Monday, July 15, 2024
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    The Road to Tyranny by Don Jans

    What The WHO…?

    Our Stand: At-A-Glance

    • The WHO is creating the public health equivalent of a “one world government” yet they don’t have the authority to override the Constitution of the United States, nor its national sovereignty. For more details see below.
    • A Pandemic Treaty could pave the way for an initiative like the Good Health Pass, described by Tony Blair as an “internationally-recognized system of health passes” for world travelers.
    • If you believe in bodily sovereignty, parental rights, and informed consent, you must stand up now and let your voice be heard.
    • Our membership in the WHO doesn’t give this globalist organization the right to violate our civil liberties, human rights, and medical freedom.


    To President Joseph Biden Jr.; and to the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives; and to individuals serving in the US Congress; and to Linda Thomas-Greenfield, US Ambassador to the United Nations; and to the Secretary of US Health and Human Services:

    Member States of the WHO have begun negotiations for a global Pandemic Treaty, on track to be legally binding through adoption at the 77th World Health Assembly in May 2024. At an unprecedented special session in November, 2021, the Assembly voted to create an Intergovernmental Negotiating Body to strengthen the authority of WHO governance of global health responses.

    The undersigned citizens of the US strongly oppose any involvement in a treaty, agreement, or other legally binding global document that would hinder US sovereignty in any area, but especially public health. We oppose policies that require US citizens to take actions directed by a global body in the context of health that also impacts the freedom of travel and trade. We also oppose the inevitable sharing of private health data that underlies the functionality of increased global responses.

    It’s dangerous to allow a global agreement to rule the American people in a time of crisis. Additionally, it’s imperative that each nation and territory retain their individual sovereignty especially during times of emergency so that the entire global community can be protected.

    The undersigned respectfully request the US decline to participate in such an agreement. The US government should demand transparency, including a public discussion period, from the INB in their negotiations for a global health agreement. If such agreement is adopted, the US must immediately opt-out, as is our right under the WHO Constitution.

    Please stand with the American people and keep health at home and stop a global WHO power grab for financing, private health data, and authority.

    For the full story click here

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