wallace said before the debate that his job was to be invisible. He was hardly invisible. And I sincerely doubt anyone tuned in to see who followed the rules more closely. Wallace framed the questions to help Biden. He scolded Trump for interrupting but not Biden.  He changed the subject when a claim was made by Biden that required a response from Trump.   
    One of the first questions was about Charlottesville and Biden repeated the FALSE claim that Trump said the White Supremacists and KKK were “very fine people”. I was so disappointed Trump didn’t address it.  If I were an undecided voter that would have cemented in my mind that it was true.   
    I wish Trump had addressed his taxes differently too. I think all he had to do was ask Biden what he did that wasn’t legal. That he doesn’t do his own taxes, as he suspects Biden doesn’t, and the people who do their taxes follow the tax code….that Biden could have changed anytime in the last 47 years.   
    There were many issues that I wish Trump had answered differently. I questioned if he had done any debate prep. A reporter asked him a few days before the debate if he was doing debate prep. Trump said yes but he was busy running the country and that his press conferences were prep. He is surrounded by so many people that could have given him clearer ways of explaining himself.  
    For instance, when Biden said he was responsible for all the COVID deaths because he didn’t act soon enough, I wish he had said, “I’m not an expert in infectious diseases and neither are you. We would have gotten the same advice from the same people. The World Health Organization, the CDC, and the NIH. They ALL said we had no reason to change our behavior. Whose advice would you have taken, Joe, because when I went against everyone’s advice and shut down travel, you said I was a xenophobe and over reacting”. It wasn’t necessary to recount the number of PPE’s or ventilators he got to people.   
    I was also astounded at the way Chris Wallace asked Trump why he ended Critical Race Theory. Wallace knows what is in that training.  If he doesn’t, he shouldn’t be moderating. But he framed it as if it was simply about “racial sensitivity”. Why are you against “racial sensitivity”? Trump said it was racist, and it IS, but he should have given examples, like it says ALL White people are racist, it’s in their DNA, and they can’t change it.  It blames White people on every evil in the world. Wallace SHOULD have asked Biden how that sort of training would unite us instead of asking Trump why he ended it.   
    Biden didn’t help himself either, but the media ignores it. One of the most damaging things Biden did was refuse to say if he would pack the Supreme Court. After saying he believed the “people” should have a say in who the next Justice is, he refused to tell the “people” who he would nominate or if he would pack the court.  I guess you have to elect him to know who’s on his list.  I think in refusing to answer, he answered. Trump, rightfully, demanded he answer and Wallace said they had to move on. How convenient.   
    Once again Wallace protected the Democrat position saying “mail-in ballots” have been being used for years with out problems, not differentiating between “mail-in” and “absentee” ballots. Not mentioning they have never been used in such huge numbers in past elections.   
    Wallace didn’t point out that “mail-in” ballots are sent to EVERY registered voter and most voter rolls haven’t been purged of dead voters, people who moved, double registrations, illegal aliens, etc. Not mentioning the recent obvious problems with “mail-in” ballots in the primaries. Not mentioning the problems being reported right now and the harvesting fraud.  Having no perspective on the dangers of “mail-in” ballots made Trump’s response look defensive.   
    Biden blamed the COVID “recession” on Trump and Wallace let him. Wallace should have asked Biden how his proposal to lock down the country AGAIN would end the recession or help the economy.  And Trump should have said he only locked down the country for 15 days to not overwhelm hospitals and it was Democrat Governors who kept us locked down. Trump should have pointed out not all states locked down and had no more deaths than those that did.   
    Biden’s website has the Green New Deal on it and yet he said he wasn’t for it.  If I remember correctly ALL the Democrat candidates were asked if they were for the Green New Deal and ALL said they were. Biden met with Bernie Sanders and Bernie said Biden agreed to support Bernie’s positions. Bernie told reporters Biden would be the “most progressive President” in history. Wallace didn’t ask about that.   
    Some of the other obvious Biden red flags that an honest media should be talking about was Biden’s refusal to say he was for “law and order”; that no police unions support him; that he said ANTIFA was an “idea” not an organization; Biden saying the $3.5 million paid to Hunter by the wife of the Moscow Mayor was debunked with NO follow up questions from Wallace. Don’t you think those issues required more explanation?  
    When Biden looked at the camera and reached out to “the people” and asked about the empty chair at their table due to COVID, I wanted Trump to ask about the empty chair due to suicide because of being locked down.  
    When the debate ended, I was sure the Democrats would say there should be no more debates, and I was right. I sincerely doubt there will be another…..and there needs to be. There are SO many really important issues people NEED answers to.   
    The Elephant in the room was the recently released emails, letters, hand written notes that say Russians warned the FBI in June, 2016 that Hillary Clinton was paying for disinformation to claim Trump was colluding with them. That Brennan (confirmed in his hand written notes) briefed Obama about this.  This is the biggest scandal in history. This was an attempted coup. This HAS to be covered.   
    We have texts and emails between FBI agents about the framing of General Flynn, wondering what the HELL was going on and proof that Biden was in the middle of it, suggesting they use the Logan Act. When Trump is the only one talking about it, the media won’t report it, and there are no debate questions about it, people don’t believe it.   
    Two of the most important issues for “suburban women” are school choice and ending single-family zoning. Biden promised he would ban Charter and Private schools. He has said he would end single-family zoning nationwide and build low-income housing in suburbs. Since the media doesn’t ask Biden about these issues they NEED to be addressed in debates.   
    And will Biden end the Electoral College, pack the Supreme Court, end the filibuster, amnesty the 30, 40 million illegal aliens, take down the border wall, support making DC and Puerto Rio states?   
    This morning as I was drinking my coffee there was a clip of Biden on the radio saying he was for the ‘working man”.  I nearly did a spit take. This lock down has hurt the “working man” the most. It’s the small businesses that will never open again that will make the “working man” dependent on government and Biden threatens to lock us down AGAIN.  What small business is going to risk opening if they know the government can shut them down at any time?   
    This is the most important election in our history. It will determine if America remains a Republic or becomes a Socialist country. Biden will change this county into something it never was….and that is why they want no more questions or debates.   
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    Michael Greer

    Michael Greer retired from the film/television industry and is the co-organizer of the Santa Monica Tea Party and the Los Angeles Tea Party, on the board of directors of the Citizens’ Alliance for Property Rights and was a member of the Republican Central Committee for the 41st Assembly District.  Her website is:



    The views and opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official position of Citizens Journal.

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    Doug Sinclair
    Doug Sinclair
    3 years ago

    Agree 100% with every point you made…

    Suggest President Trump contact you to coach him on debate prep…

    I fear that his ego is preventing him from adequately preparing and he thinks he can wing it…

    Tuesday proved he CANNOT….

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