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    The Road to Tyranny by Don Jans

    When Will It All End?



    By Richard Eber

    With less than Fifty days left before the Presidential election, I am suffering from an acute case of burn-out from all the B.S. that is emanating from both sides of the cesspool of Washington D.C.

    Each day my inbox is filled with dozens of pleas to “chip in” for various causes and candidates.  At the same time I am supposed to be signing petitions, taking polls, and giving opinions on a myriad of subjects. This constant barrage from the Left and Right is leaving me crazy with no known remedy to counter acute depression until Election Day comes.

    Why these politicians and their Political Action Committees. (PACS) send me messages is crazy.  I’m neither wealthy nor inclined to sign Stairway to Heaven petitions that will never be sent.  As an example why should Attorney General Bill Barr resign because 21 Democrats from my 94520 zip code dislike his job performance?  I can just envision such a scene where Barr steps down because Democratic advisories collected enough petitions to convince him to abandon his post. Right!

    A similar strategy was utilized during the Impeachment proceedings to convince the President to resign.  While those on the left have no problems to use such tactics (normally just to raise funds), such intimidation is characteristic of totalitarian regimes trying to limit the actions of their opponents.

    A good example is the recent plea I received Please, Richard. Sign our URGENT petition to FIRE Tucker Carlson get him off the air once and for all.  I thought the best way to rid ourselves of media personalities we dislike is by tuning them off.  Apparently not.   Despite my distain for Progressive commentators Don Lemon, Chuck Todd, and Rachael Maddow, I would never advocate they be fired because of my disagreements with them,

    In reality Tucker Carlson haters are trying to step on his and my first amendment right to free speech.  Such bullying tactics sounds like what Hugo Chavez or Vladimir Putin might incorporate to stifle their opponents.

    The personal attacks on opponent’s character might be a good reason why few individuals want to enter public service in the first place.  Highly indicative of such conduct is the vitriol then Supreme Court candidate Brett Kavanaugh faced during his confirmation hearings.  A distinguished career trashed by a group of Progressive Senators who equate being conservative with being guilty of committing a hate crime.

    Typical is Republican Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell who during the Russian probe was  called “Moscow Mitch”, by the Leftist news media, has had his personal character attacked virtually  every day by hundreds of emails from Democratic PACS.

    These are the same groups who crusade to overturn the Citizens United decision pertaining to campaign finance.  At the same time they think received unaccountable funds from the likes of George Soros is perfectly OK.  Truth is determined which side of the political ledger one might reside,

    Hypocrisy reigns supreme!

    But as the saying goes, anything for a buck.  Making up ridiculous charges just to raise money for political campaigns has reached  the point of absurdity. A popular theme today is that the President wants to shutdown the US Post Office because he does not desire voters to cast absentee ballots via the mail.

    If the truth be known, the past three Presidents prior to Trump have tried to reform and modernize the way mail is delivered.  But since Trump has been in charge, his actions are taken by the bigoted Blue Media to be part of a vast conspiracy to steal the 2020 election from Democrats.

    Facts don’t seem to matter.  It is hoped that if a massive amount of dirt is thrown at a wall, the charges must be true.  Whether it is this nonsense with the Post Office or the phony Russian Conspiracy charges investigated by Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler in the House, the scorched earth policies of Democrats in Washington D.C. seems to be never ending.

    Reality does not matter.  A recent poster child for totally flawed thinking comes from a fundraising pitch to abolish the Electoral College.  It is well known that this institution, which is written into the Constitution, cannot be overturned without two thirds of the States agreeing to do so.

    In spite of this an email was sent out which read

    Elizabeth Warren is calling for the END of the Electoral College!!


    (If you’re with her, click the button below to rush a 4X MATCHED donation to abolish the Electoral College)

    This message never states that the Senator from Massachusetts has no power to use popular vote to elect a President.  It also fails to mention that the Electoral College was used as a vehicle by the Founding Fathers to insure large states did not decide the Presidency by excluding less populated areas of the country from participating in the process in a meaningful way. If the Electoral College is eliminated, candidates would never have to leave big cities to attract votes. 

    Is this form of diversity desirable?

    Also to be examined; who are the parties in this email responsible for providing  matching donations by amounts  of 2,3,4, or even 10 times to raise more money for the cause?  Are these decent people or part of Swamp?  Will all be lost if people like me don’t “chip in?

     Such a stupid notion is about on the same level as thinking signing a petition with a partisan political group will influence public policy.  The same thing goes for the unending number of fake political polls that I receive from both sides each day.  With all the intellect of the question, “Who was buried in Grant’s Tomb”, such communications are just another feeble attempt at fundraising.

    It is no wonder that I fail to open emails from Emily’s List, Fight for Reform, Daily Kos, Donald Trump, Joe Biden, Lara Trump. Etc…   Virtually everything I receive is filled with hatred and attempts to extract my hard earned money to support a bunch of political hacks of every political persuasion.

    When will this nightmare ever end?  Democrats are hoping that with the election of Joe Biden, a sense of normalcy will return to the land. Supporters of Donald Trump think just the opposite. Hopefully, everything will be settled on November 3rd and the country will move on as it always has following every Presidential election in our history.


    Richard Eber studied journalism at the University of Oregon. He writes about politics, culture, education restaurants, and was former city and sports editor of UCSB Daily. Richard is president of Amerasa Rapid Transit, a specialized freight forwarder.

    The views and opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official position of Citizens Journal.

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